This is the Message Centre for Lemony

Welcome newbie

Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hismiley - smiley
Jazz brought you up and said I might like to say hi.
He was right!
You look like a very interesting and compassionate person.
Come by my page and say hello sometime, just click on my name.
Visiting personal pages are a good way to get to know folks.
You'll find links to common areas and discussions and some more friendly people on my page.
If you let folks know you are new (newbie) you'll get lots of hand holding IF you need it. Maybe you don'tsmiley - winkeyeso I will not assume.
Have fun.
Oh yeah! If it applies and you celebrate-
smiley - hollyHave a Merry Christmas!smiley - holly

Welcome newbie

Post 2


Hi abbi

I've just visited your very colourful presonal space.

smiley - snowman
Happy Christmas to you to smiley - holly
Enjoysmiley - smiley

Wow, you've had loads of pets.
We have two cats, who we have just let outside today after moving recently and we have no idea where they are now! smiley - catsmiley - cat

Well thanks for getting in touch, it's really great to meet new people.
Lets keep in touchsmiley - cheerup

Welcome newbie

Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hope the kitties are home by now and only tired from exploring their new area!smiley - tit

Thanks for welcoming me too come back and visit againsmiley - smiley
I think you will meet lots of good people here with their brains and hearts in gear.
smiley - holly

Welcome newbie

Post 4


The cats came home and we were so proud of them!

No killings smiley - titsmiley - mouse as yet!

I think they are having fun. smiley - cat

Welcome newbie

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Oh good the kitties are home!smiley - biggrin
They probably know more about the new neighborhood at this moment than you do! Too bad they do not talksmiley - winkeye

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