This is the Message Centre for Merkin

Jetting around

Post 61


Who came, in the end.


Jetting around

Post 62


Now we're computing by candlelight. smiley - winkeye


New one (for after you finish mine smiley - winkeye):

A Fool and his feline friend, Puff

Jetting around

Post 63


Both grew a thick layer of fluff

Jetting around

Post 64


Looking quite the fright.

happy mouse squeals of delight please smiley - winkeye

Jetting around

Post 65


They thought it was suave

Jetting around

Post 66


To live in the Algarve


Jetting around

Post 67


When really it's just not enough


When I stubbed my pinky toe

Jetting around

Post 68


It really was a blow


Jetting around

Post 69


It filled with puss

Jetting around

Post 70


It turned black and blue

Jetting around

Post 71


And alarmingly grew

Jetting around

Post 72


So huge it got covered with snow


"Oh my God!" clucked the chicken in fright

Jetting around

Post 73


As it spotted a horrific sight,


Hey! I stubbed my pinky toe and broke it on Monday. Strange how H2G2 imitates life. And yes, it does hurt.

Jetting around

Post 74


Just over the road


Limmerick Joining : )

Post 75


In a pie a la mode

(I like this place - I think I'll come back : )

Limmerick Joining : )

Post 76


his chicks pastried up nice and tight.

Glad you've found it Nilchii, it makes a pleasant interlude between the more hardcore forums. smiley - smiley


A rosy cheeked lassie from Dorset

Limmerick Joining : )

Post 77


Said to her god, "Gimme more, Set"

Limmerick Joining : )

Post 78

Fate Amenable To Change

"More what?", Set replied

Limmerick Joining : )

Post 79

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Mouth ajar, eyes open wide

Limmerick Joining : )

Post 80


Said the lass, "give me what I should get."

New start:
While reading a boring text book

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