This is the Message Centre for Merkin

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 21


And then he canned it
(No I don't know why.smiley - smiley)

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 22


The size Grand Quaker's Deep.

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 23


He yelped and it echoed

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 24


With binoculars came,
A good-looking dame,
And spotted the rosy red rash. smiley - winkeye

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 25



A buxom young girl from Seville

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 26


And wrinkled his nose as he past. smiley - winkeye

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 27


Who otherwise looked like Deville smiley - winkeye

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 28


Went shopping for ham

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 29


And came home with Spam

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 30


And got quite hispanically ill.

This one's going out to MadK - or should that be his "friend"? smiley - smiley

A limerick writer called Killingworth
Got stuck, and could not add his shillingsworth
His colleagues in rhyme
Devoted their time
But could only come up with this thrilling verthe. smiley - smiley

Normal service will now be resumed...

A postman from Southend-on-Sea

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 31


Had a penchant for crackers with Brie

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 32


Sometimes with gouda


Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 33


They crunched even louder

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 34


And with Stilton, they holler "Yippee!"


I'm back. Thanks to D.O. for a brilliant limerick, particularly "thrilling verthe" - thtupendouth!

If you thought I was slacking, you should know I'm only able to get on-line between lunchtime and early evening - and even then I have a real-time news service to run! So contributions maybe infrequent (sighs of relief).


"Angelina," he said, with a grin...

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 35


You're looking remarkably thin

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 36


But I love my girls scrawny

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 37


Tempting and tawny

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 38


So, although it sounds corny

Avoided the very obvious rhyme there... smiley - smiley

Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 39


Even though it might be square


Limericks 8 - Yes 8

Post 40


And tainted with just enough sin.

Well, it needed something that rhymed smiley - winkeye

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