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Roses are flowers.

Post 2161

Trin Tragula

(Need a really big bushy job if you're going to be hosting whole puds though)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2162


(Which is why you should start growing now so it's ready for your move to Yorkshireland).

Roses are flowers.

Post 2163

Trin Tragula

(Would I need to hoard beard puds in Yorkshireland? I thought there were loads of them gallumphing round the streets and trying to get on buses? smiley - huh)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2164


(Oh there are but, y'know ... I'm there. Likelihood of pud spotting is decreased massively by that fact).

Roses are flowers.

Post 2165

Mrs Bojangles

Very much a sconner, mumsy was pretty emphatic about that onesmiley - rolleyes

Tell me something oh telly guru...when's Heroes next on. Watched all the catchy up thing over the weekend (Totally fab and groovy ot was by the boosmiley - wow) and then fell asleep 5 minutes into the new ones last nightsmiley - cross

Oh, and didn't make the youtube silliness public cos of sidewaysness, I'll go put them public in a bit so's you can see. They are ver', ver' silly though and probably only entertaining to you'll be able to tell from the Mutley laugh I seem to have developedsmiley - erm

smiley - run

Roses are flowers.

Post 2166

Trin Tragula

(All the pud makers must double their output in readiness for my arrival - only then will there be enough to go around smiley - drool)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2167

Trin Tragula

Heroes from last night, the 9 o'clocky one, is on again in about half an hour on bebekeder smiley - smiley

(I just happened to spot that - as the telly guru's apprentice smiley - biggrin)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2168


Bah. You poshies. smiley - rolleyes

Yay! You're an addictypants! smiley - somersault Wednesday night. It's repeated later on at night sometime but I can't remember which day. smiley - erm

Roses are flowers.

Post 2169


There you go. smiley - biggrin

(Excellent. I can sit back from now on and ... smiley - yawn)

Gonna go do sloops.

Night night. smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2170

Trin Tragula

Night night sugarquack smiley - smooch

Roses are flowers.

Post 2171

Mrs Bojangles


I'd asked him to bring me in his laundry basket, and this was the result.

To continue the Dr Who theme, he then got my laundry basket

Don't judge me okaysmiley - rolleyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2172

Mrs Bojangles

Ooohooo, apprentice telly guru eh? Right, so the 6 months one last night, is on again tonight yes? But there were two more episodes on Bebecaca twa last night, were they new ones? Will I get to see them again?smiley - cry

Oh pooh, but it's only early o'clocksmiley - sadface

N'night Droppysconsmiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2173

Trin Tragula

You live in sidewaysey land! smiley - wow

Why you're worrying about boring old telly with in-house entertainment of that quality I don't know smiley - boing

Er, yes, but you'll have to be patient smiley - erm

(It's when you wait for things without throwing things, you know, like saints and the unconscious.)

They'll be the next two nine o'clockies on der.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2174

Mrs Bojangles

I wish I did live in Sidewaysey land, and it wasn't because I don't know which way up to hold mobiley tefelomessmiley - senior

Yerrs! Well, clearly *I* find him funny and the 20 cigs a day habit has brought on that chesty laugh nicelysmiley - boing

Ah, gotcha, so bebecaca twa are doing a Ectoplasm cat type thingmy and showing episodes in advance?

So, when do we get to see Lost?smiley - bigeyes

Patience? Je? How long have you known me nowsmiley - rolleyes

Oooh smiley OD!

Roses are flowers.

Post 2175

Trin Tragula

That's a good point - where the blummin' flip is Lost? smiley - cross

That's a bit of a bummer - there must be a point where the normal ones catch up with the extra ones and, with a bit of video magic, you could get up to date. Hmmmm...

Roses are flowers.

Post 2176

Mrs Bojangles

Exatomelly! I'm sure Footie said it would be about now it would be back onsmiley - cross

Gawd bless vidayossmiley - brave

It's a top programme though, glad they did the catchy up thing t'other night else I might never have got addicted. Hiro, n'aaaawwwwwsmiley - loveblush

How be ye anyway? Feeling any less grumplebummy? I take it we don't know if you've got a top Boff job yet or not? smiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2177

Trin Tragula

I am a lot less grumplebummy now, yes, although not for any particular reason smiley - smiley Still waiting smiley - rolleyes

I'm going to have to flump smiley - yawn

Oo! Just thought - if they've run one catch-up weekend there's bound to be another smiley - bigeyes

Night night Mrs Sideways smiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2178

Mrs Bojangles

Less grumplebummmy is good whatever and whyever, don't question it, else the head gremlins might come backsmiley - monster

Bah! Wha's wrong with these Boffs, can't they see your fantabulousness?smiley - cross You did rememer to send a cake and 'wiches off for them with your application didn't you?

Hope sosmiley - smiley

N'night UberBoffsmiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2179

Mrs Bojangles


You could have told me ordering an ADSL hubbidybub would be no use to someone with a cable doofer.smiley - flustered

So, after a few seconds of excitedness, and frantic parcel opening, I'm just grateful that alongside the 'ADSL' it happened to have (for tefelome connections only) otherwise I'd have had it out of the box and tried setting it up and lost any chance of trying to return the damn thing. Any road, the catalogue I bought it from doesn't do cable hubbidybubs, so it's parcelled back up and awaiting collectionsmiley - cry

Why am I so pants?smiley - sadface

Well, no non wireyness for me just yet. Just having a look again at other hubbidybubs in other places and I'm completely clueless all over again.

HELP!smiley - wah

Roses are flowers.

Post 2180


N'awwww. smiley - hug

You smell. smiley - cheerup

My head isn't working: what's a cable doofer? smiley - huh And what hubbidybub did you order?

Everything's all right and it's all going to be fine because everything's okay. smiley - zen

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