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Roses are flowers.

Post 2181

Mrs Bojangles

N'aawww fankssmiley - blush

Cable Doofer = Cable broadband Doodah connection as opposed to tefelome interweb connection.smiley - geek

Ordered this'un

No it's not! Want non wireyness and want it now!smiley - cross

Was just about to go and ask Croz about those pluggy in things I asked you about earlier this year, think he'll mind getting hassled about puter stuff?smiley - erm

Roses are flowers.

Post 2182


I know diddly squat about cable doofers. smiley - lurk

How do they work? It plugs into a USB port and then it goes where?

smiley - rolleyes Sit down and eat biccies 'til you get non wireyness.

He's your best bet for an answer that makes sense and will help. smiley - biggrin

Sorry. I'm rubbish. smiley - sadface

Roses are flowers.

Post 2183

Mrs Bojangles

Me neither, it all seems so horribly complicatedsmiley - lurk

Er, dunno, see abovesmiley - erm

Been eating biccies all day and nothing's happened.

You're not rubbishsmiley - cuddleMental, but not rubbish.

Gonna go pester Crozsmiley - run

How be ye by the boo? What for hast thou been doingsteth?

Roses are flowers.

Post 2184


Tossing it off! smiley - wow

Couldn't be buggered all day so I've just been playing. I stared intently at my bosses head, ate three packets of crisps one after the other, threw papers in the air as if it was money, let a sales person read off of a piece of paper for 10 minutes nonstop while friend pulled faces to make me laugh and then told him I wasn't interested. Then me and boss pretended to be meerkats, did Kath and Kim impressions for a bit and ended the afternoon with impressions of a shop assistant.

Funfunfun. smiley - boing

Roses are flowers.

Post 2185

Mrs Bojangles

I beg your pardon?smiley - bigeyes

Well surely they can't expect you to get up early in the morning, travel all the way there and actually expect you to worksmiley - rolleyes
Does sound like you have a real hoot at work when it's not being rubbishly stressy.

I have been eating biscuits, ah, already told you that...uummm, ooh, got furballed on by the cat earlier. That was funsmiley - erm

Roses are flowers.

Post 2186


Purveyor of filth! smiley - yikes

There were rubbish people on the bus playing speedgaragedancejazzfunk on their mobile phones loudly on the way home. I'm gonna get a trilby, a mucky coat and grow a beard so I can be grumpy to them next time. smiley - smiley

Had she had anything tasty to eat? smiley - drool

Has Croz replied yet? Go and poke him. smiley - boing

Roses are flowers.

Post 2187

Mrs Bojangles

Fnur! *rubs knees*smiley - evilgrin

I hate those rubbish people. There's usually a half dozen or more of them playing all their various smiley - musicalnoteGonna shank you big style cuz, Ooh bebe you my ho, Let's dis da Fuzz, Innit thosmiley - musicalnote type stuff at the same time. It drives me mental, but they're all to scary, so I just keep quiet and tut inaudibly like everyone else.

*inspects trouser leg*

There's definitely biskwee de chat residue and *sniff* the non too faint aroma of last nights Coleysmiley - ill

Shan't poke him, he might be trying to ignore me and hope I go awaysmiley - biggrin

Roses are flowers.

Post 2188


Phwoar. Ooh aye, missus. smiley - bigeyes

And pretend they aren't really there too. Like you do with monsters under the bed, only they don't have thongs hanging out, cider dribbling down their chins and exploded faces.

Those people are scarier than monsters under the bed. smiley - lurk

Could you send me your trousers?

I wouldn't be surprised. You have caused an awful stench over on his PS. smiley - smiley

Teatimeteatime. smiley - hugsmiley - run

Roses are flowers.

Post 2189

Mrs Bojangles

I generally try to look aout 3' taller and ver' ver' hard in a non threatening please don't hit me wussy oompa kinda waysmiley - smiley

I was thinking of popping them in a casserole with yesterdays toast and jams and toothpaste splattered jimjams, so I'll send some up to you in a tupperwaresmiley - cheerup

I saved my extra special smells for himsmiley - loveblush

Ta ta the noosmiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2190

Mrs Bojangles


Tuna pasta with sneezies for lunch?smiley - chef

Roses are flowers.

Post 2191

Mrs Bojangles


smiley - erm

Bogie fajita?smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2192

Mrs Bojangles

Alright! Alright!

Poo Trews cassoulet it issmiley - rolleyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2193





smiley - whistle


Perfect! Old poo trew cassouwotsit! smiley - drool

Roses are flowers.

Post 2194

Mrs Bojangles

Oh it always tastes best the day after anyway, also gives it time to get that nice crunchy film set on the topsmiley - drool

smiley - ill

Roses are flowers.

Post 2195


Pah! You wimp! See through your ugly food fantasies. smiley - tongueout

It's been left on the windowsil. Poo trew sweat. smiley - drool

Roses are flowers.

Post 2196

Mrs Bojangles

There really isn't anything that grosses you out is there?smiley - biggrin

Roses are flowers.

Post 2197


Oh, plenty of stuff.

Dusty cups make me heave. And a shoe soaked in petroleum jelly is ... actually, that sounds quite tasty. smiley - smiley

Mmmmm. Minty spider. smiley - drool

Roses are flowers.

Post 2198

Mrs Bojangles

I'm struggling to think of instances where you'd have petroleum jelly soaked shoes and for why?smiley - huh

I suppose all those little spidey legs would help get all the inbetweeny bits of food out of your teethsmiley - smiley

smiley - ill

I once dressed up as a tumour for a bad taste party years n' yonks ago. Dyed loads of little cauliflower florets red and stitched them onto a swimming capsmiley - biggrin

Roses are flowers.

Post 2199


It's for on those days when there's nothing in the fridge and experiments occur. smiley - scientist

That's horrible. Cauliflower, eurgh. smiley - yuk

Roses are flowers.

Post 2200

Mrs Bojangles

Ofcoursesmiley - doh

Curiously enough, not that many at the party approved...frankly, I found their lack of imagination in dressing up in their nan's polyester dresses much more disturbingsmiley - crossNo likey cauliflower sneeze?smiley - drool

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