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Roses are flowers.

Post 2221

Trin Tragula

Two weeks ago for me too. I think Mrs B's weird


smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

And one for luck...

smiley - smooch

Roses are flowers.

Post 2222


smiley - runsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

You're back! smiley - magic

Roses are flowers.

Post 2223

Trin Tragula

Hello pickle smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

Sort of had a better day today. Felling more chipper. Thought I'd better scoot along and see what was occurring. And make up for lost time.

(It was a bunny but it was a bit too wobbly smiley - cry)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2224


Got lots of rottenness out the way? smiley - cheerup

(Fizzy popped jelly. smiley - bigeyes)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2225

Trin Tragula

Not really, no smiley - erm Still mighty rubbished. Just coping a bit better than I was last week.

Presently relaxing with hospital floppiness. It's supposed to be an edge of the seat job tonight smiley - bigeyes

You been all right? smiley - hug Any more jumping?

Roses are flowers.

Post 2226

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - run

Yaysmiley - somersault

Lo!smiley - cuddle

I think Mrs B's weird toosmiley - shhh

I'll be glad when the jelly obsession is oversmiley - ill

Roses are flowers.

Post 2227

Trin Tragula

Woah! smiley - yikes Extraordinary floppiness! smiley - lurk

Roses are flowers.

Post 2228

Trin Tragula

Lo! smiley - cuddle

That's all five of us then smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2229


I've fallen out with telly. Was looking forward to flumping in front of bebekecat for an hour, got half way through the Conchords and Freeview went pixellated. smiley - cross

Okay. smiley - smiley Nope, no jumping.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2230


You forgot about the seven billion squillion flants.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2231

Trin Tragula

Rubbish pixellation smiley - cross I'd give it a hefty kick if I was you.

smiley - eureka

Or get someone else to do it. Toesies.

That's all seven billion squillion and five of us then smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2232

Mrs Bojangles

Blimey. Death by nose pinch. Very Cosa Nostrasmiley - erm

Roses are flowers.

Post 2233

Trin Tragula

I can't believe Christopher's dead smiley - cry That's like... too much.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2234

Mrs Bojangles

Freeview does seem to be pretty pants, himself's hardly ever workssmiley - cross

Roses are flowers.

Post 2235

Mrs Bojangles

Live by the snozzle pinching, die by the snozzle pinchingsmiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2236

Trin Tragula

And there was a lot of snozzle to pinch.

Well... he sleeps with the fishies.

Hope they don't hog the duvet.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2237


Is that a type of car? smiley - silly

I like the hootoo floppiness reports: it's so much less confusing than actually watching the show.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2238

Trin Tragula

Less gory too smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2239

Mrs Bojangles

And much less swearysmiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2240

Trin Tragula

Very smiley - bleeping much so smiley - smiley

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