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Roses are flowers.

Post 2201


But it was a bad taste party. What did they expect? smiley - huh

No. smiley - ill

Things and things and other things. smiley - hugsmiley - run

Roses are flowers.

Post 2202

Mrs Bojangles

Aha! Found your Achilles doodahsmiley - evilgrin

Fraidy has a total box obsession. Anything remotely boxy, she'll sit in it or on it, even the cardboard inserts out of packaging thingys. Yesterday, I was unpacking shelves, the boxes they came in are no more than 2" high...I spotted movement and the presence of a little black snozzle poking out of one - rolleyes

Later thingssmiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2203


N'awwww. smiley - biggrin

Gotta go find a box. smiley - run

Roses are flowers.

Post 2204

Mrs Bojangles


New game!smiley - boing

You have to dip your lips in hundreds and thousands and last not do lickys wins.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2205



I win! smiley - boing

Hello. smiley - biggrin

WHat'cha been doin'?

Roses are flowers.

Post 2206

Mrs Bojangles

Bah! Bet you cheatedsmiley - cross

Lo!smiley - biggrin

Nuffin much. Did supermarkey shopping for the first time in ages, cos the online shop put their delivery prices up. Next week I shall mostly be paying the inflated delivery charge. I hate supermarket shopping.smiley - cross

Oh and watching Sleepy Hollow...againsmiley - erm


Roses are flowers.

Post 2207


Blummin' inflation and whatnot and things. smiley - cross Throw peas at them!

I saw that in the telly guide earlier and was thinking that it's been repeated so many times. I've still not watched the whole thing.

Drinking! And watching exorcisms. smiley - biggrin

Y'alright chuckledoo? smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2208

Mrs Bojangles

Seems that this and Fifth Element are on a continuous loop the last few months.

Ah, nutter tvsmiley - biggrin

Yeah, I'm alreet lass. Actually, think I might be slowly exorcising the pesky head gremlins at last, 'bout time n'allsmiley - cross

How be thee? Good times ahoy?smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2209


Thank King Flant for that, eh. smiley - hug

Okay. The head gremlins have been poking their heads around the door for the last couple of days. They're not sure whether to come in or carry on watching telly in the other room. It must be yours that have come roond. smiley - cross

Still, nutters are grand. The Rev's gonna beat someboday over the head with a book after the break. smiley - boing

Roses are flowers.

Post 2210

Mrs Bojangles

Ooh, I don't think they are my ones. Mine didn't think twice about breaking and entering and causing acts of mindless vandalismsmiley - cross

Yours sound a bit more civilised, maybe if you take them in a tray of biscuits and milk shakes they might forget about yousmiley - smiley

Or alternatively, fizzy pop them into oblivionsmiley - cheerup

I can't believe people actually believe that guysmiley - bigeyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2211


They are quite. They did make me do the tidying up earlier though. smiley - cross

That's the method I've been testing. It's been working so far. smiley - smiley

You mean that you don't believe him? Why ever not? smiley - bigeyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2212

Mrs Bojangles

Tidy head gremlins? The smiley - bleepssmiley - cross

I was howling last week when the woman was 'possessed' by the demon that made her look like the boy from Different Strokes...half expected her to say 'what choo talkin' about exorcist?'smiley - biggrin

Roses are flowers.

Post 2213


I know! smiley - steam

smiley - laugh I liked the bit where the Rev was doing a voiceover saying how he was sure she was possessed by a demon while she was sulking about not having anything to wear to her exorcism. smiley - biggrin

Roses are flowers.

Post 2214

Mrs Bojangles

Could you imagine trying to keep a straight face?smiley - biggrin

I've mentioned before that my mum went along to a couple of tarot doodahs and mediums etc. It was a typically Blackpool landlady thing to do...sort of took off where bingo left kinda thing. Anyway, she was an intelligent woman and not at all suckered in by these shenanigans, but she'd go along for the craic. My mum was also a terrible giggler.

This one time, she went to see a spiritualist and as the medium was asking her all the usual leading questions and my mum was rolling her eyes...the spiritualist suddenly burst out laughing and turned to her side and started to talking to someone who wasn't there. She kept doing it throughout the session and eventually told my mum that the spirits were telling her jokes and stories. She then started having an argument with them and was telling them off for putting her this point my mum couldn't stifle her giggles and left the room roaring with laughtersmiley - biggrin

The end.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2215


God, I'd love to have a go so I could play being demented and have the chance to give him a slap and swear at him. smiley - biggrin

smiley - biggrin I nearly went to see one once, but we didn't confirm and she double-booked. How didn't she know we were gonna come? smiley - huh

Was it the magic tractor joke? smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2216

Mrs Bojangles

I wanna be snakey tongue demonsmiley - wow

Actually, me n' the young'un often have to quell the urge to just wander up to strangers and do a big face licky...for no other reason that pure badnesssmiley - biggrin

In Blackpool they were ten a penny, I'm sure there were a couple who really believed they had 'the gift' but the rest were just shysters. Although, that said...there was this one who was very spookily accurate and to this day cannot fathom how he knew what he knew.smiley - weird

Oooh and Joe Bugner's (he was a boxer in the 70s)wife walked up to my mum when she was at a health farm and told her lots of spookiness without her asking anythingsmiley - lurk

What's the magic tractor joke?smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2217


You'll get young Jangles to record it and put it on YouTube for me though, won't you? Please. smiley - grovel

Was her husband close by threatening to thump her if she didn't believe every word of it? smiley - yikes

The magic tractor that drove up the road and turned into a field? smiley - smiley

Gonna have to do night nights.

Night night. smiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2218

Mrs Bojangles

Soon as I can find someone's face that I can easily reach, yessmiley - smiley

smiley - groanThat was rubbish!

Me toosmiley - yawn

N'nightsmiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2219

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - runsmiley - nursmiley - runsmiley - nursmiley - run

Ohmigodohmigodohmigod!smiley - yikes

*points to Trin's PS*

Last posted July 2nd...'tis witchcraft I tell yesmiley - lurk

Roses are flowers.

Post 2220


smiley - bigeyessmiley - run

smiley - nur

2 weeks ago for me. I believe you though: he's weird. smiley - smiley

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