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Roses are flowers.

Post 2141


Jemaine and Brett! smiley - boing

Roses are flowers.

Post 2142

Trin Tragula

Missed that smiley - smiley

Really? I thought 'scon' was the common way. I think of 'scoans' as being served on silver trays in country mansions.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2143

Trin Tragula

"Now we know!" smiley - laugh

Roses are flowers.

Post 2144


P'raps Yorkshireland folk tried to emulate posh people many years ago as a jibe, then it stuck and that's why I think of it as the common way now.

Or sumfin. smiley - silly

How do you pronounce 'cake'? smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2145

Trin Tragula

'Quack' smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2146


smiley - huh

I thought it was 'phelembidoop'.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2147

Trin Tragula

Maybe in Yorkshireland. Down these parts it's a lovely cup of too and a slorce of quack smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2148


A slorce of quack does sound nice. smiley - smiley

But a phelembidoop up here comes in a giant Yorkshire pood as a plate. smiley - drool

Roses are flowers.

Post 2149

Trin Tragula


Do you mean a sworrsswarge? smiley - bigeyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2150


Sworrsswarges are terribly, terribly porsh. Very tasty no matter how it's pronounced though. smiley - drool

Go on. Har har and slap your thigh. smiley - bigeyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2151

Trin Tragula

Har har!


Spiffing smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2152


smiley - somersault

Now get me a quack. smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2153

Trin Tragula

smiley - run

smiley - nur

smiley - cake


smiley - cupcake

And there's a quipquack too smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2154


N'awww. Thankyou. smiley - smooch

smiley - run

smiley - nur

Big puffy ones. smiley - drool

Roses are flowers.

Post 2155

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - run

I say, I say, I say...

What's the fastest cake, sorry, quack in the world?

smiley - bigeyes

Scone!smiley - wow

smiley - erm Yeah, anyway, the s'con/ scoan thing was the source of much humphery in our family...well, between my mum and Yorkshire grandparents anywaysmiley - rolleyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2156

Trin Tragula

Puds! smiley - wow Thankee smiley - smooch *chompscoffglompmoonchmeenchmunch*

'Scone' smiley - rofl

Are you a sconner or a scoaner Mrs B? smiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2157


smiley - huh

Ah, posh pronunciation. smiley - biggrin

Roses are flowers.

Post 2158


(Delivered by a beardy too. smiley - somersault)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2159

Trin Tragula

(That's the sort of beardy you need to be to make puds. Whereas it just gets in the way if you're more on the eating side of things smiley - smiley)

Roses are flowers.

Post 2160


(Handy place to keep snacks for later though).

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