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Roses are flowers.

Post 2081

Mrs Bojangles

I understand your dilemma, I was the same when I was thinking about getting a Dolphin. I mean, I suppose he could live in the bath happily enough, but then, we'd have to do all our ablutions in the sink. Not ideal. There's also the smell of all the fish we'd need to feed it.
Also, not terribly cuddly Dolphins, where as bears...n'aawww.

That said, I suppose a beard wouldn't be quite as high maintenance, but then, just how much love do you get from a beard eh?

Roses are flowers.

Post 2082


I recognised that beard as soon as I clickied it. smiley - weird

He was a contender for the World Beard Championships. Must've been studying that interweb page a little too hard. smiley - biggrin

Ooohooo. Big filum spoonding. smiley - wow

I was gonna watch Donnie Darko again last week but listening to the commentary. Somehow I've bought the only dooveedoo to not have any extras on it other than different languages. smiley - huh

It did make more sense listening to it in Swedish though. smiley - smiley

Yay Bill! smiley - somersault

Roses are flowers.

Post 2083


You could have bought a portable tank. You could take him for walkies that way. And pegs on noses is all the rage. smiley - cheerup

Beard doesn't have to give anything back. Beard can sit there as long as it likes being groomed and loved without question. smiley - loveblush

Roses are flowers.

Post 2084

Mrs Bojangles

You have an altogether too unhealthy an interest in all things facial hairsmiley - smiley

Yes! £3.00. Rockefeller mesmiley - diva

I love Groundhog day, seen it squillions and makes me cry every time.

Watched Awakenings again earlier, took me about half an hour to stop chuffin' sobbingsmiley - rolleyes

Roses are flowers.

Post 2085

Mrs Bojangles

True, true. But then getting the tank down two flights of stairs might present a bit of a problemsmiley - erm

smiley - rolleyes

Well don;t come asking me for snoggings if you get a beard, too scratchy, muchos chin chaffingsmiley - flustered

Roses are flowers.

Post 2086


Not unhealthy. Just exploring my options. smiley - smiley

Me too. smiley - brave I found a little thingie thing on interweb last week about Groundhog Day. Some people made a short a few years before GH came out and then did big 'oooh! You rotters stole our filum!' pointings when GH was released. Haven't found whatever came of it but it's a good short film.

Haven't seen Awakenings before. smiley - lurksmiley - cheerup

Roses are flowers.

Post 2087


Hydraulic lift outside your window. smiley - smiley

Pah! The beard wouldn't put you off me. smiley - smooch

Roses are flowers.

Post 2088

Mrs Bojangles

Were there many similarities to GH day then? Be many spoons involved if there was a case to answer to eh?smiley - bigeyes

Ooh you *have* to see it. It's a true story, sooo touching and sadsmiley - cry

Roses are flowers.

Post 2089

Mrs Bojangles

Genius! Never say never with you isn't it? Bet you were a nightmare of a childsmiley - tickle

Dammit! You bewitching Tigress yousmiley - loveblush

Roses are flowers.

Post 2090


Well, y'know all of the time bending and resetting and the main character's the only one who remembers? All of that.

smiley - run

smiley - nur

Need half an hour to watch it though. smiley - puff

It's actually rubbish though 'cos Bill isn't in it. smiley - biggrin

smiley - biro Put it on the list of dooveedoos to spoond on.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2091


So you're gonna get a dolphin? smiley - wow

Monkey! smiley - cross

Roses are flowers.

Post 2092

Mrs Bojangles

I'll clicky on it tomorrowsmiley - yawnthink the sloopyness might be upon me at last.

Anyone would think you quite liked Billsmiley - rolleyes

Going to head for bed, N'night Butterfulnesssmiley - smooch

Roses are flowers.

Post 2093


Morning Jilly Bonka. smiley - smooch

Roses are flowers.

Post 2094

Mrs Bojangles

Nah! Gonna get a monkey first and teach it to fling poo at Trinsmiley - biggrin

Sorry, forgot. Yous a butterful, hairy monkeygirlsmiley - loveblush

N'nightsmiley - zzz

Roses are flowers.

Post 2095

Mrs Bojangles

OMG! I so totally think I can do psychic postings now!smiley - wow

I *swear* I posted something to this thread just the other day, yesterday, day before, last night maybe, dunno, but *definitely* not as much as 5 days ago.

So, did you get it? The psychic posting that is. What did I say?smiley - bigeyes

I take it the wedding was a lovely, happy time then? Where's the photies? The tiny Footie n'aawwing material? The falling over tally? The remember-a-rambles? The snog count? Annoying relative dodging tactics?

My computer time is being usurped by teenage MSN'ning recently, as there's smelly girls attention to be won apparentlysmiley - envy
He doesn't even do the pretendy-get-upset at me threatening to take him to an orphanage no more to swap for a shiny new babychilds. Just rolls his eyes and says he might have a better chance of growing up normal and asks if I'll help him packsmiley - cry

Had a great day yesterday though, took him to Camden Market for his first time, and my first in 15 years. I wanted to be 20 again. He bought lots of funky clothes, as it's imperative at the moment for him to be an individual...just like everybody else.smiley - rolleyesHe also bought a t-shirt that is going to raise a few eyebrows from other parents...I think I can already hear the beginnings of hushed whispering in disapproving tonessmiley - biggrin

Just incase youses don't get around to lurking properly, wouldn't want you to miss this...

it was posted in the waspy thread...and I know I'm very wrong but it made me snigger...Trin will probably cry thoughsmiley - erm

Oooh look! Rambles of unconsciousnesssmiley - wow

Oh, and Lo!

Roses are flowers.

Post 2096


You said I smelled. smiley - rolleyes

It was a grand day. smiley - biggrin

Photies are actually being uploaded as I type. It's taking far too long. Didn't fall over once! smiley - wow No snoggings, got smooches and dances with brothers though. Brother that got married was on the dancefloor all night. He was having a boogie with my nan and she pointed at me so he stumbled over and dragged me back over. Then I dragged second brother up and we all had a boogie together. N'awww. smiley - brave

No relative dodging. Part way through the night I went to sit with aunt, uncle and cousin when I realised I was too far gone to make a conversation appear and we all sat there uncomfortably silent watching silly people dancing. smiley - biggrin

Bah! Sign on as him and do MSNing of peculiarness to scare the girls away. smiley - evilgrin

What kind of tee shirt did he buy? smiley - bigeyes

N'awww, you give the best lurky prezzies. smiley - laugh They're not covered in bees anymore. smiley - sadface

Hello rambler. smiley - hug

Roses are flowers.

Post 2097

Trin Tragula

Bees are our friends smiley - cry

smiley - rose

Roses are flowers.

Post 2098


My back garden is teeming with bees. I know they're only honey bees and are bumbley and nice but I still get scared sitting out there. smiley - brave


Photies in your inbox.

Roses are flowers.

Post 2099

Mrs Bojangles

Bees are lovely, on nature programs, filmed in slo-mo and with Johnny Morris doing their voices.smiley - loveblush

Otherwise they're 'Aaarrrgghhh! Gerremawayfrommeeeees'.smiley - lurk

Except me. I'm Beeish in a lovely waysmiley - smiley

Roses are flowers.

Post 2100

Mrs Bojangles


Come back and say I'm lovely...or else!smiley - cross

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