The Personal Space of Sir Lance
Dear all (you know who you are),
Welcome to the world of Ecnal Silyab!
(Yeah, spooky isn't it?)
My name is, was and forever shall be Lance. This, for want of a better term, is my personal space.
I am a fan of many television programmes, amongst them the now defunct "Buffy", the long defunct "Doctor Who" and the eternally defunct world of generally good drama. Specifics need not be said.
I live, as do many people like me, in a house. I keep with me for company 2 , 3
and a goldfish named Jaws who, despite having been alive for most of my natural life, continues to keep living.
On a nice day, you may find me taking a nice energetic walk in the park. If so, do not approach me directly. Instead, try to flag my attention by flinging money at me. This will please the gods of consumer awareness, which will please no end of people.
Latest Messages
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
crikey! | No Posting | Feb 3, 2006 |
Identity... Identity | No Posting | Nov 25, 2005 |
Yes, I'm back | Jun 18, 2005 | Jul 6, 2005 |
Conformity equals Supremacy! | No Posting | Feb 1, 2005 |
(an early) Happy Christmas | No Posting | Jan 21, 2005 |
Ecnal Silyab
Researcher U226013
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