This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 161


cheers trigered my was one of our neighbours that had the gas lights....i couldnt remember where i had seen them...but i got a mental picture of her lighting it when you said about been careful!!!!!
JIM..........i have your cousins address here my smiley - love.he isnt very far away from you you know anyone who could take you!!!!!!i'm all giddy you'd better get yourself to see him SOON!!!XXXX


Post 162


Cheers Smurfles, The main reason why I tend to remember the old times is probably because they were better days! smiley - ok maybe not better! but certainatley more interesting, In fact I have just been reunited with old pal from my Navy days who I thought was killed in the Falkland war!

Sp you can imagine my surprise when I got an E-Mail from himsmiley - oksmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 163


smiley - love hi folks....

jim.... we were looking at fiery jack today in the chemist, i didn't know they still did it.... my mam used to use buxtons rub, did same thing but was like a waxy red cream in a jar...

bread and dripping.... suger butties.... very healthy... lol...

sal... i remember the old temperence bars were you got vimto and sarspirella, hot or cold....

the tree trunk liquorise can still be bought from health shops and some chemists.... also coltsfoot rock....

smiley - love sheryl..xxxx


Post 164

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal,my email is [email protected]

send it on,if you will,i have a bus pass so i can get anywhere
i need thanks salsmiley - lovejim

sorry about the space, i like the
bright things,


Post 165


jim,i sent you an e-mail,and it was returned.can i use another have mine,send me an e-mail,and i'll reply on thatone.use the number2 .off to e-mails now.smiley - lovesalxxxx


Post 166


good morning everyone,well,it loooks as though were heading for some more memories...from smudger,and jim.i hope youree both going to letus know how your reunions go.
sheryl,,,,,we used to have liniment in the house when i was had a picture of a horse on the box.....but i cant think of the was a milky looking stuff,and it stunk!!!!!!!!
coltsfoot rock.i havent had any f that for a long time...and that used to come in a black stick as well.....must have been liquorice flavour.
i cant think of all the other sorts of sweets we used to get,...but'll come back to me.smiley - biggrin


Post 167


Hi Everyonesmiley - biggrin, Just came back to memory lane to calm down! for the first time in years I let my dander show through on another thread there!
Memory lane for me, is looking back over all the places I have been and the sights I saw smiley - ok. Some were pleasent, others were, well lets just say they were not so pleasentsmiley - ok
I have seen cruelty, violence, death and best of all, Life! and I honestly believe that given the chance, I would go back and do it all againsmiley - oksmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 168


hi there smudger....thats not like you from what ive seen of you.dont let the site ruffle your feathers!!!!!i think thats what memry lane is all about......the good and the not so good that weve all gone through.if you can truly say that you'd do it all again,then as bad as things have been you must feel good now.i have ahd some not too good things in my life is like that..but the good things really are,family, friends,not material thingscos they dont matter.having said that i suppose they do to someone who has nothing.its nice that people want to share their memories,and remind us of things that we have forgot about!!! you want to tell us more...feel free...i keep getting flashes of thngs long forgotten since this thread started.keep smilingsmiley - love..salx,


Post 169

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi there smudgersmiley - love

ive gone from living on the street to a house of my own(well to be honest,a council house)

ive seen sights that would curl a few peoples hairs,but i to keep them in the past.

can anyone remember saccarines instead of sugar,where they horrible,i was about 7 when my mother bought the first bag of sugar,none of the family could face another saccarine,but if i remeber right they where a lot cheaper than a pound of suger.


Post 170


Hi Jim & Smurles, BTW Jim did you contact the person you were looking for on the net?smiley - ok
The material thngs Ive lost dont bother me really, and I lost a lot at the ago of 40 when my divorce left me skint!!! Had the big house, two cars, and the good money for a few yearssmiley - erm ended up in a 12ft caravan! Still thats lifesmiley - ok

Got a new life now, just getting back on our feet, when the accident happenedsmiley - erm Ah! thats lifesmiley - ok

Do you remember the old steam trains, with the First, Second & Third Class coachessmiley - ok and that old leather strap that opened the door windows? The smell of the steam and ashes in your eyessmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 171


hey there all.jim,i never had saccarhin,i dont use sugar unless i'm having coffee,and thats rare,cos it gives me migraine.i have a friend who wont use anything else though,she always brings her own with her....i do always have sugar in,but not for us....just one of the girls and my son in law!!!
smudger......i found jims cousin for him.....i am soooo excited as he's going to meet up with him next week....i hope he doesnt mind me telling......smiley - sorryjim,if i shouldnt havesmiley - kisssmiley - kiss i remember the old steam trains....i can remember my hubby asking me and a friend out to leeds one saturday,with my hubbies cousin..and we got all dressed we did then..tight skirts and 4inch stillettos...we were about sixteen....and when we got there we were got it...trainspotting!!!!can you imagine us climbing walls and dodging in and out of sheds dressed like didnt seem to matter then.
i just have to tell you that one of my best memories was when billy,my hubby,was 50.he went on concorde for a surprise birthday present.he loved it,and we have some lovely photos of concorde...something thats soon to come to an end for good by the looks of it.he is a steam train fan though,,,,and always has been.when are you going to get together with your friend smudger????i hoe it's


Post 172


Hi Smurfles, Ah! Alas Concord has now gone the same way that the steam engines wentsmiley - erm such is progress and that horrible phrase "cost effective" Hop Jim tells us all about his reunion!smiley - ok I remember my last one on the Yacht, but sad that one, when we saw the state of our old shipsmiley - erm
Ive been sending E-Mails to my old oppo, (the one I thought was dead) bit not heard back since the phone call last Sunday??smiley - erm
I dont think he has his own PC, Ive sent a few E-Mails like I said, but he must have access to a PC some where?
Do you remeber "spangles" (the sweets)and scooters that used to fill the streets? In those days you get buy 6 pints of larger for £1.
I know coz I used to work behind the bar thensmiley - oksmiley - wahsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 173


hi smudger,i certainly doremember spangles,,,,and my daughter had a scootr until about two years ago.i remember thelager been so cheap as well.although i never liked itsmiley - yuk!!!!!and bubble cars..who remembers them????funny looking little things werent they!!!


Post 174


Ah! Yes!, Bubble cars were a 60s novelty, now it wont be long before small cars like that will be compulserysmiley - erm I reckon the 60s were a great time to be alive, a complete revolution took place, and the youngsters had their saysmiley - ok
They will never be another era like that, and I for one am glad I was theresmiley - ok
Funny how all the kids today are playing our 60s music Eh? and have you noticed all the 60s fashions are back! bell bottoms, and flowerssmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 175


hi folks.

i remember bubble cars. the type that had the door at the front.i remember being on one with 4 other people. it was a bit of a squash. but we enjoyed itsmiley - smiley

i also remember being in a reliant 3 wheeler once. in the back. we were going under the queensway underpass in birmingham and the driver hadnt been there before and didnt know about the sharp curve as you enter. we ended up on 2 wheels. quite scary at the time, but the people in the car behind were having kittens wondering if we were going to get that wheel back onto the ground.

hsmiley - rose


Post 176


hi sal, dont know what's going on? sent you a msg (am back) but dont think you got it? be glad ad when am on the pc it work better?roll on the 24th hope thing's are well your end? my dad worked on the railway so i have allways loved steam train's and i live right next to the bo'ness &kinnel steam railway & museum it's lovely them blowing the train hooter & the noise of them going along the track dont thing you got my other msg about the does anyone remember the knocker upper man ? he use to put the gas lamp's on &off & tap on the window to get the people up for work well hope you get this one? smiley - love dx


Post 177


hi there doris..i red your posting about the knocker upper man smiley - love,ive had a hectic weekend..havent been able to replyto much.i dont rememer him,but i know tht ive heard people talk about him!!!!i wonder when he bacame redundantsmiley - biggrin???it must have been in the 50's i think...maybe someone else can tell us.i replied to your am back..wonder if it didnt post cost cos i got booted????smiley - steam.
helen....i had a friend who went out one night ,and his mate was driving a tipped...just as you described...and ended up in bits at the side of the road....apparently they were made of fibreglass!!!sounds like it was a good thing they didnt have m.o.t's then.!!


Post 178


Hi Everyonesmiley - biggrin, Do you remember when it was easy to log onto this sitesmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh Ah! never mind me! Ive just spent an hour trying to get in, its just my wry sense of humorsmiley - oksmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 179

billfir 22- 13+33=42

Hi smudger .... my wife smurfles thinks your very funny , she bin tryin to log on all after noon!!!! LOL BYYYEEEEEE LOL


Post 180

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

I remember that smudger!smiley - laugh
It seems to be ok now for me, it didn't cause too many problems other than sending my printer mental!smiley - yuk
Just remember to tick the remember me box!!!!

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