This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 121


Hi Smurflessmiley - biggrin, I bet the music you play is the 60s-70s timesmiley - laugh Thats the stuff we both like! Mk2 was a great Jive dancer in her day!!!smiley - erm but we are a wee tad slower nowsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Jim, Im sure there is a web site for finding old pals and family? All you have to do is register with them. If I find it, I will let you knowsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 122


hi certainly is.....there's nothing quite like itsmiley - biggrin.i suppose that i'm going to get myself into trouble now,but i was never in to beatlemania.....they were good,dont get me wrong...but little town flirt,and the likes were my favourites.i must admit i like atomic kitten and s club 7 though,thats from istening to the grandchildren's cd's!!!!!i see nobody has come up with who recorded the aniversary waltz yet??????xxxx


Post 123

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

For finding friends try friends reunited in the UK, my wife has found her best friend and my best girl(I had an....unusual wedding). Its at


Post 124


smiley - whistle she wears red feathers and a hula hula skirt,
she wears red feathers and a hula hula skirt,
she lives on just coconuts and fish from the sea,
a rose in her hair, a gleam in her eye, and love in her heart for me... smiley - whistle


Post 125


There you go Smurfles! RK has found the name of that site, so you can pass it on to your mate! smiley - cheers for that RK, (Ive kept a note of it as well)

Theres not a lot of modern stuff that gets my feet tapping these days? mind you my stepson records his own music and had made some quite catchy ryhtemssmiley - oksmiley - cool

Paganmoon, Wheres that one from??or is it a part of some of your "memories" you can share with us, on the lanesmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 126

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

Oh Oh! I've become indistinct from Roadkill! Scary!smiley - laugh


Post 127


smudger.... not rightly sure where i remember it from... lol....
think tommy steele may have sang it, think it was on a film but don't know which....
it just popped into my head so i thought i'd give you a quick tune.... lol....
i have these daft moments....

smiley - zoom


Post 128


she wears red feathers was sung by guy mitchell in 1953.he was the one who sung heartaches by the number.and singing the blues!!!!!!!i'm sure youll remember them sheryl.
smudger i am a member of friends re-united.....its a great site,and theyve just started doing streets you can put old street names in and see if theres anyone who lived near you when you were small.thats where my friend got y name from..the one i'm metting up with very soon.


Post 129

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi salsmiley - love

i checked with a friend it was anita harris that recorded it around 68,

sorry havent been on,im decorating my bedroom,

thanks smudgersmiley - disco
i went to the library yesterday
but the waiting list to use a pc was an hour(the college students)
hog the pc,ssmiley - disco jim


Post 130

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi everyone,hows this for a real
strange memorysmiley - love

i told you i had an old royal typewriter,i used to sort of write peoms.i came across this.
(take note i wrote this in the middle 50,s(the stone in question is the one laid to show the landing of the mayflower,with the pilgrimfarthers
what is it just a stone to say

the pilgrim farthers passed this way

there chaps in history books and yet

we,ll still remember them i bet

when i leave school,or sometime soon

there,ll be journeys to the moon

records we have never known

to carve in space as well as stone

(spooky or what)in the 50,s i dont think space travel had been
thought of. smiley - discojim


Post 131


Hi Folks,smiley - wah Im getting cofused nowsmiley - erm cant keep track of everyones namessmiley - laughsmiley - laugh Mind you, at my age Im allowedsmiley - laughsmiley - ok
Anyway, as long as I havent forgotton any one Eh!
Nice poem, Jimsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 132


very good jim.smudger,,when youforget as much as i do its time to worry..i worry myself a lot lately...i'm always getting things confused!!!!my typing and spelling is getting worse...butthetyping i'm putting down to having a plaster on my finger that i usually use!!!!JIM.i think i put in an earier posting that anita harris recorded anniversary waltz,but it surely must have been recorded before then by someone else......thats what i want to know.was billy really william..i cant remember..and did you say that he was last in morecambe????i will look on the pc when my bily comes home later.xxxxxxx


Post 133


Hi Smurfles, I know what you mean about typing, sometimes I get light headed with my pills, and I seem to keep hitting the wrong key smiley - wah then I do it again, and hit the wrong one againsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh
Ah! well, I get there in the endsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 134


smiley - biggrini do it all the time smudger,,,,,and it isnt always the medication...i think i try to type too fast,so as to get my thoughts down,and i hit the wrong key..or miss out spaces..or an odd letter.i always post before checking as well!!!!
smiley - crysmiley - cryxx


Post 135


i do it all the time and im not on any medicationsmiley - biggrin
it looks as if i cant spell and i usually pride myself on spellings. its either me typing too fast or the brain cell is failing fast.

sorry for the delay in replying. but 'h' is short for helen. i was christened elizabeth helen, but my mom didnt want elizabeth shortened so i became helen and woe betide anyone who called me hel. now i call myself 'h'.

jim and anyone else ive forgotten.. how are you all?

i remember hearing the red feathers and the hula hula skirt, but its really before my time. i didnt start to appreciate music till about 1965.

hsmiley - rose


Post 136

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi salsmiley - love
would be william,married a girl called muriel i think,my neice saw him about 5yrs ago in bradford,no contact since
thanks sal,will check back later smiley - discojim


Post 137


hi sal.... thanx for that hun....
i remember guy mitchell but only because of my mam n dads old records.... i was born end of 58.

how about this one....

does your chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bed post overnight,
if your mother said don't chew it do you swallow it in fright,
if it catches on your tonsils can you heave it left and right,
does your chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bed post overnight.....

i know what you all mean about typing.... i have to keep stopping and checking... my brain doesn't seem to have any control over me fingers.... lol....

hope you are all well....
smiley - love sheryl... xxxx


Post 138


why is it that when i come on here,,i always feel better when i turn off ??i am so glad that it isnt just me that makes all these mistakes.wrong letters,spellings etc...i think everyone should talk more about the silly little things that worry them.i hadnt spoken to anyone all day,and i got a phone call about three this afernoon..something ihad to read out to someone...and i got all my words mixed up!!!!!!i suppose its like writing and spelling..if you dont use the knowledge you lose it...that happened with me with the talking bit today!!!!i shall have to talk to myself for ten minutes every hour!!!smiley - weird.smiley - biggrin
lonnie donnegan sheryl.,and my old mans a dustman.the skiffle man eh!!!!!'
you must remember the carpenters though,no matter how old you are.?
who recalls trolley buses then...and having to sit there while the conductor messed with the poles.i was always scared of those buses!!!its many years since i was on a bus ,but i'm told its even hard to remember the conductors now....ah!!!progress.xxxxhelen,i have a helen as a second name for one of my girls,and one of my grandchildren....and an elizabeth as a second name for another of my girls!!!!


Post 139


hi sal.

i remember trolley buses in walsall when i was a toddler.
when i started work in birmingham many years later..the buses had a driver and a conductor.
eventually the conductors were phased out and they had one man operated buses.
now in telford, we have buses that can lower at the front to allow easy access for wheel chairs and buggies.

hsmiley - rose


Post 140

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

I am orlWayz mayking mistooks! But never mind, as long as the point is well made then who cares?

I remember both songs, but more because my parents were relatively old when they had me(im the younget by about 18-20 years!) and the songs were of their time.

In reference to Lonnie Donnegan, he was a canny business man, but never my favourite (and no I'm not old enough to remember the first time round). I always have preferred the Alexis Korner stuff from around the same time as far as Brittish music goes!

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