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Post 61


hi tone...only one!!i have to have a packet once i start them,and did you know they do them with chocolate on now.its good to tell that me and jim are in yorkshire then??xxx


Post 62

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

as h2g2 thrown a wobbly,someone asked if i was in yorkshire(yes)

but it came up on sals user,ive known sal for over 20 yrs,so i dont know who im repling to.jim
sorry if i started to impose,but thats my nature.the threads doing ok now,sal,abbi and anyone ive missed so i,ll fade into the background,and only come on once or twice a daysmiley - discojim


Post 63


hey dont have tofade anywhere...i'm enjoying all he memories...its funy how other peoples memories renew someof our own.....keep posting!!!!xxxx


Post 64

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hismiley - love
one memory that came to mind was
that having not much money monday to friday we had whatever my mother could rustel up,on saturday we had fish and chips
(every week)but sunday we had a full sunday roast with all the trimmings,but for tea it was jam and bread,(toasted)but as it was toasted infront of the fire,it was burned,so i would fold and dip the jam and bread in my tea,
but there was never a sunday went by without having an upset stomach,and out came the caster oil yucksmiley - discojim


Post 65


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, & Smurfles, I think Ive written about most of my memories in smiley - thepost entries, BTW after a great del of work and a loy of help from Shazz, I now have a "Drop Down menue" on my page!smiley - cool

Go have a look see smiley - ok, Im really chuffedsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 66


you talking about toasting bread in front of the fire brings back a memory of a holiday i once had.

a crowd of us went to stay at a friends small holding in the welsh hills. we camped, the girls in one tent and the boys in another. there was no hanky panky as it was a christian group.
one evening we had a bonfire and a singalong with the guitars etc etc and some bright spark decided they were hungry.
as i was the caterer on the holiday, i came up with the idea of toasting bread on the open fire.
the only difference was that we used a pitchfork and some chicken wire attached so that we could toast 8 slices of bread at once.

now that is cooking in bulk.smiley - biggrin

smiley - rose


Post 67


i'm glad they invented toasters,but i bet it tasted good.!!!!that emind me of the first dy i was married...i put beans in the frying pan,,,and set the kitchen on fire!!!!!im glad it wasnt a pointer to my cooking ever since!!!


Post 68


Hi Smurflessmiley - biggrin, What did you get for your first anniversary present?????was it a fire extuingishersmiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 69


smiley - biggrinheeheee!!!no was one of the best memories of my life...on my first anniversary i had a two week old baby daughter!!


Post 70


Yea! they are great, Ive got two of themsmiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 71

Universal Granny

Fried herrings on a Saturday night (the only night my Dad cooked) in front of Dixon of Dock Green and Take Your Pick.

Running up and down stairs with a flat iron recently heated on the kitchen stove so that my grandad could press the suits he was making - he was a Saville Row tailor, but worked from home.

Putting kitchen waste in a huge dustbin at the top of the road for "pigs swill".

Having my hair put up in pin curls every night so that I would be curly headed in the morning (and dead straight again by the evening!) This was from the age of 2 until I was old enough to be able to tell my Mother "No more!!" (about 15 years old!!).

Co-op tokens

smiley - sigh

Take care smiley - hug Universal Granny


Post 72


hi UG,forgot about pin brought pipe cleaners to mind as well.ans rags to make ringlets .loads of torn up sheets drapaed round your head all night!!!and hats...does anyone remember the broad alice band type hats,with a little sprig of flowers across the front.
AND easter bonnets..we always got whitsuntide clothes...complete with nylon gloves and a straw bonnet with a b-i-g ribbon onit that tied inder your chin.and white shoes and socks!!!!!!!
(i must have ooked a right twit)!!!!!


Post 73

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

here.s one to get your teeth insmiley - love

can anyone remember a sharabang
and what it was,or a shootingbreak.

be carefull,lol you will be showing your ages.smiley - discojim


Post 74


Ah! thats smiley - ok Jim, I dont mind being old, its gives me time to look back over things, and Im in no rush any more. I only wear a watch for habit these days, Im not controlled by it any moresmiley - laugh

Its kinda nice really, this being old.
Im better humoured, or so Im told.
Ive got the time, to watch Grandkids grow,
And pass on to them, all I know.smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 75

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

*still laughing at a fire extinguisher for a 1st anniversary smiley - gift*
I could have used one of those in the kitchen. It took some practice cooking on gas againsmiley - smiley

I think the neighborhoods have changed alot. Used to be the neighbors knew what everyone was up to and kids were watched by all. We had block parties with all the families! If you did something wrong the parents would know by the time you got home.


Post 76


Ah! yes Abbi, I remember those days very well, when the neighbors looked out for each other. Now! well lets go into all thatsmiley - erm
Its really amazing how things have changed, progress, I was told, was for the better? Some how, I cant believe that any moresmiley - ermsmiley - sadfacesmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 77

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

There were a lot more carnivals and traveling shows.

The Fuller Brush man ,had a brush for everything!
The Vanilla Man (forget name of Vanilla- ? Watkins?)
both came to the doors before the encyclopedia and sweeper sales started.

You could tell the generations by the music they listened to.

Men & women wore hats *likes hats*

Penny candy for kidssmiley - magic

People kept monkeys and chimps as pets and there were TV shows with them.


Post 78

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Please don't fade away jim. I enjoy your postssmiley - biggrin


Post 79

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi theresmiley - love

can anyone remember,the first job
after leaving school,waiting to get the first wage,
and deciding what to spend it on,
i gave my mother mine,and got two pound back,i was 15,
it was friday,i went the the pics
and on the saturday i went with a few mates,(dolly bird hunting)
in town,on a corner,under at streetlight,then i thought i was cool,now remebering,i feel a right dope.i never hooked a bird
what a waste of a saturday night lolsmiley - discojim


Post 80

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thanks sal and abbi,i,ll stick around for a while but a lot of my old memories have gone from mind jimsmiley - love

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