This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 41


Hi Abbismiley - biggrin Its great to have you back with us againsmiley - ok
This is turning out to be a good thread, (better than my onesmiley - erm)
Any way, Im just glad your backsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 42

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi i remember,scrouging in the scrapyards for bits of bikes

the only thing we could never get worth having was the inertubes

i did a small paper round to get enough to go to halfords and get two,

the bike was made up usualy of about 7 other models,
helen,beleive me you want to be glad you never lived with gas,

one of my worse memories of school when i was about 11,the teacher gave us a sheet of paper
and asked us to write a essay on what we whatched on tv the night before.i handed mine back empty
she thought i was being funny when i said i hadnt seen a tv
for weeks at my aunts,
but what was worse is the taecher came to my house later that night
because she thought i was lying.
my mother was not pleased,and you can guess who copped for it me.
only good thing that came out of it,was the teacher never mentioned tv again jim


Post 43

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

Yay abbis back!


Post 44


i love this thread!!!!thanks all!!!
whip and tops,sitting in the bath in new jeans,tight jersey wool dresses,ten pin bowling with my best friend(still in touch ),listening to the record i wanted to buy in a booth before i bought it,false nails,
i remember gas lights ,but not at home,and my mothers first washing was red and cream.
getting my first glasses when i was 13(oof)i wasnt going to wear them!!!!)wind up record player.and 78's.


Post 45


jim,my hubby did a grocery delivery round,on a bike with a basket on the front!!!!!


Post 46

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal,i brought a few memories to see what came back,but on you and helen replied.

if i wrote my real nightmare ones on here it would shock them all

they are all looking to the good ones,hiding the ones that need to be remembered and then faced and then discarded.
an example,something you didnt
know about me sal
for a while i lived in a room that was very small. at night i used a comode,the door was locked
yes a cell in armley jail.
i was a ban the bomb agitater in the old days,i sat infront of the
town hall,the boys in blue moved me three times,i cams back and sat down for the fourth time,this
boy in blue(for want of another name)decided to as he said teach me a lesson,he looked to make sure the others wernt watching and wacked me over the haed with his truteon,so i kicked him in his family jewels,his buddies pounced on me,to cut a long story short,the judge beleive my attack was unprovoked,so i got one month in the armely jail jim


Post 47

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

sal i nearly forgot,on good memory,taking any milk bottles i could find to the shop,each had a
penny on them,remember.sal
or looking for old jarjars to sell or tying wood together to sell for firewood,any way to get a few coppers to buy sweets or the latest tot,like the bomb you threw up and it struck a cap,and banged on inpact,no harm to anyone just noisy jim


Post 48



we had our milk delivered by a horse and cart. we used to sneak out slices of bread to feed it.
i remember being able to take back empty beer and pop bottles back to the outdoor section of the pub and getting a few coppers for them.
and the original salt and shake crisps. i used to eat the little bag of salt first.
we used to have a 'rag and bone man' who came round on a flatbed trailer pulled by a horse. he used to blow a trumpet and we used to rush to ask the parents if we have anything he could have, so that we could have a balloon.

and school holidays seemed to last forever.

hsmiley - rose


Post 49



we had our milk delivered by a horse and cart. we used to sneak out slices of bread to feed it.
i remember being able to take back empty beer and pop bottles back to the outdoor section of the pub and getting a few coppers for them.
and the original salt and shake crisps. i used to eat the little bag of salt first.
we used to have a 'rag and bone man' who came round on a flatbed trailer pulled by a horse. he used to blow a trumpet and we used to rush to ask the parents if we have anything he could have, so that we could have a balloon.

and school holidays seemed to last forever.

hsmiley - rose


Post 50

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

helensmiley - love

i helped the rag and bone man,i had to watch the horse while he went to the houses.
sal,smiley - love
the best day of my week when i was young was the saturday morning pictures,roy rogers,hoppalong cassidy,shouting at the screen when the serial was on.

then the first time the cinema did the midnight horror films
i was about 17,sneaking out friday night through the back window,and off to town,

then sneaking back in about 2-30am,till one night my mother caught me coming back,and nailed the window on the landing shut,
tho,s where the days,smiley - discojim


Post 51


i suppose the younger members of h2g2 will be thinking.well a set of ld codgers!!!!
i remember the mods and rockers,and who remembers alma cogan,and ruby murray???playing hop scotch(when i was allowed out).and whitsun tide clothes,and three wheeler bikes???smiley - biggrinxand one of the neighbours letting us have a tent in the garden,a wooden clothes horse with a grey blanket!!!!and coach built prams that i could only just see over the top of!!! over it


Post 52


smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Hi Sal, Boy u are bringing back some memory,s smiley - smiley
I can remember the good old toffee apple, and toffee dabs, the penny daintee,(toffee) for those who dont know lol.bobby socks, the pointed shoes we forced our feet into,all the net pettie coats under our skirts,behive hair do,s, gosh i could go on and on.
think i better not smiley - laughsmiley - love Jean.


Post 53

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

salsmiley - love
we are to them lol,

i remeber going to a shop on manchester rd that sold sasperella and cheap wine,you took your own bottles.usually a pop one.

and on the way to school getting a big bag of little biscuits,with a sqwirl of candy on,in all different coulors,i cant remember what they where called,and the spaceship things with sherbert in
the casing was like eating paper

and not to forget the loooong strips of liquorice yum,
(hey sal what have you started)
i bet some are wishing i haddnt
joined in)its not cb,but somewhere in the 6 out of 10smiley - discojim


Post 54

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

A a wee child I remember the junk-rag collector man with his horse.
On Holidays he would dress up the horse (lots of silver and dress saddle)walk it around to take pictures of the neighborhood kids in their cowgirl-cowboy outfits (provided by him) for a price. smiley - smiley

Other sellers had fruit and vegetables in a horse drawn cart.
They had unusual calls and songs they shouted instead of bells and musical recordings.

Hi Jim
smiley - ok the activists- good for you.
Sorry to hear about your jail experience.

For another downer point - I was kidnapped at 6 by a stranger - so they were not safer days. Such things are talked about more now and there are more safeguards, but it's always happened.


Post 55


i remember those little biscuits with the coloured icing as well. but im sitting here wracking my brain trying to thing what they were called.

when we used to have sunday tea. it was a sit down meal, everyone at the table and it was the done thing to have a ham salad with bread and butter.... and then a piece of cake.... and then fruit and cream. always carnation evaporated milk and usually tinned peaches or pears and another slice of bread and butter with it. we couldnt just have fruit and cream without the bread and butter.

hsmiley - rose


Post 56


those litle biscuits were called iced gems,and they still sell em at asda!!!do you remember the tripe shop jim????and like helen said...going to the butchers,then the greengrocers,and the paper shop...all seperate shops.i use to ove going to do the shopping for my mother.....we had our own off license shop.....but i used to do the butchers and everything mother used to have proper beer pumps in the shop...she sold beer ,people used to bring jugs for it!!!!
and she used tohave a "tick"book...everyone paid on a day of course!!!!


Post 57

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thats right salsmiley - love
iced gems,they looked good,tasted
good,but a dentists nightmare lol

do you know to this day apart from onions,nothing seems to go with tripe,

Helensmiley - love
as i said in an early message,i made bikes for mates and myself
i remember ever saturday,a bunch of us would go to a place nr bradford where i live,called shipley glen(sal will know it well)we would bike there and back
set off in the morning about 9am
spend most of the day paddling in a small runoff stream,and trying to catch the tiddlers,then about 4pm set off back,

i didnt have many happy days but
saturday was like a piece of heaven,sunday was church 3 times a day,me and my cousin,billy where in the chior,the church lads brigade.its no wonder i became an athiest,
smiley - discojim


Post 58

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi abbismiley - disco

i got in a few scrapes in them days,got more than one belt with an object,i saw a few cells,only for a day though,i didnt hit back

i protested the bomb,but what made it ironic was in 1966 i joined the army to get my life together,that even fell through
i was releast after 2 months training my mother had a few bad heart attacks and i was releast from serice to work and take care of her,jim


Post 59

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

No you're not at all a bunch of codgers.

But for a while there this strayed perilously close to the monty python sketch with a bunch of yorkshire men competing as to who had the hardest upbringing! (theres a thread about that somewhere!)

I had an iced gem yesterday, just one though. Yum!


Post 60


hey helen, mother -in-law STILL makes my grandchildren eat bread and butter with tinned fruit.she always says thats the proper way it should be eaten!!!!yuk......i'd rather have a few drops of cream..and no bread!!!

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