This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 141


YOOOHOOO JIM,where are you???i have found there is only one william t in bradford,but unfortunately ex-directory,so you have to go tto the library,and look at the electoral register,so you can get the address!!!it is registered for 2002,so thees a good chance you wont have far to look..........if you have the same luck as i have he'll probably be moving house tomorrow!!!!smiley - biggrinonly joking jim...but i want to know when you find him!!!!xxxxx


Post 142

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thanks salsmiley - love
i look into it next time im in the town areasmiley - discojim


Post 143


morning all.... smiley - rose

i've got a good memory for you all..... sunshine.... lol...
it's peeing down here... oh the memories of the hot summer sun....
smiley - love


Post 144

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi sal Paganmoon and Jim smiley - smiley
Off on my travel adventure today- wish me luck.


Post 145

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi there allsmiley - lovesorry havent been around im still decorating.

as i went to town this morning a mate mentioned that winter and snow would be here soon,he said he remembered in 1947 the snow reched as high as the gaslamps
(i was born 30/10/47)so i have no recollection.

but it got me to thinking,does anyone remember when the gaslamps
disappeared.and the lecy ones came the norm,smiley - discojim
(have a good adventure abbi.


Post 146


Hi Everyone & Jim, I dont know when the gas was faded out, but I think this site is still powered by it smiley - grr I have been on line for two hours now here on H2, and only managed to read one other postsmiley - steam
The site is so slow, that Im afraid I wont be able to post any more tonight, so Im off smiley - runsmiley - run
Let me know when they have got more servers, and I will come backsmiley - wah
as I cant take the frustration any moresmiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - ermsmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 147


Hi Everyone & Jim, I dont know when the gas was faded out, but I think this site is still powered by it smiley - grr I have been on line for two hours now here on H2, and only managed to read one other postsmiley - steam
The site is so slow, that Im afraid I wont be able to post any more tonight, so Im off smiley - runsmiley - run
Let me know when they have got more servers, and I will come backsmiley - wah
as I cant take the frustration any moresmiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - ermsmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 148


Hi Everyone & Jim, I dont know when the gas was faded out, but I think this site is still powered by it smiley - grr I have been on line for two hours now here on H2, and only managed to read one other postsmiley - steam
The site is so slow, that Im afraid I wont be able to post any more tonight, so Im off smiley - runsmiley - run
Let me know when they have got more servers, and I will come backsmiley - wah
as I cant take the frustration any moresmiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - ermsmiley - sadface
smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 149

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i know what you mean smudger,
its giving me a headache today,

ive had more failiers than any other time.

and they say they are turning it off on monday for 4 hrs,

lets hope its better after,
the digi upgrade ive been told is a load of do,do smiley - discojim
(ps ive had it for today,im watch tv)


Post 150


is there any point in saying hello, everyone's buggered off... lol....

jim.... i remember my grans street being one of the last round here to have gas lamps... i'd be about 3 or 4 maybe, so that was early 60's....
oh, and i remember the song, the old lamp lighter, got a version somewhere by the haughton weavers....

smudger... i agree bout the site being run on gas.... think someone needs to put another shilling in the meter... lol...

smiley - love sheryl....xx


Post 151


hello everyone..i'm still here sheryl.poor smudger,i know how you feelsmiley - love,but dont keep off.....i'm sure it'll be okay .sheryl,i remember vaguely the gas lights,but cant place where from..i'm sure it wasnt where i was brought up from the age of five.i remember the old lantern type lights though.....and they looked a lot nicer than the ones we have now.i think they look lovely in gardens..if the gardens big enough........i think we could manage with a torch!!!!!smiley - biggrin.right ...sunshine..whats that?????i remember nice hot summers,and brrrr...cold winters.
i can remember walking to school in thick fog....the sort that you could only just see your hand in front of your face in..thank goodness for smokeless fuel i say.oh,and wellies that left marks round your legs,and chilblains...never hear of them much anymore.
and does anyone remember fennings cooling powders????


Post 152


hi sal... smiley - hug
fennings cooling powders, yeah i remember them, remember giving them to my eldest, she's nearly 27 now....
little pills called lung healers.... me mam used to put them in a spoonfull of jam for me to take, i still couldn't swallow them and they were tiny....
nurse harveys gripe water.... is that still around....

smiley - love sheryl.... xxxx


Post 153

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

smiley - love

here,s one for you sal,sheryl.
fiery jack,my mother swore by it

and if we got tar on our hands,
a good dollup of butter,

caster oil,yuck,three times a week before bed,
smiley - discojim


Post 154


jim.tar and gloss paint!!!!one of my daughters tipped a tin of black gloss paint over her head when she was about took a pound and half of lard to shift must a been posh,using butter!!!!
sheryl.havent seen nurse harveys since my grandchildren were tiny..the youngest ones seven....i remember little healers though....ugh!!!fever cure ,anyone ever have totake that??/
oh..and virol.without the codliver oil...just the malt.mmmmmmm ....we used to go to the open air market and get a glass of sasparilla or vimto.
what about thick black spanish,that we used to put in water to make liquorice water with,and trree trunk loquorice.
jim,,,,those things with sherbert in were flying saucers,and they were made with rice paper,so you could eat it...knew there was something you'd mentioned in a past posting!!!!!


Post 155

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Sal smiley - love

Those flying saucers are still around cos i get them smiley - biggrin
Anyway i would like to say that i am smiley - sorry for not being around, it's bcos i couldn't get in for 2 days.
When i eventually got in was yesterday, and now i won't be around again smiley - wah
You see i am going to the Isle of Man today, cos i am going to my aunt's funeral.
So if i don't see you before, i will say cheerio for now.
You take care cos i care smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - rose

See you later all, take care


Post 156


hello my friend's am glad to be back am trying to catch up on all the gosip does anyone remember the knocker upper man ?? tap on your bedroom window to get the men up for work his job was to put the gas lamp's on & off too? smiley - love xd


Post 157


hello my friend's am glad to be back am trying to catch up on all the gosip does anyone remember the knocker upper man ?? tap on your bedroom window to get the men up for work his job was to put the gas lamp's on & off too? smiley - love xd


Post 158



i remember the virol as well. we were only allowed one spoonful a day and we used to sneak an extra spoonful when the parents werent lookingsmiley - whistle
we used to have haliborange tablets, but only in the winter.

hsmiley - rose


Post 159

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi everyone
sorry your trips not an holiday
smiley - brokenheartjim

hi salsmiley - love
i think everyone will remember the gobstopper(jawbreaker)

you stuck it in your gob on the way to school,and it was still going on your way home,and it would have changed color a good few times.

if my mother had to use butter
i had to pay for what was used,
it came out of what little pocketmoney i got,thats why i sold bungles of wood,and any jamjars i could get,i liked playing in tar lolsmiley - discojim


Post 160


Hi me old Heartiessmiley - biggrin, I came back to see if it was any faster, seems to be smiley - ok just now smiley - laugh
Yea! I remember gas lamps and having to light them, had to take great care not to touch the "mantle" with the match!(that was the white cover over the burner)Do you remeber them "base ball" boots from the fifties, the ones with the white ankle bone bits, used to make your feet smell of old cheese smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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