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memory lane

Post 1241

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening folks....
high pitch shop/house/car alarms, that's what gets me these days... they're so ear splitting... smiley - wah
i wouldn't mind but my hearing is deteriorating and the noise still gets to me... smiley - wah
maybe it's a menopausal thing eh.... but where does that leave poor ol' smudger... lol.. smiley - biggrin

memory lane

Post 1242


smiley - laughPM, I reckon my hearing went the same way as my hair,Away!!smiley - wah

I liked the music they were playing, as it was all 60s stuffsmiley - cool
Its just that it was so LOUD!!!smiley - laugh

BYW, PM, I even get hot flushes now as wellsmiley - wah

This getting old aint much fun Eh!smiley - laughsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1243

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

ooooh smudger, you're turning into a right old woman... smiley - rofl
only joking darling... smiley - hug
maybe there is a male menopause, surely your hormones must take a dive around at some stage... just that we can never tell with you lot... smiley - laugh
have a drink luv... smiley - alesmiley - stiffdrink cheers to the hot flushes.... lol..smiley - laugh

memory lane

Post 1244


Sheryl left you a reply on AWOL

memory lane

Post 1245

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

San, i know.... seen it, read it n replied to it... lol... smiley - laugh
i said all that without takin' a breath.. lol..

memory lane

Post 1246


hi all.sheryl.i don;t think mens hormones EVER take a dive!!!!It could be stress smudger,that causes hot sweats, both men and women!!!smiley - winkeye.It's been a lovely day again here,back to normal tomorrowsmiley - yuk.Well,thats if i am ever really normal!!smiley - biggrin

memory lane

Post 1247

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya sal... smiley - hug
think you're right about the male harmones.. lol... they always seem to be popping up.... smiley - biggrin
weather wise, been lovely again but now we got a bit of rain going on... smiley - wah
seems like tomorrow will be a mixed bag.... smiley - sadface
you could be right about the stress n hot flushes luv.... i sure let off smiley - steam when i get pee'd
smiley - love bright blessings...xxxx

memory lane

Post 1248


hello everyone, weather here in scotland is yuk! rainy cloudy dark think we in for a good thunder storm? feels more like a winters day than the 1st of june. as for the men haveing hormones some do get moody once a month and some have what they call midlife crisis chatting up dolly birds acting like they where in their twentys again xd

memory lane

Post 1249


hi you mean to tell me that some men do actualy act their age!smiley - winkeyei thought they all acted as if they were in their twenties all the time!!!!
mine thinks he's peter pan,i'm sure of itsmiley - love.

memory lane

Post 1250


Ah! Ive got it now!!smiley - ok

Is a case of "the mind remaining active" and the body thats "nackered"smiley - laughsmiley - cool

Oh! I forgot to tell you, It cant be "stress" coz according to that shrink I had to go and see, Im not stressed smiley - coolsmiley - ok Im just Nuts"smiley - laugh

No only joking, he reckons that my probs are due to depression, ever since my accidentsmiley - erm good news there, he said he will attend court, if asked, in my favoursmiley - cool Eh!

Right then, who can remeber, what we all used to do before we started coming on line heresmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1251


Well,you got me there smudger!!smiley - laughi really can't remember what i used to do before i found l/d,and then h2g2!!i suppose i used to watch more tv,but i don't know how,cos there's nothing on much worth watching.....and i know that hasn't changed!!!I used to go out less then as well,cos didn't have the wheelchair!!!
I think it would be a good idea to have as much medical evidence as possible when your case is heard,after all,it is your medical condition that they'll want to hear about,and how the accident has affected you .smiley - goodluckanyway,lets hope it's soon over now.
by thy the way,iv'e always been told that where there's a will there's a waysmiley - biggrini'm sure sheryl will agree with me!!smiley - hugxx

memory lane

Post 1252


Hi Smurfles, Well finding this site was a Godsend for me smiley - ok, I got this new PC for my birthday last year from Mk2 and her sonssmiley - ok

Then after a wee while I went onto the net!smiley - cool and I found this site by accident, reading a story about the Pacific Glory (a tanker that sank off the coast of Cornwall) Ah! the whole story is on my home page, go and have a look, if youve got the timesmiley - ok

Im not quite in the wheelchair yet, but heading that waysmiley - erm need a stick to walk, and even then not very farsmiley - sadface

Anyway, I kept coming back to this site, and telling stories and stuff, then Shazz from smiley - thepost got me to write a "Snippet" every weeksmiley - cool
so that keeps me interested every week.

If you do go and have a look at my page, let me know what you thinksmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1253

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi folks...
sal, more like where there's a will there's a relative... lol..
well before all this interactive wotsit i used to be more active so i was able to get out n about more, so like you both said this thing is a god send... smiley - hug

memory lane

Post 1254


Hi! PMsmiley - biggrin, I noticed your on linesmiley - ok
Hows things with you???
Sal is not on line yet, as you can see i left her a messagesmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1255


good morning everyone.smiley - smiley.It's nice to be in here today,i had problems for some strange reason yesterday,and couldn't access the site!!Try as i might i can't recall how i used to spend my time before h2,and i have been unable to work for nine years almost,so it wasn't a case of been more mobile!!!!!Maybe my time was more occupied because the grandchildren were younger then,but it passes so quickly!!smiley - sadface
I keep promising myself i'll read your page smudger,I must get round to it one day soon.

memory lane

Post 1256


Hello everyone, hope things are fine with you all? sal yes come to think of it r acts like a schoolboy most of the time smiley - smiley xd

memory lane

Post 1257


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, Glad to see this thread kept going smiley - ok pop into AWOL and keep that going as well (just for me, smiley - tasmiley - cool)

I like watching the old TV shows where you dont see computers or mobile phones being usedsmiley - cool How did they catch the bad guys in them days, with out all these modern methods!smiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1258


hi smudger.i don't 'know how we managed without the things we have nowadays.My daughters friend dissappeared from home in 1988,and there was no sign of her anywhere.A body was found three years later,but the police couldn't identify it.Last year,my daughters friends mother gave a sample of dna,and it proved to be her.It has taken all the new technology in forensic medicine before she could finally be identified.
It's a sad story,but it shows how far we have come with everything ..smiley - rose

memory lane

Post 1259


Ah! sad but true Salsmiley - erm, the progress of all this DNA stuff has just rocketed in the past few years.

I made another CD yesterday, and it got me thinking, just how far it has all come, even in my life timesmiley - ok

I mean, I was brought up with vynil records, then LPs, then the cassette came on the market, along with the eight track, (just before it) Then came the CDsmiley - ok

I would never had thought that I would be able to make my very own CDs in my lifetime, on a computersmiley - cool

Remember when computers had black screens with green text on them, and those first digital watches, where you had to press a button on the side to read the timesmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1260


It was the same when the video's came along,as you know I.m an Elvis fan,and to have all his movies on video is great who would have thought it,i can watch him anytime,and now we have DVD's
what did i do before this maybe had early nights with hubby(you know what I mean)LOL


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