This is the Message Centre for smurfles


Post 261

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

comeon where is everybody,smiley - love

im busy doing links to get h2g2 digis back on, and the house here is left empty,smiley - brokenheartlol

ive just found out someone ive messaged in the past is living in my old town in lancishire.

telling him where i used to live brought another good memory to light.

when i was about 7,i had a little friend,whos father was the railway signalman,nr me,and some weekends when the haydock racing was on,they had a special train that went through a side gate,and we would go on the train to the racemeet, we would see all the horses,but just before the racing got underway we would be brught on a small electric buggy thing back to the crossing, and chatter all the way home about the people and horses we had seen and patted,ah those where graet times smiley - discojim


Post 262


hi jim,,and everyone,it sounds as though you enjoyed your childhood jim.ive missed posting this week.but havent been good....just smiley - blue,it happens sometimes.....and i cant get my brain to muster the energy it needs!!!!!i have realised ,while we have all been posting,that i dont really remember a great deal of my childhood...more of my teenage years.i wonder why????the only clear memoriew i have are not good ones.these postings have brought odd things back to me,and i have really enjoyed reading come on everyone..lets have more..i'm missing you all!!!!!!xxxx


Post 263

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hello all, hope you are all well...
i remember being able to play outdoors safely as a child, even tho we lived on a main road... i used to live town centre, and a small group of us would wander the streets to the bus station and main shops, we didn't have a care in the world and didn't need to... we would all wander home as it started to go dark, then play in the street til we were called in....
my youngest now is 10yrs, and i won't even let her go out of the street, i have to know her every move... it's a pity the world isn't safe any more... i feel she's missing out on her childhood independance, but what can i do....

smiley - love sheryl.... xxxxxxx


Post 264


Hello every1 am back on finaly masted it am now on the internet too so lot easier than cable box i have missed spk in to u all smiley - lovesmiley - rosexxd specialy my best friend salx


Post 265

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya doris.... smiley - hug long time n all that....
good to see you back hun.... i had probs after the update, but with jims help i got back in albiet on a new page.... still, i'm here n that's all that matters....
im sure sal will be more than pleased to have you back on board.... smiley - rose

smiley - love sheryl... xxxxx


Post 266


it's lovely 2 spk to u again smiley - loved


Post 267


hi people.

hows this for a good one?

i live in a cul de sac with only 10 houses. at the end of the close, is a little park area. just grass.
it used to have a couple of small park type toys there. but the council in its infinite wisdom has taken them away saying that they arent used enough to warrant them being there.

now ive lived here for 11 years and have seen a variety of children grow up and move out, as they do. so the councils logic could be justified.

the trouble is that we have had several households move out and new ones move in... all with small children.

there are now about 6 children living here and one mother is a registered childminder with several other children in her house and now without anything to play on.

mad or what?


Post 268

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

completely mad, i agree....
years ago tho', when i lived on another estate, there was a small plat area right in front of the house.... at first it was great for my toddler, swings, see-saw, slide...... then after a couple of years the youths used to frequent it at night.... sitting on the swings with their cans of wotever.... it all went downhill from there.... the council pulled it all down, easier than keep replacing the damaged items... i could see the logic there, and the area became peaceful at night again.....


Post 269

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi all smiley - smiley *waves*

smiley - hugI hope this week is better for you salsmiley - rose


Post 270

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hi abbi smiley - hug how's your day goin'? Just had a nice Sunday brunch awhile ago...nice Spanish omelette with lamb sausage...& corn muffins with a burnt orange sauce. smiley - smiley


Post 271


hi there all..what alovely sight...i am too tired to post tonight,but it will give me something to look forward to tomorrow.catch everyone then.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxxx
smiley - discohi do i <love.getting a bit too much like hatd work now!!smiley - bluexxxx


Post 272

tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!)

Hi abbi, Jazz, 'n evryone else.

Sounds Tasty Jazz mate.

Just saw the Jerk for the first time in ages, great movie! Brought back memories of my mum handing me the video saying "now this is a great movie!". The woman had great taste, introduced me to Sarah Vaughan and Mel Brooks and a lot of stuff in between.smiley - biggrin


Post 273

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I made green chili and cheesy cornbread today jaZZ.
Definitely feeling better!
Yummy smiley - drool


Post 274

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I would have enjoyed your mother tonemokey smiley - biggrin
It's No wonder I like you!


Post 275

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oooh smiley - drool is for sure, abbi...don't suppose it's e-mailable?


Post 276

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

teehee *slurp*


Post 277

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi there everyonesmiley - love

i seem to have jumpstarted the thread again,i thought with digis being out,
the sso had wipped us out.

if anyone on here is digi and is still acsessing through the create
email me at [email protected]
i have an email link that gets you onto the h2g2 page direct now.
in responce to the culdisac one

i live on an estate,thats just been taken over from the council,we had a bus shelter for donkeys yrs,then they took the flats down,and the kids trashed the shelter and pelted the buses,so instead of a camera,they have taken the shelter away,
but the irony is that we have just learned,it was to go anyway the new lot as dicided to build 5 bedroom houses on the whole land,i estimate 12 at least,and the section of road nr where the shelter was ,is going to
be the acsess to the houses.
you might be wondering where the memory comes in,well at for the last 5 yrs since the flats came down the council didnt try building anything.
now the new lot dont give a fig what the tennants want.(bring back the council)smiley - discojim


Post 278


hello everyone.i think its a disgrace that the kids have nowhere to play nowadays.the parks as we knew them are no longer safe,and if they were theyre all another few years these vandals will be the ones that are complaining cos theres nowhere for their children.i can remember when it was apleasure to go to the park,and take the children in their prams in summer.there were elderly people sat on benches,enjoying the outdoors,and the swings were full,and the roundabouts.theres nothing now.......nowheres safe,and the elderly are like prisoners in their homes,cos theyre too scared of getting mugged in our local parks.yet,as jim says...the council are selling every piece of land they can get their hands money spent on play areas for the kiddies.
in the city that we live in we have "singing bus shelters".........wonderful!!!!!!!maybe we should tell ur children to go stand in them for entertainment........because there isnt anywhere else for them to go!!!!!who remembers going to the park ..even when they were teenagers,,,,,,,cos thats where all the eligible girls and boys went on a sunday!!!!???


Post 279


oopppssss...before i forget,A BIG HELLO ,AND WELCOME BACK,to sheryl and doris.xxxxxx


Post 280

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

jim keept it going for you smurfles!smiley - biggrin
It has taken a while for everyone to get checked in smoothly.

Nice group of friends smurflessmiley - magic

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