This is the Message Centre for azahar

The Seville Orange

Post 541


Yeah, we were surprised too, TiT. smiley - smiley

Far from suffering from TWS, I'm actually feeling a bit tapa'd out. Though no doubt this has something to do with having been tapearing for almost 13 years now.

I think next time we go out for a bite we'll go for something more exotic, like the Irish nachos. smiley - winkeye


The Seville Orange

Post 542


Wow, check out this five day weekend forecast! smiley - bigeyes

Though I wonder if some of you might have melted if we'd had the meet this week rather than last. smiley - winkeye


The Seville Orange

Post 543


I didn't get enough tapas!smiley - wah

We're currently looking at the last week in May/ beginning of June, checking out what's avaialable down on the coast smiley - cool

Dai still not well - in fact, probabaly worse now smiley - erm. Doctors in the morning

The Seville Orange

Post 544


Oh no! Keep us posted, Lucky. I hope the doctor has something positive to say tomorrow. Big smiley - hug to both of you.

Meanwhile, the Bushmills is going down a treat this evening. Noggin suddenly came down with a cold today so I'm playing smiley - nurse and reckon between the chicken soup and the Bushmills he should be feeling better soon.

If you're looking for places on the coast you might want to try beaches in Cádiz. From Málaga you could hire a car and drive along the costa de la luz, through Tarifa, Boloña, Zahara, Conil . . . all gorgeous and non-touristy beach villages, lots of stunning scenery. Then after however many days of that you get to Cádiz city (I can tell you about a great place to have lunch there) and then you are only and hour and a half away from Seville. smiley - smiley


The Seville Orange

Post 545


For Lucky and Dai:

smiley - smiley


The Seville Orange

Post 546

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

Excellent! Just the thing as we are currently looking at options for the end of May smiley - biggrin

Many thanks

The Seville Orange

Post 547

Mrs Zen

I've put up some arty photos of Seville - I'm still working though the rest to pick out photos of real live peeps.

The arty ones are here: and


The Seville Orange

Post 548

You can call me TC

They are brilliant, Ben. Absolutely fantastic.

The Seville Orange

Post 549

Mrs Zen

Thank you TC. smiley - blush Mind you, you wouldn't think from that little lot that my camera is capable of taking perfectly normal snaps. I'll put some of those up too, when I reach them, but I found myself selecting the over-exposed ones because that is how I felt at the time. I'm pleased with the one of the wheel and the roundabout though. smiley - smiley

I really ought to go back and correct those horrible typos though.


The Seville Orange

Post 550


Really gorgeous photos, Ben! smiley - ok


The Seville Orange

Post 551

Mrs Zen

Really gorgeous city, Az! smiley - ok


The Seville Orange

Post 552


Isn't it though! Every now and then I have to remind myself not to take it for granted. But then sometimes the place reminds me, like when I'm walking home just before sunset and cross the square in front of the cathedral and see that incredible deep blue sky (MoG knows the one I'm talking about) and the street lamps have just come on glowing yellow . . . still takes my breath away.


The Seville Orange

Post 553

Mrs Zen

I think my two memories will be the colours and the scent of orange blossom. I am kicking myself for not buying some of that orange-blossom perfume.


The Seville Orange

Post 554


Was that the stuff called Azahar by Aldolfo Dominguez, Ben? It can easily be sent in the post. Though I find that all perfumes or even essential neroli oils don't ever truly capture that very light fragrance in the air as you're walking along . . . the one that makes you somehow feel like you are suddenly walking around in heaven.

Did you know that azahar is a natural sedative? You can buy azahar water here and it's very common that university students take a swig or two of it before going into exams.

This weekend the azahar is at its peak, it's almost unbearably gorgeous.


The Seville Orange

Post 555

Mrs Zen

The reason I didn't get it was that it didn't quite do it, and most perfumes smell like talcum powder on my skin anyway, but then I started missing it...

It's the stuff in orange tubular boxes. The smallest one is about €20 and stands about three inches high, I think.

Mind you, I rather like it as a memory too.


The Seville Orange

Post 556


I think the stuff in the orange tubular boxes is made by Agua de Sevilla. Shall I test out that one and the Aldolfo Dominguez ones for you?


The Seville Orange

Post 557

Mrs Zen

And the best of the photos of people -

The few photos I took of group get-togethers didn't add much to the gaiety of nations, they were rather obviously taken by someone who was drunk at the time! As a result, most of my photos of peeps were taken at the bar by the Noria. I was drunk there, too, of course but I took enough photos to get the occasional good one.

There are also three I took of MoG and Alfster the day after we got back from Seville.


The Seville Orange

Post 558

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Hola, y'all! smiley - smooch
I'm home again, back online, thawed, unlayered and rescuing olives from drowningsmiley - bubbly. This was the most wonderful of Adventures! Thanks to all of you for making it perfect in every way.

I'm missing everyone, plotting ways to lure y'all to Florida in the winter so y'all won't quite melt, going through tapas withdrawals (though I *did* manage to find some good imported Spanish olives and cheese here that'll take the edge off until I work my way through the tapas cookbook (smiley - smooch Teuchter) and wallowing my mind in that awesome blue sunset surprise az mentioned.

Haven't even had the chance to look at all the photos yet, will start that process tomorrow and put up a link once I begin sorting and putting some of mine on Fotki.

smiley - redwine

The Seville Orange

Post 559


Hi guys

Sorry I couldn't make Seville (I will one day). We had a lovely couple of evenings here in Manchester. It really meant a great deal to us, having a micro meet in my house. Can't wait for some of MoGie's photos (of varying bricks?)


The Seville Orange

Post 560

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Finally got a ridiculous number of the Seville photos loaded here

I miss y'all. And the food, the honeyed rum, the orange blossoms, the colors, the gorgeous city..... *sigh*

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