This is the Message Centre for azahar

The Seville Orange

Post 601


Ha! It's no joke that I'm terribly camera shy, zoomer, always have been. Totally HATE having my photo taken, don't really know why but it's always been a *thing* with me, ya know?

Anyhow, glad you're getting stuff sorted and I hope you'll be coming even earlier than you first thought - hey, the room is there for you!

And we are too. smiley - smiley


The Seville Orange

Post 602



Anyone remember this one? Wish I didn't. But looks like we'll be putting it all to rights when zoomer comes to town at the end of June and we once again borrow Carmen's trusty car and head off to Gibraltar, Bolonia, etc.

This time with zoomer driving and with me remembering to bring my passport.

Oh boy - new M&S knickers! smiley - wow


The Seville Orange

Post 603

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I'm looking forward to it (not your knickers, Gib and Bolonia!) smiley - winkeye

I have a friend who's originally from S. Africa who found Gibralter to be absolutely hilarious. She maintains it's full of P.G. Wodehouse characters. smiley - biggrin

Did I mention that the first time I drove in Europe (London) I drove the rented car one block and then hit a parked car? smiley - rofl

Of course I was only 22 at the time and I haven't had an accident since... smiley - smiley

The Seville Orange

Post 604


Gibraltar was one of our highlights on our last trip. I was fascinated by the British bobbies on traffic duty, the "proper" Post Office, the whole history of the place, the geology, the economics, the education system, the tiny runway, the dual cash machines with a choice of Bank of England notes and Gib ones...

The Seville Orange

Post 605


The M&S . . .


The Seville Orange

Post 606

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Az, as far as you being camera shy- I'm a cameraman for heaven's sake! My trusty little Nikon Coolpix will be ever at the ready and I know just how to catch people unawares. smiley - winkeye

I will spare you my taking your picture while you're shopping for knickers, however.
Scout's honour.

smiley - smiley

Gibraltar or bust!

Post 607


Honey, you just keep that thing pointed somewhere else and nobody will get hurt . . .


Gibraltar or bust!

Post 608


smiley - smiley


Gibraltar or bust!

Post 609


FAb photos Az. I love the one with your arm around Noggin in the restaurant.

smiley - smiley

Gibraltar or bust!

Post 610


I like that one too, Alex - have put it up on my blog, on the About page.

Everyone here seen my blog?

Though I posted that link above to show that someone has finally commented on the mini meet album! smiley - ok

Meanwhile . . . just four more sleeps and zoomer will be here! smiley - wow


Gibraltar or bust!

Post 611

Noggin the Nog

Yep. Yet another Seville minimeet. Looking forward to meeting the zoomer, and showing him around our favourite places and eateries.


Gibraltar or bust!

Post 612

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I'm just getting over a summer cold now but I should be fine for the flight and doubly fine by the time I get there. I'm looking forward to it as well, I've already packed my comfortable sandals and my walking sandals as well. smiley - biggrin

If I need anything else I'll get it at M&S! smiley - laugh

So...the first few pitchers of sangria are on me. smiley - drunk

smiley - cheers

Gibraltar or bust!

Post 613


This is looking quite promising. smiley - smiley

Last week was a killer with the 'official' temperature at 40º most of the week (which means in the centre of town it was much hotter). But 30-32º should be very pleasant.

*makes note to stock zoomer's fridge with smiley - ale *

Just three more sleeps!


Gibraltar or bust!

Post 614


Bed is freshly made, beer is in the fridge . . . just one more sleep! smiley - smiley


Gibraltar or bust!

Post 615


Having a wonderful time! Nog went to meet zoomer at the airport yesterday morning as I was teaching - they got back here just after I'd finished and we went out for a coffee and a bit of a walk around town. Then out for sangria smiley - drunk . Very sneaky stuff, sangria.

After that we took zoomer to the same place we all had lunch the first day of the meet - fabulous. He loved the fat olives and the fried bacalao (salt cod). But afterwards we all had to come home for a little siesta . . .

In the evening we went out for garlic prawns at Las Teresas, then over to Modesto for the fritura and after that a walk past the Wheel and over to the Plaza de España, which Nog and I had never seen at night. Really gorgeous, all lit up.

Now we are working on Plan C for Gibraltar. Plan A (going Friday-Saturday) got scrapped because it turns out I have to be in Sevilla on Saturday. Plan B (to go Sunday-Monday) also didn't work out because my friend Carmen needs her car on Monday. Also, the times that things were open/closed in both Gibraltar and Bolonia didn't work out for those days. But then Carmen told me this morning that she will be away on business Wednesday-Thursday so we can take her car then. Plan C. smiley - bigeyes

Carmen laughed at me this morning and said it seems that me and Gibraltar seem never destined to meet . . . but where there's a will there's a way.

Anyhow, just making some curry as we're having lunch in today. So wish us smiley - goodluck ! I know that zoomer is quite keen on visiting Gibraltar and of course I want to stock up on knickers at M&S. And the best part is that zoomer will do *all* the driving so this time I'll be able to actually see some of the fabulous scenery. smiley - cool


Gibraltar or bust!

Post 616

You can call me TC

smiley - envy I'm homesick already

Gibraltar or bust!

Post 617


Have a great time - in Sevilla and Gib smiley - smiley

Gibraltar or bust!

Post 618


Carmen's work schedule for next week was abruptly changed so now she can't lend us her car - and so we have moved on to Plan D . . . D for Definite, doncha know. smiley - winkeye

This involves renting a car (which we reserved this morning), which means we are now going Monday-Tuesday as zoomer preferred to travel in the middle of his visit here rather than the last two days. It's actually hard to believe this is really happening. smiley - wow

And here is a little of what we did yesterday...


... bust!

Post 619


Everything was all set. Car reserved. Hotel reserved. Spent lovely morning out with Nog and zoomer and we just home from amazing tapas at Las Golondrinas (the place with the radishes). While waiting for zoomer to come over for a late afternoon summer cocktail I started getting some stuff together for the trip.

Toiletries - check. Change of clothes - check. Wallet, money, credit card - check. Camera - check. Passport - check.

Then flipped open front of passport to cringe at hideous photo and saw . . . it expired last week!!! smiley - wah

I honestly cannot believe this is happening! I truly thought my passport was good for at least another year or so. And now what to tell zoomer? Either we go with Plan E and take a trip without going to Gibraltar or we go with Plan F - basically Flick this!

Must go mix cocktails now . . .


Not so much a bust as a deflation...

Post 620

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Pour one for me...oh, wait, I already did! No worries, but Noggin and I are going to use this one for the next decade or so.. Or should I say �Salud! Nice to *talk* to you all.

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