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My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 1




My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 2


I suppose I should elaborate on that a bit. Where to start? (and feel free to skim . . .)

Well, it all started about three years ago when Marks and Spencer closed all their stores in Europe other than in Gibraltar and the Canary Islands. Since then I've had people in the UK send me knickers and tights and other basics I used to buy there. But I thought it would be nice to go there myself and turn it into a weekend on the coast. And it turned out that a friend of mine was happy to lend me her car for the weekend! So fine.

At first just Noggin and I were going to go but it happened that a friend of mine from NY (and presently living in London) is in Seville for about three weeks working on research (she's an art historian) so we invited her to come along with us knowing she would otherwise be on her own here this weekend. Fine again.

I should point out that this was the first time I've driven in ten years (eek!) and since neither Noggin or L drive it was up to me to be the sole driver. Well, it started off okay as the route to Gibraltar is mostly a four-lane 'auto-via' which turned out to be much more comfortable as I stuck to the speed limit and everyone else could whizz past me and no pasa nada. Well, there were a couple of dodgy bits on the way to Gibraltar where a new section of the auto-via was still under construction (and it also started totally p*ssing down at that point). And we also got lost for awhile in *lovely* Algercires , but we finally got there mid-day Saturday and we were looking forward to an afternoon of shopping and monkey-watching before heading off to our next destination where I had booked a nice little two-bedroom apartment for us.


We walked into Gibraltar after parking in the town just next to it (which had been the recommended method as this avoids long car queues at customs and trying to find parking there). But when we got to the check-point I was told my Spanish permanent residency ID card (which I had been told was sufficient for travelling *anywhere* in the EU) was not acceptable and that I needed to show my passport. My passport which was AT HOME. Aaaaaarrgh! So, they wouldn't let me in!!!

I mean - just imagine!!! The original trip was just going to be a there-and-back again for, well, basically underwear and jumper shopping at M&S and it was only after getting the car for the entire weekend that we'd decided to add on a bit of sightseeing and a stop-over in Bolonia.

But FINE! I tried to be big about it (after I stopped beating myself up for my supreme stupidity for not also bringing my passport) and we decided to move on to Tarifa to have lunch before heading on to Bolonia. (these are all places on the Cádiz coast which is known as the Costa de la Luz).

I'd been told the road from Gibraltar to Tarifa and Bolonia was somewhat 'dangerous'. But this hadn't prepared me for the HELL that was in store. Not only was there no more auto-via (ha!) but it was the windy-est most treacherous mountain coastal road I had ever seen! And not only that but I ended up with a queue of very impatient drivers behind me who tailgaited (were totally on me @ss the entire time) which unnerved me even more the the actual road itself.

White-knuckled and semi-hysterical, I finally arrived in Tarifa where I headed for the first bar for an 'emergency beer', Noggin and L in tow. Then we had a nice lunch and headed off once again on said treacherous-windy-mountain-coastal-road-from-hell to Bolonia. After FINALLY getting off road-from-hell, oh joy, found we were on an equally windy mountain road that was barely wide enough for two cars to pass. So it was with great relief that I finally pulled into Bolonia and found our nice little apartment waiting for us. It even had a resident cat who decided she loved us and spent as much time in our apartment as she could.

Bolonia isn't even what you could call a village. It's mostly a couple of hotels and a few restaurants and bars and then a few private homes. But it is stunning. The beach is gorgeous with massive sand dunes and the biggest draw is the fabulous Roman ruins that are there, which go right down to the beach. They have almost the entire Roman town excavated now but are still working on it. Very impressive.

Anyhow, after arriving in Bolonia much earlier than anticipated smiley - cross we took a walk around the place and then went down to the beach to watch the sunset (photos to follow at some point). Then out for a fabulous dinner before going back to get eaten alive by mosquitos all night long. Next morning we were up bright and early, found a lovely place to have brekky (with fab beach view - palm trees, beach and sea just out the window) and went off to see the ruins.

After that we had A DAY OF IT. Well, I mostly did cos I was driving. Weirdly, after getting through the worst of the roads yesterday I found I was suddenly a nervous wreck about driving this morning. Well, it *had* been ten years. So, did I sensibly suggest we drive straight home? NO! I insisted that Noggin and L see as much of the Costa de la Luz as we had time for. Again, no auto-via and, again, very impatient drivers riding up my bum because I was going too slow for their liking. But in the end we stopped off in another beach village called Zahara de los Atunes to have a quick look around. Then off to Vejer de la Frontera (I must be nuts - it was *my* suggestion!). Vejer is situated on the top of a huge inland cliff, two kilometres straight up and down driving along more windy trecherous mountain roads with hairpin bends . . . finally we got up there and saw the stupendous view. Then the next stop (after having to come all the way down again!) was to have lunch in Conil - my favouritist beach in all of Spain.

Really, it was great. Wonderful food and both Noggin and L said that Conil was very special. We took a long walk along the beach after lunch and got our feet wet in the sea (it was about 28º) which meant we finally headed home a bit later than I had planned - I really didn't want to drive in the dark. But I ended up driving in the dark basically from Cádiz to Sevilla. Luckily I was back on the auto-via by this time but I was so exhausted and fed up with driving that I was having panic attacks left and right. But somehow I managed not to kill us all.

As we had to return the car to my friend, who lives just outside Seville, once we got to the outskirts of the city I started following her instructions to get on the ring road and find the turn-off for her village. I had good instructions but . . . it was dark and it was Sunday evening when *everybody* is coming home and zipping along at crazy speeds, crossing lanes two at a time - because THEY knew where they were going. I finally went - gaaaaah! - and took a turning too soon into another village because there was just no way I could stay on a four-lane road at night with cars whizzing all over the place. And promptly got totally lost. Had to call Carmen to come and rescue us. smiley - blush

After getting dropped off back in Seville we were walking down our street towards home (L had gone off to her place) and I said to Noggin as we passed my friend Pepe's bar - LET'S HAVE A BEER. He concurred. And then Pepe introduced us to this weird but interesting English guy who is setting up what could be a very interesting Internet biz and he gave us his card and said we should be in touch with him. So we had another beer with him (Pepe bought) and, well, you never know. This chance meeting might turn into something interesting business-wise.

And so, after buying a bottle of wine off Pepe we came home to much needed hot showers and to hug cats and finally finally RELAX.


Noggin and L said they had a wonderful weekend. I think it's going to take a few days before my neck and shoulders don't feel like they are in a vice-grip. I was so stupid all along. First for not bringing my passport with me (which wrecked the entire main motive of our trip - so I could get underwear at M&S smiley - winkeye ). And secondly for thinking that after not having driven for ten years that I could spend two entire days driving almost non-stop in, well, extremely challenging conditions.

Never again?

I doubt it.

I *did* say I was stupid, didn't I?

smiley - redwine


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 3

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

So... all in all, a nice ralaxing weekend?

Do be sure to pass along your piccies.

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 4

logicus tracticus philosophicus

well that was fun then , almost ready as a guide entry, of what not to do, some of those roads are bit tight and twisty, even worse if in right hand drive car , so it could hve been worse, must get on

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 5



Indeed. I am so RELAXED right now that it is 2.30 in the morning and I am just polishing off the last of the wine and think it just *might* be possible to get into bed with more than my shoulders and heels touching the mattress. Tense? Oh my goodness heckity yes!

I'm just so happy I didn't kill anyone and destroy the car.

Happy, happy, happy . . . smiley - winkeye


most pics were taken by L on her digital camera - she'll send them to me after she gets back to London in a couple of weeks.

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 6


hi logicus,

Yes, it *could* have been worse, which is why I still can't believe it wasn't. smiley - smiley


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 7

Ivan the Terribly Average

On the bright side - now you know that buying underwear from Marks & Sparks requires a passport. smiley - weird

Better luck next time!

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 8

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

Yay for roadtrips smiley - biggrin

I understand about the driving thing. I've only not driven since July, and my response when Njan's dad suggest he rent us a car to drive down to Oxfordshire for Christmas was something along the lines of, 'are you MAD?!' smiley - laugh

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 9


Well, OK, the passport thing was a bit of a faux pas but anyone can do that. Otherwise it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. At least you didn't chicken out and disappoint Noggin and L did you? And no actual harm befell any of you either? No, so you should be proud of yourself and chalk it up to experience. Well done - another of life's little challenges competently dealt with (even if it didn't feel like it at the time.) smiley - ok

Next time you fancy a weekend driving trip you might want to take the car for a little practice run a day or two before; just to give you a bit more confidence.

Anyway, tell me more about this business thing.


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 10

logicus tracticus philosophicus

speaking of which ,re xp2 update
this may be of interest

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 11


hi Fathom,

Well, I had been thinking that we might be able to get the car again just for the day and do a there-and-back to Gibraltar since that route is quite easy. But since I got so horribly lost and caused Carmen to lose a couple of hours coming to rescue us and then driving us back into town I somehow think she won't be too keen to lend us the car again. smiley - erm

So it looks like I'll have to wait until January for new underwear (when we go to the winter meet in London).

I'll tell you more about the biz idea on our thread, okay?

hi Nyss,

Doesn't Njan drive? I don't think I could ever drive on the WRONG side of the road.

smiley - run s for tin helmet. . .


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 12


Thanks for that link logicus, that's really useful.

smiley - cheers


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 13

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Well, it's a pity about your passport, but those beaches are so beautiful! (Noggin is right about Conil, it looks really special). You're brave about the driving, and it sounds like a great weekend overall. smiley - biggrin

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 14


Total sympathies for what you went through with the driving. I didn't drive for 6 months then it was driving on the other side through downtown Whitehorse. Though I have to say your roads and drivers sound a lot worse.
M&S is mentioned in Don't Panic, the book about Douglas and the Guide.
In a footnote for foreign readers it is described as a store whose underwear is worn by 90% of British people.
At least you had a pretty good weekend, also you proved that bureaucracy can screw up absolutely anything.
smiley - smiley

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 15

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

"So it looks like I'll have to wait until January for new underwear"

So you and Noggin will be fighting over his briefs until then?

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 16


Az,please believe me,as beautiful as the shopping is in Gibralter.You had a very lucky escape hahaha I drove UP the Rock !!! The most scariest thing I've ever done in my life !!!How I didn't end up in Africa(without the help of boat or plane I hasten to add)is nothing short of miracle !!!Just let me know what sizes,colours etc you need from M+S,I'lI get them for you.MUCH SAFER.Love Pinky x

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 17

Lady in a tree

Have you recovered yet az? Sounds like a very tiring weekend - I bet you slept well!

By the way - you can shop for M&S stuff online in the UK now - I think they are working toward getting it global (or at least European) very soon. They accept orders from Spain (and other countries) but delivery is to the UK smiley - erm...go figure?!

Shame you missed out on Gibraltar's famous Barbary apes...not! When I went there they were viscious little buggers who only came near you to steal whatever they could lay their paws on. It's not their fault - if the public didn't feed them (like it said on all the signs) then they wouldn't be so bold.

Shame you missed out on the view from the top of the rock though... that is nice. Ah well - next time! (with passport!)

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 18


Well, after what Nyss and YukonWolf said about not driving after just a few months it seems quite obvious now that I bit off more than I could chew by attempting a two-day driving trip along treacherous mountain roads as my first ever driving experience in ten years!

So now I don't feel so bad about being such a nervous wreck the whole time (thought before I was just being wimpy and should probably never attempt driving again).

As for driving up the Rock, it was not only recommended that we park outside Gibraltar but also that we should hire a taxi to take us on a tour up the Rock and to visit the caves and tunnels. Apparently taxi drivers do this all the time there and it isn't expensive.

Thanks for the offer, Pinky, and the info about ordering online, Lady, but I reckon I can probably hold out until January (and even hit the sales then!).

Meanwhile, Mudhooks, Noggin's briefs are, well, a bit too brief for me. smiley - blush It *is* weird that I can't find any decent and reasonably priced undies in Seville. Also, basic stuff like tights, t-shirts, socks, comfy sweaters - all that stuff I used to buy at M&S. There really isn't anywhere in Seville (or Spain) that has the same sort of things. smiley - sadface

Well, perhaps it was a good warning as I *might* have flown to London in January thinking I didn't need my passport to enter the UK (just as I don't need it to enter France, Germany, Portugal, etc). Now THAT would have been a real disaster!


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 19

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

sounds quite hectic sugar


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 20

Big Red

*lurks, waves to all but doesn't post* smiley - cheers

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