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My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 21

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - smiley

Have a big cuppa, take a deep breath, and smile about it all! smiley - biggrin

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 22


Thanks zoomer!

Well, it wasn't actually a cuppa. When we got back to Seville on Sunday night we hit my friend Pepe's bar for 'a couple' then bought a bottle of wine at the bar to take home. And then, because I was so *wired*, we sat up drinking the wine and hootooing until the wee hours. . .

Anyhow, yes, now I can almost laugh at it all.

I mean, it was *definitely* an experience!


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 23

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Az, I'm in awe!

I haven't driven in 12 years, and I wouldn't get behind the wheel again without a couple of hours of refresher driver training...the kind where there's an extra set of brakes on the other side! smiley - rofl

As it is now, just call me smiley - buslady!


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 24


This is as close as I got . . . smiley - erm


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 25

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Wow, do people DRIVE up that honking big rock? Or is it even (gasp)
LARGER than it seems in your photo? Forgive an American who's only seen sketches of the Rock before, in ads and whatnot. Have to say, though, I don't think I'd drive up there even WITH a refresher! smiley - smiley

Looks like you, Noggin and your friend had a classic "road trip", at that! smiley - ok


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 26


Hi SC,

Yes, it *is* actually bigger than it looks in the photo and, yes, people *do* drive up it (as Pinky mentioned doing earlier). Though I was told the best bet was to hire a taxi to take us up to the top as the taxi drivers are familiar with the very treacherous road.

Later on I was told that there are also cable cars that take people up to the top, which is what I'll do *next time*.

Meanwhile, I have solved the M&S knicker dilemma by ordering some from their web-site and having them delivered to my friend in Bristol - who will then post them to me here. I know it sounds really stupid that I can't find good knickers here - but I can't! And since we have now decided to postpone the London trip till next summer, well, couldn't actually wait *that* long for new knickers.

My friend sent us a few more photos from the trip - will have to have another look at them and find a couple in which I don't look so FAT. smiley - winkeye


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 27

logicus tracticus philosophicus

just saying hi , came here looking for thread my trip to cordoba ,yup still lurking ,so see blickys takeing a break.
Also see some things never change apart from the name, fancy
adopting the symbol of all she despises ah well ,suppose keeps her amused,speaking of evil things hows the smiley - bats .or did blocking up the hole work ,nimbus putting on weight ,or being braver yet , henrys doing well have allowed him to go out and about since moving ,and he is very
silly just at the back of the house is a little shopping moll ,where a woman brings a owl down to raise funds for the bird sanctuary she runs,
and of course being thick as he is wants to get up close to it, well must dash be back later

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 28


hi logicus, smiley - smiley

The Cordoba photos should be up tomorrow. Meanwhile, here are photos from two recent - and more successful - trips. To Granada and Cadiz:

Yes, we sealed up the smiley - bat nest opening a couple of weeks ago and Nimbus is as sturdy as ever (though he still hisses at me).


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 29

logicus tracticus philosophicus

and the owl wont be long before i have one of him and henry nose to nose ,as the owls owner has cats and they both henry and the owl are relaxed in one anothers company been as close as two feet apart ,did not have camera phone with me though
also got me web cam back so will have to link up again some time, four pictures of waves ?

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 30


You didn't like the wave photos? I took four to show the wave coming in - quite like the last one myself.

That owl is stunning! Great eyes. I've always loved owls.


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 31

logicus tracticus philosophicus

no did like the wave photos,think i commented on the last one, yes that owl is stunning ,really soft feathers ,great to touch and tickle by ears ,funny how birds like that those with wings and those without, the lady that rins the sanctuary has several, barn owls think are my favorates coz of colour ,but do like a nice big bird as well and some of those owls do reach a size,

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 32


Here are the Córdoba photos . . .


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 33

McKay The Disorganised

Yes - my experience in Spain would seem to indicate that Spanish drivers have mastered 2 controls in the car - Accelerator and horn.

Advanced drivers also use brake - unexpectedly - I suspect they're looking for the ashtray, as its so difficult tapping the ash off whilst driving and holding a mobile phone.

There is a rumour that "indicators" have been seen in Benidorm - but personally I have my doubts.

smiley - cider

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 34

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

My experience in India told me that the taxi drivers there believe that, while one has for wheels, only two (maximum) of them have to be on the road at any given time while the car is in motion.....

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 35


Don't know about driving in India but in Spain the horn is a definite driving accessory. You know, it helps get traffic moving and all that . . . smiley - erm

I was probably more of a hazard on the road by driving too slow - especially through the windy mountain roads near Tarifa. Within no time there was a very long and very impatient queue of cars behind me (that couldn't overtake) which ended up making me feel even more nervous.

I'm actually quite a good city driver - just can't seem to get over my nervousness on the highway (something to do with once flying off the road at 80 mph when I was 19 - never quite got over that one).


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 36

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

When we were in Bombay and heading to the airport to fly to Delhi, we took two taxi. both taxis left at the same time and both were obviously sure that we were in a race of some kind. Ours got a flat tire and, despite having changed the tire, we arrived at the airport before the other taxi.

My mother said that she wasn't sure why he bothered changing the tire, since she didn't think he used it at all for the rest of the trip.

My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 37


We finally made it! smiley - biggrin


My almost trip to Gibraltar

Post 38

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - smiley

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