This is the Message Centre for azahar

The Seville Orange

Post 501


Well, MoG is here safe and sound. Of course her first meal in Spain was nachos at the Irish pub (don't ask!) with Dutch cigars afterwards. smiley - erm

Then lots of walking around, then some *proper* tapas and smiley - redwine . . . now just waiting for Noggin to get home so we can escort la señorita to her pensión.

Hasta mañana!


The Seville Orange

Post 502

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Luggage was lost,as predicted. Made all that hauling of bulky and heavy cary-on worth while. Started non-traditionally but just got back from proper tapas and rioja and it was lovely! The sunsetting sky was the most incredible shade of textured blue,got some awesome photos of the Giralda against that sky with the golden lighting from the street. This town is lovely! Noticed that the toilet paper is not quite as wide as in the USA, I guess that´s a reflection of our fat butts. smiley - smiley I´m punchy and about to fall over now, will sleep well and be ready to face the world tomorrow. There´s so much to see and taste and smell!

This is so cool!

The Seville Orange

Post 503


Got a text message from Lucky while we were having our nachos - she and Dai were just getting on their plane in Belfast. I think they'll be arriving in Seville sometime later tomorrow afternoon.

smiley - smiley


The Seville Orange

Post 504

Ivan the Terribly Average


One of these days...

The Seville Orange

Post 505


smiley - lurk - intensively smiley - biggrin

Have a fantastic time smiley - magic

The Seville Orange

Post 506

You can call me TC

Hi to all lurkers. Recumbentman - you could have got on your bike a couple of weeks ago - you'd be there by now!!!

I really ought to get off this computer and start packing...... smiley - smiley

Why did they have to make so many very new announcements today of all days?

The Seville Orange

Post 507


Met up with the Teuchter's, Ben and Z this morning and after they got checked into their places we went out for a 'snack' . . . about two hours and a fair bit of smiley - redwine later we were all feeling quite satisfied.

Now everyone is off to siesta or shop or whatever . . . and we'll meet up again for a *proper* tapa feast in a few short hours. smiley - smiley

(Don't worry, TC, I'm saving a really special place for tomorrow's lunch)


The Seville Orange

Post 508

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit under clear skies
"Sound as you all will have a good time smiley - smiley

Do not forget you are together to enjoy rather then to see as much as possible.

How about publishing the meet in smiley - thepost (new edition today) smiley - cheers"

The Seville Orange

Post 509


Lucky and Dai will be here in an hour or so - they're on the train from Málaga. So they'll get here just in time to join us for rooftop terrace pre-dinner drinks with a close-up view of the Giralda tower . . .

This is fun. smiley - smiley


The Seville Orange

Post 510

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

Neat. Glad to hear you guys are having fun. Sorry I couldn't be there, being on the other side of the world and all--even farther away than usual, since I'm in school in California.

The Seville Orange

Post 511


Logging on from our hotel.

We´re having a fantastic time in this beautiful city. Az and Noggin are being the perfect hosts.

Off to meet everyone for more delicious food - will be giving the vino a miss today, thanks to this morning´s very jaggy bunnetsmiley - ill

Hasta pronto, amigos. smiley - biggrin

The Seville Orange

Post 512

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - smiley
Happy for all of you, sad for me..
smiley - sadface

Never mind, I _will_ make it eventually.

TC- I don't have an aquabike! smiley - laugh

The Seville Orange

Post 513

Malabarista - now with added pony

doesn't riding in circles on the ferry count? smiley - winkeye

The Seville Orange

Post 514

clzoomer- a bit woobly


Sensitive subject around here right now..

(btw, it was built in Germany..)

On a happier note, all of you must have an extra tapa (tapas?) for me as well as an extra glass of wine. And of course if that leads to an extra smiley - hug or smiley - smooch, I'll take credit for that as well..

smiley - cheers

The Seville Orange

Post 515

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - yikes sorry, didn't know smiley - footinmouth

But what does its being built in Germany have to do with anything?

The Seville Orange

Post 516

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Just for interests' sake, you being Germanically inclined. The other interesting part is that it was sadly outdated and should have been taken out of service 10 years ago.

No smiley - footinmouth if you didn't smiley - eureka know.

smiley - cheers

The Seville Orange

Post 517

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ah, ok - I see. Thought you meant that was a reason I should've heard of it smiley - winkeye

smiley - ok

The Seville Orange

Post 518


Not sure if it's possible to have any *extra* tapas for you, zoomer smiley - puff but we have raised our glasses to 'absent friends' more than once. smiley - smiley

TC arrived midday yesterday and we met up with some of the group for a lovely lunch on a sunny outdoor terrace . . . and then on to the Wheel and a long walk in the Maria Luisa park (where N & I took our park walks last summer).

I think everyone went to see a flamenco show last night but Noggin and I were in bed by 9, having stayed up until 4am the previous night to finish off some work (after having lurched home around 1.30 after dinner and a couple of nightcaps). So we were pretty zonked.

The place where we went for a nightcap was clearly a shrine to 2legs - hope the photos turn out. smiley - bigeyes

Well, off for brekky soon and then a trip to the Alcazar (royal palace and gardens) and the cathedral. After a bit of rain on Thursday, the weather has turned gorgeous!


The Seville Orange

Post 519

Noggin the Nog

smiley - redwine To absent friends smiley - redwine

We're having a great time showing everyone around and getting to know them. Should be some good photos too.


The Seville Orange

Post 520

You can call me TC

We are really having a whale of a time - it's so relaxing and everythng is working out so well in Azahar's capable hands. Thanks to Noggin for letting me log in on his laptop! smiley - cheers

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