This is the Message Centre for azahar

The Seville Orange

Post 481


What's happening with Dai, Lucky? How is he?

*also worried*


The Seville Orange

Post 482


Glad to hear you got the cat thing sorted, Ben. I really love the word 'cattery' somehow . . .


The Seville Orange

Post 483

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - hug for Lucky and Dai. smiley - hug

az, your number is written down on the Emergency Contact list in my purse. Thank you! I'll see you at the airport tomorrow. Thanks for rearranging your class schedule, that means a lot to me. Let's plan on gentle stuff for the afternoon/evening, then I'll make an earlyish night of it and hopefully wake up on Thursday de-jetlagged. smiley - biggrin


The Seville Orange

Post 484

Mrs Zen

Bon Voyage, Mother of God!

smiley - love


The Seville Orange

Post 485

Mrs Zen

It is a good word - the vet suffered from Assault and Cattery this morning when he offended Curly-cat. smiley - laugh

I was hoping to be leaving in 15 minutes, but I still have a good couple of hours worth of housework to do. I *hate* coming back to a mess.

*worries about Lucky and Dai*

smiley - erm


The Seville Orange

Post 486

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oooh, I really wish I were going. And surprisingly, I'd even have the time now smiley - wahsmiley - envy

Still, I'd better stay in the country.

But have fun, everyone! smiley - biggrin

The Seville Orange

Post 487


No problem MoG, my Wednesday night student was okay about changing her class to this evening instead, so we'll have the whole afternoon/evening free tomorrow to help get you settled in.

Good heavens, it's actually starting to happen, isn't it?

Lucky, you have my mobile phone number so you can text me at anytime - or even call. Hope Dai is okay. smiley - hug


The Seville Orange

Post 488


So, everyone is packing up! Mog is on her way to the airport in Florida. Ben is on her way to her stop-off before getting her flight here tomorrow.

It's actually happening!


The Seville Orange

Post 489

Mrs Zen


I popped my car in my neighbour's space because (a) I was expecting to leave about 4 hours later and (b) I thought he was away either overnight or until late this evening. When he got back he parked me in, which is fair enough, I guess. But now he's gone off riding his bike, and if I don't leave in the next 10 minutes then I'll be too late to take the cats to the cattery and go to Z's tonight.

It is 100% my own laziness, but how annoying.


The Seville Orange

Post 490


Has everyone got the phone number to confirm their booking at the pensión? I know I could do this tomorrow myself, but what if I somehow forgot?? Eek!


The Seville Orange

Post 491

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit unsmiley - lurking
"How about some publication just for the record ? As far as known 'Titania' will only do the update for the 'Announcements' in smiley - thepost tomorrow evening. "

The Seville Orange

Post 492


*also concerned about Dai

Thinking of you both, Lucky Star smiley - cuddle

The Seville Orange

Post 493


Thank you all so much for your good wishes.smiley - hug

Tests today didn't reveal anything, so we're still coming but will be taking it easy - might be a few more lie-downs and a few less tramping around museums than we'd hoped smiley - smiley

If no improvement by next week - well, it's back to the hospital smiley - erm. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Ooooh it's exciting, the thought of meeting you all so soon!

The Seville Orange

Post 494


This looks quite promising. smiley - smiley

Lucky just text messaged me from Málaga, which reminded me about confirming the pensión bookings - so all are confirmed now (yours too for Friday, TC).


The Seville Orange

Post 495


Wishing you all the loveliest of times.

The Seville Orange

Post 496

You can call me TC

Gee thanks - I had made a note of it in my mobile to be smiley - bleeped and reminded to phone tomorrow morning.

I must go and get my train ticket to the airport for tomorrow now, and decide what to pack - while you lot are already living it up in the sun. Hope everyone arrives intact and look forward to seeing you all sooooooon!!!

The Seville Orange

Post 497


Have a good meet-up! I'd love to be there . . . maybe next time. smiley - friedegg

The Seville Orange

Post 498

Mrs Zen

So glad that you and Dai will be there, Lucky! smiley - somersault

I made it down to Birmingham by the skin of my teeth, but I feel rather smiley - ermish about the cats. The place they are staying is not what I would have chosen: cold in this weather and nothing for them to see. They'll be entirely justified in hating me when they get back, and it'll take them a while to settle down again.

However by the time I got there it really was too late to do anything else and there is a heat lamp, and they do sleep most of the time anyway. But..... I am going to check out all the local places before I pick one again. The nicest place I ever put cats had geese and ducks wandering around outside the pens, and plenty for them too look at and drool over.

Teuchter, don't worry about your housekeeping - I go out with Z remember! My neuroses are my own and really don't affect anyone else. So long as they DON'T sit on that chair, or disturb those cushions, or .... *sigh* .... well it's too late now, No! It's no bother at all, if you just move you feet a bit I'll work round them. smiley - winkeye


The Seville Orange

Post 499

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

*Note to Self: De-dog the house befoer smiley - chick*

smiley - ale

The Seville Orange

Post 500


Well - I've done my best to tidy up a bit. We don't so much have dust-bunnies in this house - they're more sheep sized.
Anyway - I've rounded up as many of the bu**ers as I can and shooed them out the house.
smiley - biggrin

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