Journal Entries
Posted Nov 24, 2004
Fair Isle A3197207
This little island in the far north of the Irish Sea is a separate country, with its own unique type of government, as well as its own type of cat. The Isle of Man is about 30 miles long and is only 17 miles from the southern tip of Scotland.
Written by Gnomon, but most of the mistakes are probably down to my contributions
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Latest reply: Nov 24, 2004
A Permitted Additive to the EG
Posted Nov 10, 2004
Front page today 4th November:
Contains No Artificial Additives...
Ever wondered how the European Union came up with its system of 'E' numbers to classify food colourings, flavourings and preservatives? E-numbers: the Classification of Food Additives A3103822 explains what's permitted and what's not.
Have to write some more entries now - no more in the pipeline. I'm thinking of updating the entry on poached eggs...
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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2004
Front Page, but no blob
Posted Nov 1, 2004
Es are Good
"Among the many mysteries of modern life, the writing on food packaging must be one of the most baffling. What does all it all mean? Well, we can't answer everything, but we can at least explain what The 'e' mark stands for..." A3022615
Could have benefitted from a blob of the logotype e - it isn't © after all
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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2004
A virtual picture of a virtual trophy
Posted Oct 7, 2004
Received today the picture of my Word Play trophy, which can now be seen proudly adorning the end of my personal space, and at A1049753 - either mine is the only one in its own (wonky) trophy cabinet , or I've only got a picture of a trophy
yes, I found the most long words first... it doesn't sound like such an achievement now I think about it, more a sign of obsessively awaiting publication of <./>thepost</.>. Ho hum.
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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2004
Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004
Posted Apr 28, 2004
Little Fluffy Cloud
They might look like wispy lumps of cotton wool in the sky to us, but every cloud formation has a name, courtesy of today's first subject. Put your hands together for Luke Howard - the namer of clouds. A2218583
Another entry another blob. I'm going to have to rewrite my space soon - it is getting too crowded. Not made very clear that all three entries on Front page involve inspiring weather conditions caused by volcanic eruptions / earthquakes.
(it is clear to me anyway ) My cloud entry has appeared before the entry that inspired it (Cloud Types and their significance A1144261) - life isn't fair sometimes
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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2004
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