Journal Entries

Lamarck on Front Page

Gosh it is so long since I had a front page entry.

Now this is here: A2284210 Lamarck, scientific bridesmaid smiley - cool, and what a neat blob smiley - biggrin

I'll have to stir myself and write some more entries.smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2004

What is it about hospitals?

I am very shortly going into hospital for a minor operation - a hernia repair. This I realize is small potatoes in the sickness stakes, but my anxiety about it, since I have never been into a hospital as a patient before (even for this simple in-and-out in one day procedure) is out of all proportion. smiley - yikes Giving blood is much easier.

Anyway when I'm not on-line for a day or so that's what I'll be having done. I only found out at the pre-op that my tentative booking a couple of days sick-leave wholly inadequate - I shall be recuperating for at least two weeks apparently, possibly a month. smiley - yikes Fortunately my inability to walk far afterward shouldn't incapicitate my use of h2g2, though it was suggested that standing at the computer may prove more comfortable, and long periods on-line not advisable. smiley - yikes

No doubt I'll be able to let you know how I get on.

Pimms smiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2003

The official diet is over

Thanks to all those who offered advice and encouragement (particularly MadHamish and Hypatia).smiley - ok

For those who didn't pay attention, it started in mid June, with the impetus of a group of people all contributing to a fund that would pay out with a charitable donation and prizes for the three people who lost the greatest perentage of their weight between the initial and final weigh-ins. The final weigh-in was a couple of weeks ago with the prizes awarded last weekend.

I was the winner smiley - diva, with something over 4% of weight lost (by their measurements - I reckon I've lost a few pounds more than the official weighing suggested).

Since my diet wasn't a foolish short-term drastic change in eating habits (I rarely lost more than one pound a week) I think I can sustain the loss for quite a while. A beneficial side-effect has been that I can easily wear waistcoats from my wardrobe that had been consigned to gathering dust as too snug for public use smiley - biggrin

Now the serious issue - do I need to change my nickname? (No, Hypatia, I will not go for the anagram I thought of a couple of weeks ago)

Pimms 'Lettuce'

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Latest reply: Oct 30, 2003

Slower and slower...

Fourteen weeks, only 10lbs lost overall (at most). I think I lost the plot a bit during my August holiday smiley - sadface. Still (just about) on track to lose a stone by mid October.smiley - puffsmiley - runsmiley - wahsmiley - somersaultsmiley - towel

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Latest reply: Sep 22, 2003

Stoutness exercises

By a regimen of brisk walks to and from work and during lunch hour, abstention from nearly all snacking, more fruit and water consumption and (occasionally) smaller portions I have lost ....
Half a stone (seven pounds, just over 3 kilos) in six weeks smiley - ok (where is the smiley?)

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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2003

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