This is a Journal entry by Pimms

What is it about hospitals?

Post 1


I am very shortly going into hospital for a minor operation - a hernia repair. This I realize is small potatoes in the sickness stakes, but my anxiety about it, since I have never been into a hospital as a patient before (even for this simple in-and-out in one day procedure) is out of all proportion. smiley - yikes Giving blood is much easier.

Anyway when I'm not on-line for a day or so that's what I'll be having done. I only found out at the pre-op that my tentative booking a couple of days sick-leave wholly inadequate - I shall be recuperating for at least two weeks apparently, possibly a month. smiley - yikes Fortunately my inability to walk far afterward shouldn't incapicitate my use of h2g2, though it was suggested that standing at the computer may prove more comfortable, and long periods on-line not advisable. smiley - yikes

No doubt I'll be able to let you know how I get on.

Pimms smiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

What is it about hospitals?

Post 2

Old Hairy

My sincerest best wishes to you. I hope you recover well. It is, as you say, only a minor op. Good luck.

What is it about hospitals?

Post 3


Oh dear! smiley - hug I think that all surgery is serious. So, please do what the doctors tell you once you're home. No macho stuff. Let your family pamper you. And come online when you're able so we'll know you're ok.

Oh, drink lots of water to help keep your system from getting all toxic from the medications. I think that's all the bossing I'll do right now. smiley - winkeye

Hsmiley - rainbow

What is it about hospitals?

Post 4

MotDoc, Temporarily Exiled to Tartu, Estonia

Good luck, Pimms. No dying on us, now.

What is it about hospitals?

Post 5

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Hernia! Pimms is in for the Nip and tuck! If ya can't get rid of it any other way, go see the surgeon to make it go away!

(Be well!)

What is it about hospitals?

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

Best of luck, Pimms, and take it easy!

What is it about hospitals?

Post 7


smiley - ta for all the good wishes smiley - ok. I'm hoping I'll be able to use this recuperation time to write some entries for the Guide.

Pimms smiley - erm

What is it about hospitals?

Post 8


Good luck Pimms smiley - smiley

Heed Hypatia's bossiness: she's right smiley - winkeye

smiley - goodluck

What is it about hospitals?

Post 9


hmm i think they just smell really rank.

What is it about hospitals?

Post 10


I have returned (not much of a break from h2g2) smiley - ok

Suffice to say it was an uneventful day during which I created a small origami menagerie, was operated on while unconcious, and read a book. I am now in a small amount of discomfort smiley - erm. This too shall pass.

Pimms smiley - injured (the bandage is not on my head, but you get the idea smiley - smiley)

What is it about hospitals?

Post 11


Hi Pimms smiley - smiley

Glad to hear you've come through it smiley - ok
Don't rush into activity now, will you? smiley - doctor

smiley - cheers

What is it about hospitals?

Post 12

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Good thing you mentioned that! I was actually what you had herniated to have a head wrap. Perhaps a cover up for a labotomy??? Still that's all sorted.

(Lounge my friend, lounge like you've never lounged before!)

What is it about hospitals?

Post 13


Glad it's all over with and you're safely home. smiley - milksmiley - cake

Take care.

What is it about hospitals?

Post 14


The hospital staff stressed that I am *not* an invalid - staying in bed was likely to be counter-productive.

So my wife has given me plenty of chores smiley - sadface (which don't involve bending, stretching or heavy lifting smiley - ok)

Hyp, Sorry to read you've also been in the wars. Hope the bruises clear up soon smiley - hug

Staples out in ten days.

Pimms smiley - injured

What is it about hospitals?

Post 15


I'm ok. Just feeling awkward and mad at myself for not being more careful. My shoulder is still bothering me this morning, but the rest of me feels beter than I expected.

Hsmiley - rainbow

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