This is a Journal entry by Pimms

Slower and slower...

Post 1


Fourteen weeks, only 10lbs lost overall (at most). I think I lost the plot a bit during my August holiday smiley - sadface. Still (just about) on track to lose a stone by mid October.smiley - puffsmiley - runsmiley - wahsmiley - somersaultsmiley - towel

Slower and slower...

Post 2


Slow and steady wins the race. smiley - biggrin

You're doing better than I did. I lost 12 pounds and have already regained 14. smiley - sigh I'm going to have to just make up my mind to be hungry. Not a happy prospect.


Slower and slower...

Post 3


I haven't gained an ounce in months smiley - run

Slower and slower...

Post 4


Hyp I haven't gone hungry, just tried to ensure I burn off a few more of the calories, and bulked out on low calorie food and lots of water (at least 2 litres a day on average). The hardest bit is resisting the late night high-calorie snack (smiley - cakesmiley - runsmiley - ok).

smiley - blacksheep I refuse to be impressed. I'm sure it isn't due to any special effort on your part, so you get no credit. A change in your lifestyle may lead to unconscious long-term weight gain, so try to avoid sedentary pursuits like being editor of the underguide (oh dear too late smiley - winkeye)

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 5


Thanks for reminding me about the water. I know I should drink more but just don't do it. I read a technical explanation about why water helps you lose weight. It's something to do with the liver. When we are underhydrated the liver, which is supposed to be burning fat, spends it's time holding water. so, we're actually less bloated when we drink more instead of the other way round.

I eat very sensibly at my meals, but e late night snacking is my downfall, too. But not sweets. I can do without them fairly easily. It's the chips and crackers - I love Cheez-its smiley - erm - and popcorn and peanuts.

I really think if I did more water and ate 5 or 6 small meals instead of 3 regular meals and a hugh bedtime snack, that I'd lose. I'll do it! How's that for optimism.smiley - rofl


Slower and slower...

Post 6


I'm eating cheez-its right now smiley - ok
And it's not my own effort smiley - tongueout I admit that. I still like it though

smiley - blacksheep

Slower and slower...

Post 7


Pimms, that marquee is going by so fast it's giving me a headache! Whew. I wish I could move that fast.

My sister used to be like that. She could eat enough for 3 people and never gain an ounce. I hated her. I could smell a french fry and gain weight. Well, now she's in her early 60's (it's my OLDER sister) and her rear is as big as mine. smiley - ok

Hsmiley - book

Slower and slower...

Post 8

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

I eat up to five FULL meals a day and I weigh 90 kilograms at six ft tall and I drink up to and including five litres of wter a day! Why, because I excercise a lot! your metabolism will only respond to what you are doing. If you are eating more, drinking less water and not excercising, your body stays in winter mode, gaining fat for the cold! If you start to move and drink more water, you can get away with eating more, because your metabolism will speed up. Pimms has the right idea, burn more than you eat and you have to lose weight! if you don't seek medical attention 'cos something else is wrong!

(And I'm sure you can do it too!)

Slower and slower...

Post 9


Is that better Hyp?

Let's hear it for smiley - run exercise and smiley - stiffdrink water smiley - oksmiley - biggrin (there isn't a glass of water smiley!)

Pimms smiley - mistletoe (actually dipped to 11lbs lost this morning smiley - somersault)

Slower and slower...

Post 10


smiley - laugh Better. smiley - ta And congratulations on another pound gone.

I ordered a pilates tape and some yoga tapes that just came in. I'll start doing those. And I dragged my air walker and stationary bike off of the porch and back into the house. I'll try. I really will.

My back hurts all the time from the extra weight and one hip and knee are starting to feel the strain. I have to do something. Thanks guys for the encouragement.

It looks like I need a nag Hyp to diet conversation. smiley - winkeye I don't have enough nerve to track the weight loss next to my name, plus that's already been done - and better than I'll do no doubt.

Slower and slower...

Post 11


I haven't tried yoga, but apparently it is excellent for keeping you in trim, but you will need to get a bit obsessed with it - you know, start today, don't miss a day - not when the mood takes you, but a structured part of your day like breakfast, or flossing your teeth.

I think that is why my exercise (walking to work) has been easy to keep to (in the good weathersmiley - smiley). I'm sure you've heard all the tips before, but as far as weight loss I've found structuring use of the scales has helped - it varies by several pounds each day as meals and drinks come and go, but I always achieve my lowest weight on the scales first thing in the morning before breakfast, and due to fluctuations judge myself by 'lowest weight achieved this week', rather than any one days measurement. It is a big smiley - ok when I hit a new low, but not too bad if it has 'fluctuated' higher again the next day - I know I can get there.

I'll be happy to smiley - disco you until you are a smiley - diva - just find that starting weight and post the lowest point achieved below it every so often. Set a target amount to lose too - my wife recommended 10% of current body weight is the normal mark to aim for.

Incidentally I was hearing on a radio program recently that commonly back pain is nowadays believed to stem from inadequate muscle strength in the abdomen leving too much work for the spine, and bed-rest is not good for it - it is much better to get into gentle exercising to strengthen the muscles.

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 12


That makes sense. I do need to strengthen my abs. They've been cut twice. They toned back up fine the first time, but the second time was a different story. I hate sit-ups. smiley - cross

Do you know anyone who has joined that e-diets thing? It sounds like they're pushing Atkins.

Hsmiley - book

Slower and slower...

Post 13


The only person I know who was doing the Atkin's diet is currently in hospital after developing peritonitis smiley - ill. I realise this may be coincidental, he had had a history of gastric problems.

No I've not heard of e-diets - virtual food is it?

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 14


It's a website they try to get you to join. I think it's only $5 a month. And they say that they will custom design a diet for you. They have newsletters, etc. Anyway, they seem to be promoting Atkins.

Hsmiley - book

Slower and slower...

Post 15


I suppose some people might find it easier to diet if someone else is telling them what to eat.
Personally I'm not willing to pay someone to offer me a menu list.

More water, more calorie-burning exercise, less unneccessary high-calorie snacks. Same (roughly) meals.

Slow but sure.

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 16


Very wise, Pimms. And something possible to maintain for a lifetime. It does no good to lose it quickly if it all comes piling back.

I think the reasons diets fail is because they have you drastically alter your eating plans and eventually you just go back to what is familiar and tastes good. Plus, some diet plans really are a lot of work on the food buying and preparation end. smiley - yikes People who never have enough time to do everything they need to do aren't going to succeed on those. You grab what is handy, whether that's fast food, a frozen entree, or a candy bar and a coke from the vending machine. smiley - erm

Slower and slower...

Post 17

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Hypatia: If you are getting joint pain, try a water based excercise. Now I am fuly aware of the stigma's of going swimming (bathing suits and all) but if you can suck it up and go for it, see if you can find a water aerobics class near you. this is fantastic for fitness without putting stress on the joints! Please don't fall prey to the "diet" garbage. Eat three balance meals a day, drink lotsa water and excercise! You don't need some over intellectual wanker with a pointless degree telling you to cut the fat from your chicken and eat less carbohydrates. I have a business aquaintence that has only eaten meat, veg, and fruit, nothing else, for twenty odd years now! He looks my age (30) and he is 47! There's gotta be something in it! Try only eating food that you prepare yourself, even sweets if you like, but you will get less calories than the bought garbage plus none of the chemicals.(Some chemicals in produced food make you retain water, thus adding twofold to your woes!)

(Pimms: Another Pound eh? Good stuff keep it up my islandic friend!)

Slower and slower...

Post 18


You're only 30 smiley - yikes you young whippersnapper

Haven't hit 11lbs lost again yet smiley - sadface

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 19

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Yes, only thirty, how old did you figure I was?

(Just a second....gotta change the nappy y'know!)

Slower and slower...

Post 20


I don't know - I generally suppose people are the same age as me unless they make some telling comment, such as that they are waiting for exam results before they go to university, or recently attended their child's wedding.

How old do you think *I* am? smiley - evilgrin

Pimms smiley - envy

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