This is a Journal entry by Pimms

Slower and slower...

Post 61


Dang. Hope you're completely recovered soon. I hate having nausea. I'd rather be in pain. Nausea is the worst. smiley - ill

I've been walking to the post office instead of driving and the interim library building is within walking distance of the permanent building. But when we get moved into our temporaary digs I'll have to increase the walking to make up for the los of the staircases I have now. But when we move back, I'll have even more stairs smiley - ok because we're adding a third floor.

I've decided to be brave and not even buy snack foods. When what's in the pantry now is gone, that's it. That's my major downfall. I do fine until about 8 pm and then I snack until bedtime. smiley - erm If it isn't in the house, I can't eat it. I'll try to get in the habit of drinking a low calorie beverage when I feel like a snack instead of reaching for the nuts and chips. And smiley - popcorn. smiley - yikes I can eat a big bowl without even realizing it.

I'm still only down 1 pound. Which is a little depressing. I hoped to be down 3 or 4 pounds by now. I've always thought the 'stone' weight was neat. I wish they used it here. I think I 'll set my goals in termsof stones. One at a time. Then when anyone asks me how I'm doing, I can tell them I'm down a stone and they won't have a clue what I'm taklking about. smiley - smiley


Slower and slower...

Post 62

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

I was thinking 'bout ya and I had a thought, so I tested it...and it was definately a thought, no doubt about it! Anyhoo I weighed myself in the morning ('scuse the potty mouth) before and after having a "leak" and before and after having the "routine drink of water upon rising" the results are quite different, so bear this in mind when doing the weigh in. After loo before drink, and the result may pan out a little clearer and more even under time!

(If I'm insulting your intelligence please feel free to tell me to sod off!)

Slower and slower...

Post 63


Now nearly a week later, any weight-loss leprechaun-lady?

smiley - disco no snacking!

I am still losing weight! I *will* achieve a full-stone.smiley - winkeye


Slower and slower...

Post 64


Down another pound. smiley - ok Only a million to go. I don't know why, but for some reason I think that my stalled weight loss is at an end and that I'll be able to drop a pound a week now. That's what I'm shooting for.

Hamish anything is worth a try. smiley - laugh My dad used to take out his false teeth before he weighed. smiley - rofl True story.

Have either of you tried any of the supplements that are supposed to aid weight loss? I'm not talking about the appetite suppresants. There's one from India I think called glucosol, one called Tonalin, green tea capsules, grapefruit pectin...probably many more. Anyway, they're all expensive and I don't want to waste my money. I don't know anyone who has tried them to know if any of them actually work.


Slower and slower...

Post 65


You don't need them smiley - ok - you should be aiming for a new equilibrium based on a lower calorie intake based on less eaten and more burned off through higher rate of exercise. It makes sense that you are your current weight because of this balance being biased toward too many calories and too little exercise. The changes suggested shouldn't cost you any more (financially at least), and be easily sustainable.

Well done on the 1lb down smiley - applause - now to build on it!

Just down reward yourself with too much smiley - cakesmiley - biggrin


Slower and slower...

Post 66


I promise not to eat smiley - cake. Although angel food is fat free and fairly low-calorie. Nope! Not going to do it. White flour and white sugar. Empty calories.

With the holidays coming up, this place is going to be awash in goodies. Many of our patrons bring in treats for us. It's going to be a challenge. Especially the peanut brittle. We have a patron who makes the best peanut brittle you've ever tasted. Very buttery. Each year we get 40 to 50 plates of cookies, fudge, nut breads, petit fours, pies and cakes. It's nice that people like us, but we all overdo the snacking. I've beeen thinking about putting it out for the public, but I don't know if that would be a good idea because of liability concerns. smiley - sigh


Slower and slower...

Post 67


Difficult - would your patrons support your diet if you told them? I'm not sure how you could sell the idea of healthier eating - you can't make sure people won't misinterpret your stand as rudeness at their generosity. Maybe you should <./>askh2g2</.> on this tricky etiquette problem.

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 68


Excellent idea Pimms.

Another thing I've been wondering about is the times that I eat. Our hours at the library have been changed because we're going to move into smaller, temporary digs while our building is renovated and expanded. We've eliminated our evening hours and are closing at 6. In the past I always went home at 5 and had dinner between 6 and 6:30. Now I'm not leaving until 6 and am having dinner between 7 and 7:30. So sometimes it's 8 before we're finished. I'm wondering if this change is making it harder for me to lose. I'm snacking less because of it though. So maybe it's a wash.

One diet I read said that you shouldn't eat anything for 7 hours before you go to bed. That would be nearly impossible for most people. It came from some study at Tulane University. They gave two groups the same amount of food that they were used to eating only changed the time that they ate. The group that ate at normal times stayed the same and the group that ate all their calories early in the day lost.


Slower and slower...

Post 69


It may work, but is it practical and sustainable? I don't think it is necessary, but I must admit while I was seriously dieting I did conciously say to myself 'no point having a snack immediately before going to bed' and did without. smiley - disco keep it up Hyp, eschew temptation and think of the slimmer you that is yours for the grabbing.

Pimms smiley - smiley

Slower and slower...

Post 70

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Here is the gospel according to Hamish (Mad or otherwise!)

Whenever, wherever you see a "Diet" that works, ignore it and just eat three balance meals a day with fruit extra and a sweetie after dinner to finish your day! As much variety as possible helps speed up the metabolism. NO DIET I'VE EVER SEEN IS GOOD FOR YOU LONG TERM AND MOST WILL DO SERIOUS DAMAGE (ala Atkins diet!, what dangerous sh*t was that?)

(As hard as it is sooner or later, to do it, you'll just have to bite the bullet and put up with the discomfort of eating less until your stomach reduces again!)

Slower and slower...

Post 71


So true. So true. Eat less and exercise more. But that won't sell diet books. smiley - winkeye And fat people are an optimistic breed. We keep hoping for a miracle pill or magic food that will make it easy.

How's the fruit in the morning regimen going?

Hsmiley - rainbow

Slower and slower...

Post 72


I would imagine Hamish is more concerned with happenings in court at the moment, and has forgotten his flirt with unprocessed food. (I'm only posting to check out an annoying bug since petunia - often when I post now I get a list of threads not the conversation appearing)


Slower and slower...

Post 73


Yep - I post then it goes to thread listing - saying last post 2 minutes ago hmmm smiley - erm

Slower and slower...

Post 74


Well, that's irritating. Have you heard about it happening to anyone else?

Why is Hamish in court? Hamish, why are you in court?

I baked a pumpkin pie yesterday using Splenda instead of sugar and low-fat evaporated milk instead of full fat. The pumpkin and spices are so flavorful that you can't tell the difference. smiley - ok

Hsmiley - rainbow

Slower and slower...

Post 75


No one else seems to be having the problem smiley - huh

Hamish was the 'victim' of an attempted robbery, his actions resulting in one of the perpetrators being caught - for full story see his journal entries - this one was the start: F117542?thread=304348

smiley - applause on the pie front - sounds like you have a sweet tooth. My dieting got a helping hand by avoiding desserts in favour of fresh fruit.

Pimms smiley - stiffdrink

Slower and slower...

Post 76

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Has everyone met my publicist 'Pimms'? The WDC has tenticles everywhere!

( That's TENTICLES!)

Slower and slower...

Post 77


I've lost another pound and a half. smiley - ok

I have a moderate sweet tooth. My husband's sweet tooth is the size of a wooly mammoth tusk. smiley - erm

I've been checking out the glycemic index of foods again, and pumpkin is a good carbohydrate. To say nothing of the fact that it's very nourishing -deep color, fiber, vitamins and minerals. So, an improved, less fattening pumpkin pie is actually a great find. I made the crust with whole wheat pastry flour and used Smart Balance margarine (which has no trans fats) instead of shortening.

The other dessert that I've come up with that is actually healthy and tastes yummy is oatmeal cookies.

Hamish, I'm sorry you were a crime victim, but relieved that you weren't in the dock for some sort of mayhem. smiley - winkeye

Slower and slower...

Post 78


smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly(sparkling water) Well done Queen Apathy I smiley - ok

I am close to my real target now - I've managed to achieve a low point of 13.5 lbs lost. Half a pound to go - but must allow for fact that my weight can rise to four lbs above this in normal fluctuations.

Pimms (surely Hamish you mean tentAcles? smiley - winkeye)

Slower and slower...

Post 79

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Thanks Pimms, go smack yourself 'round the noggin' with a dictionary eh?smiley - evilgrin. I don't actually know why I used that particular spelling. (Tori was busy!)

Hypatia, It's great that you are educating yourself regarding food and your intake, but bear this in mind. Too much information makes things harder to deal with, not easier. Worrying 'bout you this index and your that level can be more effort than the actual dieting.
If I was to give you a weekly run on my food intake, which is very healthy indeed. It's not the "unprocessed" diet, (that just sucked pretty badly)but it's close without denying myself the thing I like.
Would this perhaps give you a guide to look at without statistics to prove that you need to buy my book! am a good cook and eat a varied and interesting diet without denying myself some fun as well!

(Stay away from fake sweeteners, they are chemical acids!)

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