This is a Journal entry by Pimms

Slower and slower...

Post 21


Montana Redhead was on Atkins and is just out of the hospital with liver and gallbladder problems. And my sister tried it and wound up with gallbladder attacks. Maybe it's a coincidence and maybe it isn't.

There's a doctor who writes a syndicated column for the newspaper named Gott who has a diet that only has one rule. If it contains flour or sugar, don't eat it. Otherwise, eat what you want. that makes a lot of sense. And sounds similar to Hamish's friend's eating plan. I'd have to learn to do without he bread and pasta, which are two of my favorites. The sugar would be easier for me.

I'm one pound down this morning. A start I suppose. But the way women fluctuate with water retention, I don't know if it's fat loss or water loss. smiley - sigh

I'm 54, by the way. If I don't get it off now, chances are I never will. Let's see, Pimms. I imagine everyone to be younger than I am. I'll guess that you're 42.

Hsmiley - book

Slower and slower...

Post 22


Of course whatever anyone says could all be just a cunning ruse. 42 sounds like a good age - I think I'll claim to be that age for a few years smiley - winkeye

While I'm at it I think I'll claim to be a tenor as well, as my next part requires me to sing up to a C natural five notes above the top of the treble clef (I'm not a great musician, but I can usually figure out the notation given a few moments)

Pimms smiley - mistletoe
(interesting that anecdotal Atkins/gallbladder correlation...)

Slower and slower...

Post 23


smiley - biggrin

Actually, I think I'm happier now than I was at 42. But I'd like to weigh what I did then. smiley - puff

I really suspect a gallbladder connection. Which would be caused by the extra fat in the diet, probably.

Hsmiley - book

Slower and slower...

Post 24


It isn't just us! Putting 'atkins' and 'gallbladder' into a google search brings numerous citations. To be fair not all the evidence appears to point one way.

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 25


That's one of the best articles I've read on high protein plans. Thanks Pimms. smiley - ta

Ok, here's the plan. More water. My bike or air walker on MWF. The pilates or yoga on TThS. More fiber. Only whole grains. No trans-fats. Only home-made goodies and not very often.

How does that sound?

Hsmiley - book

Slower and slower...

Post 26

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Ooooh! Dangerous question!
I dunno older than me! smiley - evilgrin

(Christ, near 50? (split the middle))

Slower and slower...

Post 27

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

That's a great start Hyp. YOU GO GIRL! (cheesy cliches disconnected)

(Just keep getting back on the bike whenever you fall, just keep getting back on!)

Slower and slower...

Post 28


The question is settled, I'm claiming 42 as the ideal age for the Pimms alter ego. Age will not wither him, nor custom steal his infinite variety... smiley - winkeye

Pimms smiley - mistletoe
(Weight-loss plateauing around 10lbs, too much blackberry and apple crumble possibly)

Slower and slower...

Post 29

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

So you're not gonna tell me then eh? Fair enough, I shall take your "official age as gospel."

(Who can resist the powers of a good crumble? Not I for one!)

Slower and slower...

Post 30


I have heard the advice that it always better to claim to be older than you are, so people remark how young you look and smiley - envy you.

Slower and slower...

Post 31

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

That's much like the old business adage that you double you time and cost estimates for a job you have, so that you can get it done cheaper and in less time than you expect, to please your client, without killing yourself to do it or costing yourself money!

(Not that I would use a misleading premise like that!......never)

Slower and slower...

Post 32


My mother-in-law wouldn't even tell her doctor how old she was. smiley - laugh

I think 42 is a wonderful age to be.

I grilled a hamburger with onions and have terrible indigestion. smiley - ill

Hsmiley - book

Slower and slower...

Post 33


Hope you're feeling better Hyp smiley - cheerup

Pimms smiley - mistletoe
(dipped below 10lbs again - how is your plan going? smiley - disco)

Slower and slower...

Post 34

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

I have begun the "No Processed Foods" regime (not a diet as it is eating properly, er, I think......anyway). Over 24 hours and I am really not craving anything except licorice(my secret shame.) One thing I did notice was that after doing this yesterday was this:
Having fruit alone for breakfast is not good enough, but I tried having a couple of cold cuts with it this morning and that seems better. I also was suprised by the way I sprung out of bed this morning (and it has nothing to do with booze, so there! *faking indignence*) I am not a morning person, I need a good hour to become remotely human in the early hours, so to bound out of the cot was a little noticeable. Lunch is easy heat up a bowl of meat and Veg plus fruit and dinner is easy really. The trick is also to not eat the same type of fruits, especially citrus, as it can be a little nasty on the "tum tum" after a while. Having Ribs tonight! Cheers

(Wouldn't mind a strip of the old black stuff though!)

Slower and slower...

Post 35


As current Governor of California what is your position of the Austrian-born contender who denies allegations that he ever claimed to be a fan of Hitler?smiley - winkeye

Good Luck smiley - goodluck with the unprocessed food - are you considering going that extra mile to the 'raw food' regime? I assume this regime is for the 'zing' in your step, rather than weight-loss or other motive?

I blame Liquorice Allsorts for part of my now receding excess baggage - I used to have a tin on my desk at work and help myself throughout the day with cups of coffee. Strange that several people only liked the pink and blue aniseed covered ones, which I'm not sure are liquorice at all smiley - erm

Pimms smiley - mistletoe

Slower and slower...

Post 36


My dear aunt, who died two weeks ago just shy of 88, loved licorice. Ate it weekly, if not daily. And my sister always used to steal the black jelly beans out of the bag before any one else had a chance to eat one.

Have you read Fit for Life? It's about food combining and says we should only eat fruit before noon, then watch how we combine our foods for the rest of the day. The guy who wrote it claims he lost something like 40 pounds (not sure, it's been a long time since I read it, but a hugh amount) the first month. He advocates being a vegetarian, but says if you're going to eat meat not to combine it with starches or grains or dairy. So, meat and salad and low-carb veggies would be ok. Or pasta without meat or cheese in the sauce would be ok. Or a baked potato with salad and low carb veggies.

Anyway, I tried it a few years back for a few days. The fruit for breakfast was unsatisfying, but I think I did lose a couple of pounds.

I like my new plan better. And eliminating unprocessed foods would be healthy. But what do you consider processed? Those things commercially processed or things you process yourself as well? Like strawberries from the garden that you freeze or home-made bread? You have to paint me a picture, Hamish.

I could never do the raw food plan. Imagine never having a hot meal. smiley - yikes

And I've decided to weigh myself every Monday morning. So I'll post the dreaded news then and you can console me.

Slower and slower...

Post 37

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Pimms: As the incumbent governor I say "HE'S A GONER" Just mention Hitler and he game is up (in modern politics anyway!) As far as the food arguement goes, I understand about the allsorts. I am the same, take my Grog, take my TV take my left arm, but please, I beg of you, please don't take my last Licorice allsort! The whole thing is just because I was a little bored with my diet, so mixing it up is just for the change.

Hypatia: Your info on the diet is similar to mine, I figure it's worth a try for a month,if I don't feel any better or things are beginning to drop off, I'll give it up! No processed food means nothing apart from meat (red, white and fish) fruit ang vegetables. Even down to no salt or pepper, or sauce, no bread or pasta, or milk or coffee. Pretty much anything that has been processed and doesn't come to me in the raw state I suppose!I am a big "steaming" fan, so this isn't too hard anyway! The lack of Licorice is worse than getting over the booze though! (WillPower, WillPower!)

(The "Raw" Diet is for animals, we have thumbs therefore we can cook!) (or something like that!)

Slower and slower...

Post 38


Monday morning. The exact same weight as last Monday. smiley - sigh

One diet I rfead ears ago - I think it was the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet - said to weigh every day and average the weights, then measure your weight loss by the wekly averages. This is supposed to take into account the normal water weight fluctuations.

Here's the bottom line. I want a magic pill that I can take this morning and when I wake up tomorrow I'll be 50 pounds slimmer and 10 years younger. Then if it works, I'll take another half next week and all my problems will be over. I'll be a gorgeous 39. smiley - ok

Slower and slower...

Post 39


Dang, my typing just gets worse and worse. smiley - erm Sorry.

Slower and slower...

Post 40


I weigh every day I remember in the same state of dress/undress, generally first thing in the day, in order to spot variations.

Unless you've changed diet radically (in which case it probably won't by sustainable) you may not notice changes for a week or two. I was lucky I managed a reduction of 2lbs the first week, but this didn't continue smiley - sadface That averaging idea seems fair - I prefer to headline the lowest point reached. It could be that you have lost weight, but the Monday check showed toward the top end of your possible weight-range. Weigh more often - give yourself a chance to see the full range you are experiencing.

Keep on with your regime (what exactly does yours consist of - what are the changes?) smiley - disco Celebrate any downward fluctuations smiley - ok and try and ignore temporary blips upward smiley - winkeye

Pimms (final weigh-in for scheme that started my diet back in June this week smiley - erm - hope to show at least a 10lb loss)

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