Journal Entries
100% Editor's picks
Posted Jun 2, 2003
Editors' Selection for Monday 2nd June 2003
Thinker, poet, philosopher, scientist, designer, inventor of games and puzzles, Piet Hein is most definitely worthy of the title Danish Renaissance Man. Read on to find out more... A1053956 Two sole author EG entries published, both editor's pick of the day. (I have to mention this now as it is unlikely to continue.)
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Latest reply: Jun 2, 2003
Posted Jun 2, 2003
To avoid perceptions unintentionally implied that I am a raging dipsomaniac I have altered my nickname slightly.
The 'Lettuce' indirectly implies the replaced 'Stout Scout', removes one reference to alcoholic beverages, and allows me to remember that I intend to diet.
The only drawback is that there are so few smilies that can be used with Lettuce
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Latest reply: Jun 2, 2003
Piet Hein is a coming
Posted Jun 1, 2003
For those avid readers of my journal (avid ) I wish to get your pulses racing with anticipation!
This week after much effort my Piet Hein entries are all with sub-editors or in the pending pile. So 'soon' you should be able to feast your eyes on another well crafted entry or four and revel in the joys of recreational mathematics.
IMHO they are pretty good, and I've always found self-promotion makes me feel happier (people are rarely so crass as to disagree).
Expect an entry consisting of plenty plenty smilies when they start getting published.
Pimms A1053956 Piet Hein
A1053884 The Superellipse
A1064873 The Game of Hex
A1064936 the Soma Cube
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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2003
Good things come to those who wait
Posted May 12, 2003
Go to my space and see my lovely new badge! I shall have to rewrite my Space to account for this, but it may take a few days as I am a bit busy at the moment.
Pimms Scout
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Latest reply: May 12, 2003
Editor's pick for Front page!
Posted May 7, 2003
It seemed to be pending for ages, but there it is on Wednesday's Front page, as the editor's selection no less! Woohoo!
A1011826 Celtic Knotwork has made it.
I may have to swap my for a
or two.
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Latest reply: May 7, 2003
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