This is a Journal entry by Pimms
Piet Hein is a coming
Pimms Started conversation Jun 1, 2003
For those avid readers of my journal (avid ) I wish to get your pulses racing with anticipation!
This week after much effort my Piet Hein entries are all with sub-editors or in the pending pile. So 'soon' you should be able to feast your eyes on another well crafted entry or four and revel in the joys of recreational mathematics.
IMHO they are pretty good, and I've always found self-promotion makes me feel happier (people are rarely so crass as to disagree).
Expect an entry consisting of plenty plenty smilies when they start getting published.
Pimms A1053956 Piet Hein
A1053884 The Superellipse
A1064873 The Game of Hex
A1064936 the Soma Cube
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Piet Hein is a coming
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