This is a Journal entry by Pimms

A virtual picture of a virtual trophy

Post 1


Received today the picture of my Word Play trophy, which can now be seen proudly adorning the end of my personal space, and at A1049753 - either mine is the only one in its own (wonky) trophy cabinet smiley - cool, or I've only got a picture of a trophy smiley - erm.

yes, I found the most long words first... it doesn't sound like such an achievement now I think about it, more a sign of obsessively awaiting publication of <./>thepost</.>. Ho hum.

A virtual picture of a virtual trophy

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

I gave up on the Post Word Play because of that dreaded comment "Keep chat to a minimum". smiley - smiley

A virtual picture of a virtual trophy

Post 3


I never took too much notice of that. It is a fairly terse forum though.

If they hadn't changed the time of publication from about 2am GMT to a more Pimms-agreeable 10am'ish I'd have never won - it is a flaw of the compo that 'speed of response' (or rather being logged on at the time the compo is posted) can be the principal factor in determining the victor. I suppose many competitions are affected by 'first to buzz', but I don't think it can feasibly be remedied without leaving loopholes for those determined to 'win'.

A virtual picture of a virtual trophy

Post 4


Neato! Awesome trophy. And it has you name on it, which is totally cool.

Jodan doesn't have a trophy with his name on it. He just has badges. smiley - whistle

A virtual picture of a virtual trophy

Post 5

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Many congratulations, Pimms. smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

smiley - biggrin

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