This is a Journal entry by Pimms

Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004

Post 1


Little Fluffy Cloud

They might look like wispy lumps of cotton wool in the sky to us, but every cloud formation has a name, courtesy of today's first subject. Put your hands together for Luke Howard - the namer of clouds. A2218583

Another entry another blob. I'm going to have to rewrite my space soon - it is getting too crowded.

smiley - cool Not made very clear that all three entries on Front page involve inspiring weather conditions caused by volcanic eruptions / earthquakes.
(it is clear to me anyway smiley - erm) My cloud entry has appeared before the entry that inspired it (Cloud Types and their significance A1144261) - life isn't fair sometimes smiley - winkeye

Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004

Post 2

Old Hairy

To make it a little fairer - Congratulations for the blob smiley - cheers

Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004

Post 3


I meant unfair on Tony C who wrote Cloud Types and their significance A1144261.

The geological catastrophes were all within sixty years too: 1755 1783 1815 (is there a rough 30 year cycle?)

Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004

Post 4


What's a Blob? smiley - erm I've seen them mentioned several times, but haven't a clue what they are smiley - huh

smiley - cheers
Fbsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004

Post 5


A blob is a picture - starts with a B and is followed by a number. Any picture that's not a smiley on h2g2 is a blob smiley - smiley

Congratulations Pimms. smiley - bubbly The editor's pick entry on h2g2's fifth birthday. That's nice... smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004

Post 6


F/b, the blob is the little illustration that goes with the article. smiley - smiley

Off to look at the clouds . smiley - run

Clouds on Front Page 28/04/2004

Post 7


smiley - sigh Never mind.

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