This is a Journal entry by Pimms

A Permitted Additive to the EG

Post 1


Front page today 4th November:
Contains No Artificial Additives...
Ever wondered how the European Union came up with its system of 'E' numbers to classify food colourings, flavourings and preservatives? E-numbers: the Classification of Food Additives A3103822 explains what's permitted and what's not.

Have to write some more entries now - no more in the pipeline. I'm thinking of updating the entry on poached eggs... smiley - chick

A Permitted Additive to the EG

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - bubbly

A Permitted Additive to the EG

Post 3


Pimms, have you ever tried a microwave egg poacher? I've seen them advertised, but can't imagine eggs cooking properly in the microwave.

I have two egg poachers. One is a little aluminum pan with an insert that holds one egg. Another is a combo omlette pan and egg poacher that is half-moon shaped and holds three eggs. Poached is actually my favorite way to eat an egg. I can barely choke them down when scrambled. smiley - erm

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