This is the Message Centre for Zakaria_A

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Post 161


I'd just like to point out that my original nasty response was to the Researcher posting their comment to the Announcements, not to what they posted.

Having said that, I will do as requested and now.

But I'd also just like to point out that, where I live, you would be much more likely to get a huge tirade deriding someone's comment if they posted atheistical or pagan views, whereas something like what this person posted would be taken as nothing particularly remarkable. It's actually quite nice to come here and see people reacting the other way around.

smiley - dragon

No Subject

Post 162


I don't know how many are still subscribed to this thread but for those who are and are enjoying the kick back feeling of mild amusement I say, "Is it not amazing how little it takes to tick off some people. I suspect it would have been very humerous indeed had the first blog been allowed." Having said that I wait a bit before unsub muy from the thread.

How does it go now?? It is better to curse the darkness than to light one little candle. Yeah, that's about right.
smiley - sheep

No Subject

Post 163

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

You know, I just swooshed over the last 100 or so posts, catching only a wee bit in my martini-riddled mind. What I might have overlooked in my swooshing was discussion that this misplaced thread *might* actually have been someone's heart-felt warning towards a way for salvation, rather than a curse, of sorts.

When I first read it I reacted with anger and disdain, and then, when I was looking up and typing definitions of 'merciful' and 'gracious' (if I remember correctly) it occurred to me that the 'warning' wasn't near as offensive as the way I took it, since I'm very obviously outside *that* God's box of blessed ones. But the 'warning' was about how this researcher thought we could rectify things, rather than a blast of pure condemnation and doom. That's not so nasty, no matter how misguided we might feel the researcher is.

No Subject

Post 164

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Mother of God, thanks. I hadn't viewed this thread like that till you made that comment. smiley - smiley

If the post was well-meant (misguidedly and just a tad awkwardly), I imagine he probably felt he didn't need to return -- warning and guidance posted, more places to go, more netizens to admonish. smiley - erm

As was said earlier, by Paully, time to move along, nothing here to see...


No Subject

Post 165


I never saw the original post. I've been interested in everyone's responses, both those who had read the original post, and those wondering why they'd got subnscribed to it. Those asking why such a large amount of responses were being made, and those making the responses. I've found it very interesting, both in people's views of religion and people's views of each other. But now I shall leave.

No Subject

Post 166



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