This is the Message Centre for zendevil
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Nov 27, 2004
Terri, for god's sake don't invite those neighbours from hell, you said had moved near you, Black Sabbath full blast, now thats would sound good, catch you later, I'm off to me mam's, before I get a lug 'ole for being late..
Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate Posted Nov 27, 2004
try spraying eucalyptus oil on areas where you don't what kitty to chew
keep the madness coming Terri
zendevil Posted Nov 28, 2004
Madness sprouting from every available orifice, me, Cat & RK out on the town tonight, sampling lots of free & & carving out jolly good little business opportunities, such as suggesting the marzipan man goes into dinosaurs; it makes sense, honest, anyway RK is up for creating websites for most folks; & if that fails, waiting on tables, serving drinks or whatever.
Plus we are agreed that setting up Terri Towers as a Hootoo Hotel for ailing musicians is a pretty idea.
Oh dear, do remind me i am not supposed to dance wildly to but good groups, i will pay for this tomorrow & have yet to introduce RK to the joys of the Sunday Brunch scene.
Hmm, life right now is pretty full & , if you discount the painful feet bit, only myself to blame, i shall probably go out (ie: die) dancing, what the hell!
I think i may be entering third childhood, done the second one, yee hai, last chance & geriatrics are allowed to be eccentric! God it feels good to get just nice happy stuff though!
Now planning *plot*plot* RK welcome party Anyway, he seems to be integrating nicely into society here!
zdt"shining example of the sort of cyber auntie who shouldn't be allowed....maybe?"
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Nov 28, 2004
hay!! he will not go far wrong with your guidence. 3rd childhood, eck! I ain't got out of 1st yet....Terri Towers...Nice ring to it. I'll have third floor front suite with balcony please
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Nov 28, 2004
You could be my cyber auntie anytime - although I reckon we would probably get the gossips talking
zendevil Posted Nov 28, 2004
Jolly good! The more they talk, the better, while they are taliking they ain't plotting to blow the world to bits or whatever!
Hey, this is typical french, saw a great little display tonight, cutesie-poo little baby pigglie -wigglies,all snuggled up pinkly under nice warm heater then straight onto the bacon & pork stall; right beside the fluffy in cages go the kiddies & get "cuddly bunny> badge, proceed direct to "pot au feu du lapin" recipes & on to the "oh look, it's bambi; ohh; how to convert bambi into deeelicious pies."
As a vegetarian, many people find it that i don't get upset by this, far from it, i find this attitude far better than the usual one. These folks take responsibility for their meat consumption, they don't hide the fact it's the flesh of a real live animal. Contrast that with the attitude of an english person who was horrified "ohmigod, the french eat & ; can't cope, just give me plastic wrapped chicken from Tesco's" Er, yes, but in general they don't factory farm them & we all have to die, anyone who wants to eat me after the event is welcome...i don't recommend the liver though!
i am not a very PC veggie, i choose not to eat meat or fish myself, but if anyone else chooses to do so, fair enough; i assume they have enough intelligence to have thought through the issues of eating dead flesh. I don't think any animal should be kept in evil conditions throughout its life & unfortunately the demand for meat seems to mean this is inevitable; plus personally i just find the idea of consuming bits of dead bodies rather Hammer Horror film mindblowingly; what's the difference between dead cow, pig, sheep, chicken or human? SOME carnivorous animals must eat meat, i wouldn't dream of not giving my meat, though i find it odd that they are *supposed* to eat beef me a domestic cat who could bring down a cow?)
But humans are omnivores, like pigs, & can exist on just about any old rubbish, so it's all about personal choice NOT nutritional neccesity. But i accept that apparently the dead animals taste pretty good & certainly the french are very good at making them taste the best they could aspire to. So when i die, get a frog chef to sort me out into brilliant recipes for you all; Ok!
*Mort* BrilliantMSN convo; very muchly! Squeak again soon OK!
Ellen Posted Nov 28, 2004
Hi all. Feeling blue tonight. I am thinking of changing my meds yet again to try and deal with the insomnia -- I want to take something called 5-HTP. Thing is you have to be super careful if you are also taking an antidepressant at the same time, like I am. I must discuss this with my doc and see if he will give me the green light to try it.
Yesterday was the full moon, and it was supposed to be a day for new beginnings, but I failed to set any nice intentions for the coming year like I was supposed to.
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Nov 28, 2004
Hello everybody! Hope you're not tooJEllen & that you can work out something satisfactory with the 5-HTP...but yeah, be careful ok!
Even though I wasn't really aware of the full moon/new beginnings thing I did get a few flashes of insight that I can use as signposts for the coming year (just how accurate they are is another story!)
Listening to some reallyfunky Jazz courtesy of Peter Young on (from London-great variety of@ if anyone wants to check it out!)
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Nov 28, 2004
Morning to all.
Any misers out there, check this for saving cash
JEllen, don't feel down, the Animal says cheer up, if you don't like jazz, get some heavy rock on, that lifts spirits
Researcher 185550 Posted Nov 28, 2004
Hello everyone, RK squeaking. Have yet to get used to this d*mn French keyboard though (everything's in the wrong place! apostrophe's where 4 should be, § where ? should be, sacre bleu, i am going to go mad!)
Today was my introduction to the aforementioned Sunday Brunch scene. Having gone to the market to get wine, coffee and vegetables we moved swiftly on to the bar where we started recruiting for the Terri torial Army, otherwise known as the Sunday Brunch guests. Waiting for someone to turn up we realise "Mde Ptn! The wine stall's about to close! Quick, get another litre!".
So then when we get back to Terri's the cooking started. After much hooing and haaing we got potato cakes, baked beans French style (think garlic), sausages/sosmix, and what was going to be scrabled eggs turned into a traditional French egg and tomato dish. Thus we tucked into a 4.30 brunch, P turned up and started talking business with O and everyone else chatted.
Later on, i.e. now there arose the issue of Terri's ankles. She appears to have done herself a mischief yesterday while dancing and they had both swollen quite nastily. Luckily someone was on hand (initials JC, coincidence?) who knew of a lotion that would help and it's certainly done the trick. She should be a lot better tomorrow, though I'm sure the odd bit of sent her way would not go amiss.
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Nov 28, 2004
give her my regards please RK, is there no eng' keyboards..I like the Mde Ptn, Terri gave me the meaning, only good thing to come out of fr'land, hope your settling in ok
zendevil Posted Nov 29, 2004
Update 2am:
Moi had sleep with considerably less swollen ankles, JC passed out on sofa downstairs, RK had bath "Yes folks, it's safe to approach now!"; moi woke up, JC disappeared (ascended/descended to some other realm?) moi washed up & discovered.....
Ultimate tragedy.
Some little sod has nicked my bloody tobacco. And i can't buy any more cigs for hours!
Moi be trés p'sed off unless very very good explication (ie,dying mans last request)is forthcoming.
"We will FIGHT them at the Tabac!!!"
meanwhile Mooon has been introduced to clockwork, lord save us, when that goes clanking up the stairs we will know about it!
JEllen, if you want to try the alternative method of coping with insomnia (ie: just accept you run on a different clock to the rest of 'em & will crash eventually) you are welcome to join the nuthouse that is my humble abode.
zdt*the last fag is the sweetest*(ANYONE who gives meabout giving up will be mutilated very creatively, just bring me some cigs & you will be friend for life)
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Nov 29, 2004
Beaucoup de sympathy feelings!
Maybe it was a mistake - someone said they could have theirs and took yours instead - or as you say - desperation.
Last fag syndrome is NOT NICE.
You must send me your address Terri as I dont have it.
Sounds like you will have your hands full with Mooon, not like sweet innocent proud 'Lady Yoda'
zendevil Posted Nov 29, 2004
Hiya Mort, yes, you truly understand, sisters in arms at the late night tabac huh?
Hmm; Lady Yoda is becoming more regal & maternal by the moment, paragon of virtue compared to The Mooon, who has now eaten both the main line & portable phone cables. The word must have spread that we are harbouring Manic Killer Kitten & being cut off from communicating our distress to the humanoids. We arrived home today to find some kind soul had left a telephone on our doorstep.
The really worrying thing is that this isn't the first time this has happened. I can't help thinking this isn't normal? maybe there is a god of phone links? Or maybe France Bloody Telecom have named me as a designated depository for dead telephones? I am now god of recycled numbers, Do i make a cheesebox out of them or what?
life would be complete if there was a god of cigarettes, will swap kitten for ciggies, yes, make into sausages, no probs
off on a hunt, i think there are crumbs at the bottom of my bag.
*For any young innocent people reading this, let it be a warning, tobacco is more addictive than heroin...& *usually* more easily available but NOT at bloody 2.43 am with raging insomnia...don't start, you can't stop, it is is hellish*
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Nov 29, 2004
I really think teleportation is the next big thing!
Imagine being able to drop by for and gossip with PC at the drop of a hat, or have us visit (armed with sosmix and fags) for an evening!
I fear it will not be in my lifetime - less spent on killing and more on that and the world could have it sussed in 25 years or less
Doesn't surprise me about Mooon and the cables. Spiggy chewed endless walkman headphone cables. he just had a thing about them. Can't leave any lying about now at all. He likes to chew the elastic on dangly cat toys too so I have to cut it off so it doesn't mangle his tummy.
She may grow out of it, if you can get her a toy that feels the same such as erm erm... anything stringy isn't good for them to eat as it can tangle in the intestines and cause horrific damage... (resists urge to say liquorice shoe-laces ) - wide ribbon?
I think the soft plastic feels good for them to chew - like skin You can get cable protectors but they cost money
Daft kitten!
zendevil Posted Nov 29, 2004
RK is god.
RK has ability to produce sorta cigggies from crumbs of nicotine
Private schooling is a marvellous thing; but i still won't vote Tory, just demand this vital social skill gets added to national curriculum.
jolly good lodger i say, but will have very serious words with gabo & JC, this not be how to treat nice lady who has just fed & wined you.
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Nov 29, 2004
Oh Terri, you have my sympathy about cigarette-deprivation. That happened to me a couple of times, and it was dreadful; one time I even started to walk to a shop that opened at 6am, an hour before they opened, just so that I could get in there as soon as possible.
The fact that I've now given up smoking is irrelevant. There's a huge difference between a deliberate attempt to do without tobacco, and having a tobacco drought forced upon you...
smurfles Posted Nov 29, 2004
Hi there all,I have passed on everyones good wishes to abbi.She is fine,and sends her love to all.Roadkill,she is happy that you are with terri,and looks forward to posting to you when she manages to get back online.She hopes things go well for you,.
Terri,she hopes your beast continues to work for you ,she is missing hers,but hopes to get back online when the building work is done.i think maybe another month was what she said.
Jazz,abbi says hi to you too,and thank you .I'm sure were al missing her regular postings,i tried to remember what everyone had said,and she sends her love to you too.
think thats it folks,i'll be ringing her again at the end of this wek.s all
Smudger879n Posted Nov 29, 2004
Hi Folks, Smurfles, its great to that Abbi is OK, I really miss her here! Next time you are in contact, let her know Im thinking of her
Hey! I can relate to the Baccy shortage, I can recall one time going through all my old baccy pouches and tins, trying to scrape enough for a smoke
Managed it eventually, but had to keep it horizental, in case the baccy fell out!!
Hope you are all keeping well, and may the Force be with you!
zendevil Posted Nov 29, 2004
Managed to survive till morning (just! with aid of ) fag free; managed to avoid strangling Mooon in frustration.
Smurfles, for passing on abbi info, do send huge back to her.
Eventually made it to the today, he insists i go get ankle X rayed, possibly broken a littleish bone *sigh*; being even more immobile than usual is definitely going to make life easier...NOT! Thank god RK is here, bless him, i honestly am not capable of walking to shops right now, having young fit willing feet around is wonderful "every home should have one"
Lovely surprise intoday, Animal, you are a !!!!!
zdt*now with bright blue ankle support*
Key: Complain about this post
- 401: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Nov 27, 2004)
- 402: Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate (Nov 27, 2004)
- 403: zendevil (Nov 28, 2004)
- 404: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Nov 28, 2004)
- 405: Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted (Nov 28, 2004)
- 406: zendevil (Nov 28, 2004)
- 407: Ellen (Nov 28, 2004)
- 408: jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) (Nov 28, 2004)
- 409: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Nov 28, 2004)
- 410: Researcher 185550 (Nov 28, 2004)
- 411: Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and (Nov 28, 2004)
- 412: zendevil (Nov 29, 2004)
- 413: Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted (Nov 29, 2004)
- 414: zendevil (Nov 29, 2004)
- 415: Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted (Nov 29, 2004)
- 416: zendevil (Nov 29, 2004)
- 417: Ivan the Terribly Average (Nov 29, 2004)
- 418: smurfles (Nov 29, 2004)
- 419: Smudger879n (Nov 29, 2004)
- 420: zendevil (Nov 29, 2004)
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