This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Happy birthday, TMW...

Post 7441

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


A belated early birthday congratulation from me too...

smiley - love

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7442


Ali Dubs, yes mate (love you too!) I will do it now ...

Magster, Ali says it was a gen mistake and he also loves you loads! I believe 'cos he's such a top guy! Give him a chance... PLEASE, pleeeease ... smiley - love you!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7443


sure is getting cosy in here since I left

Happy Birthday Magster

just lost James Moore , DBM (Deleted by Mods ) and Conrad Gris (DMB) in a huge scrap over on FLN

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7444


just down to my backup Cornelius

it seems saying Bush has foreknowledge of 911 is being anti semitic

according to Postman Pat and Anth Bennie

ho hum

feel the urge to SPAM the boards....


akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7445


Chill out dude!!

Come over here for a big cuddle Brad you big soft lug! We all love you even if those rotters Phil KKK, Bennie from Crossroads and Postman Plonker don't!

smiley - smiley

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7446


I never mentioned Phil KKK (looks around suspiciously)

its you isn't it!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7447


No but I checked was going on when you posted! My message may apear in support of your position but I doubt it! I'm a permanent Pre-Mod! Waheyyy!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7448

Ali Dubya

Being on pre-mod is like being back at school...


akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7449

Ali Dubya

You must read Charlie Wright's post on 'AF'. It's bloody funny. ("followed home by a midget from the Oval tube station")

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7450


Bushy there are 27 letters in the alphabet you can combine them to form infinite names

you can change you know- stop being so vain!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7451



Cornelius' message just got booted along with my reply ...

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7452


What are you on about Brad?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7453

Pat Pending

I think Brad's suggesting you get a new, non pre-modded, user name Bushy?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7454


I've done it loads of times and they soon catch up with me and slap me into Pre-Mod! I've got loads of e-mail addresses and I've had loads of accounts... I can even "phreak" my IP Address! But it just gets a tad boring and to be quite honest I can't be bothered! Who cares if a load of poorly paid BBC nitwits get a few kicks by deleting our MB accounts? ...Not me!

It's not the same is it if I cannot post as Bushwhack'd?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7455


Ghost of Bushwhack'd lives!! Well, he's dead actually but he's just materialised on the the "...and finally" board!

Charlie Wright? ROFL!!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7456

The Magster

Bushy, please tell Alistair that I will forgive him but only if he can give me some house room for a few nights. I need to come down to London at the end of May on business and I need somewhere to stay that is cheap and where I get waited on hand and foot smiley - smiley

I love you Max. I love you Bushy. I love you Pat. I love you Brad. I love you Peter...if i have missed anyone here at present then I love you too...except Alistair....see above.

smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7457

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


"AF...">4 lovely days off.

smiley - whistle

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7458


Cornelius just got deleted

down to Mr Natural

strange how evenn mentioning anti semitism is enough to get you banned

what the hell

happy easter all

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7459


Alistair, Magster will forgive you but only if you sort her out with abunk-up for a couple days soon?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7460

Ali Dubya

Tell Magster I don't have a flat in London at the moment but I'll try and buy one before the end of May. She is welcome as long as she likes garlic.

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