This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7401


bloody typical

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7402

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Goodnight to all you lovely, lovely people. And Pat.

smiley - biggrin

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7403

Pat Pending

Yeah? Feck off homs. I ain't never coming back here.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7404

Katharine Rushton

Are you lot always this friendly and civilized?

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7405

Pat Pending

You've caught us on a bad day Katharine. Come back tomorrow: either everyone will have cooled down, or there will be no-one here, in which case I'll come and say hello in your space.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7406

The Magster

What's all this northerner/southerner sh*t? Can't a gel leave you lot alone for a day without WW3 breaking out? As a Midlander and proud of it, and therefore by birth having far more about me than any of you lot, and also as a woman and therefore being superior in every way, I would just like to say that you 'boyz' are total arsewipes. I've left and I am not coming back. I cannot think what has happened to my reputation by associating with you silly little boyz.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7407

Ali Dubya


Yeah, and I've left too. It's all those northerners' fault.

Hello Katharine!

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7408

The Magster

Alistair, which part of "I've left and I am not coming back." did you not understand?

PS Thought the appearance of Katherine would get your little pecker up, seeing as you have waxed so lyrical about her in the past

PPS Katherine, welcome, you may find a more sensible conversation elsewhere because these boyz are a lost cause smiley - smiley

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7409


I do appologize for this intrusion. I am just an outsider who tought that this seemed like a good thread. (how silly of me)
I just want to point out something. Most of you decided to leave and yet the same people came back and posted again pointing out the fact that they want to leave. Wouldn't it be easier to just leave and actualy not come back? smiley - erm

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7410

The Magster

Legers, hello there, yes what you say would be logical but this is not a logical thread and none of the people involved could be described as "normal". Now I really am leaving and not coming back again.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7411


Morning all

Another beautiful day in sunny Reading!

Did I miss anything yesterday?



Thursday's love-in ...

Post 7412


Mornin' All (esp. Pat Pen, top bloke!) Chipper?

Can I just say ... I love you all dearly, even the Midlanders (snigger, snigger)!

Weather: Great
Vegetable: Sod it, let's have curry ... on me!
Woodland Creature: Squiggles

Love, peace and ... I'm staying!! Hurrah!

Thursday love-in ...

Post 7413


Magster, if you leave I'm leaving... (For good and really, really, really mean it this time!!)

Don't go, I love you! smiley - hug

smiley - whistle

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7414


Mornin' Peter, I love you!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7415

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

You're all really great (esp. Pat). Sorry for any confusion yesterday, where I may have given the impression I wouldn't be back.

smiley - smiley

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7416

Ali Dubya


I have decided not to leave after all because , hell, I love you.

Weather: phyeweeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Vegetable: doner kebab;
Cereal: Clusters;
Weather girl: Richard Edgar.

"Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends.'

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7417


Wow!! I'm filling up!!

You guys are just such fantastic loving, kind, generous, intellectuals, well you know what? ... Yes! I love you even more now so thanks for just being there and if there is ever anything I can do for any one of you great people just let me know, it would be my honour and privilege to help in any way whatsoever ...

smiley - cheers Cheers!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7418

Ali Dubya


I would just like to say that I don't think you're a northern mincer and the only reason I said so was because I was emotional and hurt and full of pain and needed to take it out on someone...

Oh God, I'm going to cry...

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7419



Come over here and give me a kiss, you big lug.

You guys are special, you know that? You're all.....all....

smiley - wah

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7420


I already am Alistair!

I deserved everything everyone said about me... You're all just too good for the likes of me!! I'm so lucky to have friends like you great guys! smiley - cheers but ... smiley - wah

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