This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7381

Pat Pending

When the going gets tough, the girls get out of the frying pan greener on the other side you can't take it with you.

If you're going to get all 'This is my space' on us, ask who started this thread.

Ta ta losers.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7382


Typical drama queens spoiling my and Bushys grand exit

well I'm leaving first

oh yes

I only had one foot in last time

this time I mean it

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7383

Pat Pending

Quite frankly Broad, you can take your ship and stuff it up your @rse: sideways.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7384

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Right, I'm not leaving until Brad has. He's got to go first.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7385


Night..Night Bushy Baby-Them new thomas The Tank Engine PJ'S look sweet on yeh Bushy Baby,do you want the light leaving on.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7386


on second thoughts V Max I'd prefer you infront ,rather than mincing behind me on the way out

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7387

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Oh no you don't, Brad. I'm not going until you do. Go on, don't hang about...

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7388


Quick, Brad, get hold of that other scrawny runt, Pat Pandering and bung 'im out too! Once those two uphill gardeners are clear we can leave ... for good this time!

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7389


your ver keen V Mince? there's no point in us both leaving

after all who going to massage Ali an Pen-cil D*cks ego? fawning low self esteem is hard to come by - you'll be hard to replace

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7390

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hmmm, fair point. Shall we all stay, then?

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7391


Yeah ok then ... I always said you was alright V Max!

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7392

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

You're my best mate BTW.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7393


that leaves just Ali W*nker, must be scowling under a table somewhere pass me that glass of Pina Colada Punch and see if we can coax the southern cream puff out from his hiding place

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7394


actually chaps I didn't mean that stuff about you being a bunch of sissy lady fingers

its actually Bushy I think is the tosser

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7395


...And neither did I! I think you chaps are A1 and it's actually Brad that is the "chutney ferret" looney!

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7396

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


But I was playing along too. I just wanted to see how two-faced Pat would be! Isn't she a complete cow? Not like you. You're great.

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7397


Watch out V Max, mate, 'cos Turd Slovenly just sent me an e-mail syaing your were a complete smiley - tit!!

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7398


Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7399


Oops! Just fired one off as the curtain was going up ... How embarrassing as the bishop said to the nun!

Wednesday slap-fest!

Post 7400

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I think he's waving with one hand. I can't see the other one...

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