This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7421


smiley - wah

smiley - wah

... Oh sod it!

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7422


Mornin’ Cherubs

wether on a bike: windy round the saddle, getting cooler nearer the ankles

vegetable: The humble Cabbage

todays musical Accompaniment: The Gilberto GiI Latin All stars

Guest vocalist: Selmar Meyrowitz singing the Cole Porter Classic ‘You’d be so nice to come home to”

not around much for the sickening love in today as I ‘ll be mostly catching up on the work I missed in yeaterdays bitch fest

mind you... I said that yeserday

Bushy your dripping on the Arakelian Oriental Rug

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7423


Mornin' Brad! I love you ...

smiley - wah

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7424


oh..... balls

smiley - wah

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7425


smiley - wah

Anyone fancy a "friendly" wrestle?

No! Oh ok then, ahem ..! smiley - whistle Lovely weather?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7426


H E L L O O O O !!

smiley - doh

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7427


Just call me ... "Thread Killer"!!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7428

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

It's no good, I can't hold back any longer...

smiley - wah

Let's never argue again, OK?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7429


Phew!! Thanks for that V Max (great guy!) I thought I was going to get slated about my "wrestling" comment ...

smiley - cheers

I'll never, ever, argue with any of you guys again! PROMISE!!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7430


My informants tell me it's The Magster's birthday on Monday.

It's paaaaarty time!!!!

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7431


Yes, many happy returns to great gal, Magster smiley - smooch, we love you Magster!!

smiley - bubblysmiley - cake

smiley - cheers

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7432

Ali Dubya

Happy 64th birthday, Magster!


akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7433

Ali Dubya

Has no one posted anything at all on AF today?

PS: I love you, Bushy and Brad.

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7434


I have... Unfortunately, my posts are not appearing, wonder why? smiley - whistle

Anyway, I love the Moderators/Hosts especially Simon Bendle! smiley - smiley

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7435


Well, I think you're all, er, reasonably OKish too. In fact I'll even give you all a smiley - cuddle.

Today's must-see magazine is "Take a Break" sponsored by your local A&E department.

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7436

Ali Dubya

He ran the marathon, you know? Raised four grand for the Leonard Cheshire Trust.

If I ran it, I'd make then times that amount - and keep it for myself.

Is that selfish? I don't think so! smiley - biggrin

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7437

The Magster

Thank you for the birthday greeting boys smiley - biggrin I was touched. smiley - wah I love you all smiley - love, except Alistair who seems to think that I am collecting my pension.

I'm glad I came back. I missed you all so much...I really do love you guys smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love...except Alistair.

I would invite you all around for jelly, ice cream and cakes plus pin the tail on the donkey, sardines and postmans knock, but I guess you will all be busy on Monday smiley - wah

Lot's of smiley - cheerssmiley - redwinesmiley - cheerssmiley - redwine

smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7438

Ali Dubya

Sorry Magster. When I said "oops" it was indicate a slip of the finger. I should have typed a 2 instead of a 4, sorry, a 6.

I hope this clears up the misunderstanding.

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7439


Thanks for that Magster! We love you too ... LOTS! smiley - love

Alistair loves you too and he only typed a wrong number ... Use me as a conduit to make up with Alistair! smiley - whistle

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7440

Ali Dubya


Can you tell Magster that it was a genuine booboo and I didn't mean to cause offence?

Thanks, mate. I love you.

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