This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7461


Which "Neo-Nazi BNP Apologist" is losing his marbles live on the web over on "!"? smiley - whistle

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7462

Pat Pending

BNP thread's still going on FLN if anyone's interested.

And if not, what shall we do for the rest of the afternoon? Suggestions?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7463


What about finding out why a certain cretin constantly refers to me as a schoolboy, says he loves me but, I suggest he's a nonce I get my BBC account deleted instantly!!?? What's going on??

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7464


bugger arse bollocks!

had enough of FLN

bye Y'all

have a good one

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7465

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I see Old Mother Mrs Whack'd didn't last long. What have I missed (I won't say what I've been doing, but it involved the telephone...)?

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7466


Bushy thanks for the gesture but all logins deleted now

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7467


VMAx was that another " Fag tea par...." erm I mean 'phone conference call'..ahem

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7468

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Might have been (the teleconf, that is)

smiley - smiley

Loved the mag cover, BTW.

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7469


Try prod a Mod pat!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7470


Good Night James

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7471


Good weekend and happy holidays to all that will be enjoying the Easter break! I'll be in me cupboard hiding from Old Mother Mrs Whack'd (see, 4 lovely days!) ...

smiley - love to all!

akira100, lovely guy!

Post 7472


see yeh Bushy baby

smiley - handbag

smiley - tit

Alistair, you are forgiven

Post 7473

The Magster

OK Alistair, as you are willing to buy a flat just so that I can stay with you, I forgive you. I love you Alistair, I always have and I always will. I could never fall out with you for very long because we are after all, soul mates. I love you. smiley - wahsmiley - wah
smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love
smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love

Alistair, you are forgiven

Post 7474


Happy Birthday for Monday Magster, and Happy whatever-else-you're-doing
this weekend to all the rest of you Pirates & Girlies smiley - rainbow

Alistair, you are forgiven

Post 7475

Ali Dubya

smiley - wahsmiley - wah

Magster, I always feel better after a good cry...

Alistair, you are forgiven

Post 7476


For goodness sake Alistair pull yourself together! Now That's not going to get you a nice flat in London for Magster to visit is it! There's loads of empty houses around - just move in and then call Changing Rooms. Sorted!

Bank Holiday Friday, but I don't work in a bank....

Post 7477

Pat Pending

Morning anyone?

Bank Holiday Friday, but I don't work in a bank....

Post 7478

Ali Dubya

Hello Pat.

Just enjoying the sunshine before tootling off for an outdoor net.

It's gorgeous down here...

Bank Holiday Friday, but I don't work in a bank....

Post 7479

Pat Pending

Excellent: I hope the weather holds until tomorrow (down to Wilts for nets and then a knees-up in the pub). Have been netting at the Oval over the winter, and had 2 outdoor nets so far: outdoors, even with the good weather, everything seems much slower and lower than indoors. So, reflexes will be red hot, but once we start matches I'll probably be through all my shots before the ball's arrived and be caught & bowled toe-ending a pull: either that, or I'll be so used to driving on the up on a true, bouncy, back-foot surface that I'll be trapped bang in front by a scuttler. Heigh-ho: enjoy the net and the weather.

Bank Holiday Friday, but I don't work in a bank....

Post 7480

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Happy smiley - smiley Easter All

and Happy Birthday Magster - for monday smiley - cake

I thought it was so sweet of Dougie to give Bushy that lovely smiley - handbag and a pretty bird smiley - tit too...

I see no one has given him anything in everyone knows the best presents are the ones you really want yourself......

So Dougie - just for you - smiley - handbag and let me give you the bird too smiley - tit

smiley - love Scarlet smiley - fairy

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