This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Weds morn ...

Post 7101

Pat Pending

Morning all, esp Pat Pen,

Today's ISP is, and weather is light sleet.

Cheese of the day is Camembert;
main course of the day is chicken in blue cheese sauce on a bed of tagliatelle;
and vitamin of the day is C.

Weds morn ...

Post 7102


Hi all and hi Kris - glad to hear Mel is safely ensconced in new place - as Ali says, you'd better go easy on him when you see him - he does have a dicky heart!

Great game of footie last night - Real Madrid a class apart. And I'll love it, JUST love it if Manure fail to win by 2 goals on the return leg, and I'll LOVE it even more if Real score first smiley - smiley

Weds morn ...

Post 7103

Ali Dubya

Hello Sarnia,

I take it you don't want Man U to win? What's happened to your sense of national pride?

It's quiet in here, isn't it?

Weds morn ...

Post 7104

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Too quiet...

Weds morn ...

Post 7105

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Weds morn ...

Post 7106

Ali Dubya

How's the day going?

Weds morn ...

Post 7107

The Magster

I rouse myself from my sick sofa (bed is a luxury) to say a weak "hello" and a request that you do not speak of food because at the moment I am on a crash diet not of my choosing. Nuff said smiley - sadface
Do you miss me? I miss feeling like a human being. Could I have some sympathy and nice male nursee to help me?

Weds morn ...

Post 7108


Whatever gave you that idea, Ali? OF COURSE I want them to win! .

Sorry to read you're not feeling too well, Magster - pour yourself a glass of something dry, white and chilled?

Weds morn ...

Post 7109

The Magster

Urrggh Sarnia, haven't drunk alcohol since Friday, I must be ill. I think this is the longest dry period I have ever had when not pregnant. I was rather pleased about the Manu result last night too, cheered me up for about 10 mins.

Weds morn ...

Post 7110


You MUST be ill, Magster. I can't actually remember my last "dry period" as I used to have the odd glass of wine when pregnant. That is odd being an odd number - usually had one glass a day, not two - that would be even!

Glad the Moan U result cheered you up - did you catch Ruud van Fallover's dying swan act late in the 2nd half? The sprog I was watching it with and I couldn't stop laughing!

Weds morn ...

Post 7111

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Get well soon Magster - I will have a smiley - redwine for you - does that feel better?

I am assembling a plat de all the suggested items of the jour for the last week.........mmmmmmm

I think you might have to join you on the sofa after that smiley - biggrin

Weds morn ...

Post 7112

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Chin up! Going "dry" - the very thought!

Try Doctor V Max's patented cure-all, vodka and aspirins. Well, after an hour you can't remember what was supposed to be wrong with you!

Weds morn ...

Post 7113

Ali Dubya

Alternatively, take vast amounts of drugs, but we don't condone that sort of behaviour do we, kids?

Weds morn ...

Post 7114

Pat Pending

Absolutely not.

Weds morn ...

Post 7115

The Magster

Thank you all for your kind thoughts smiley - smiley I have just been tempted with typical invalid food, poached egg and toast. Managed a morsel or three. Still cannot get me head around the thought of alcohol though. I cannot remember the last time I was this sober. Unnerving. Is the world always this grey when not tinged with alcohol?
CG, I have made room on the sofa for you girl but try not to breathe the alcohol fumes in my direction. Maybe this is my time to get sober for life....hmmm....
Sarnia, RvN should dive in the olympics, he's very good at it and sooo graceful. He should be careful next time they're culling the old time birds.

Weds morn ...

Post 7116

Pat Pending

I do hope no-one's gone home without saying goodbye?

Weds morn ...

Post 7117

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Absolutely not PP!

Weds morn ...

Post 7118

Pat Pending

Excellent SW.

Not being a techie, I don't know how better to put this: but, has anyone just had MC-H 'go all funny' on them?

Weds morn ...

Post 7119

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Yes PP things go all funny on me more often than I think decent - and MC did go quite queer this evening - maybe due to a visit from the Deeply Dougie one - Dippy or what?

Weds morn ...

Post 7120


Well you know me, I'm not one to gossip, but you should have seen what CG and Pat were doing last night on MC-H. Honestly, I didn't know where to look! I mean - it was ALL so educational!

Horoscopes for tomorrow:

Gemini: watch out! They ARE out to get you!

Taurus: I really wouldn't do that, if I were you

Aries: Get that washing done NOW, you slut

Scorpio: My place. Usual time, usual pack-drill.

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