This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Fry Day morn ...

Post 7161

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Morning all,

Dish of the day is spam fritters with Golden Shred on the side.

After that smiley - ill I think I shall have a little lie down on the Magsters sofa.

Fry Day morn ...

Post 7162

Pat Pending

Morning everyone (esp Pat Pen),

Ink of the day is green, architectural style of the day is Gothic, and contemporary composer of the day is Nyman.

Thanks for the horoscopes hazel: don't stay away too long, we're missing you already.

Fry Day morn ...

Post 7163

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all (esp, well, all really),

A dismal, overcast day in east Essex, following on from yesterday's hailstones. smiley - yuk

Today's roast is "Longpig" and the suspension component of choice is the McPherson Strut.

Thurs morn ...

Post 7164


Morning all,

Thanks for horoscope Hazel. I'll be ok thanks as I make sure I purchase MUTE vegetables.

I shan't be around much either - bratlings break up for Easter in half an hour and in a few days I'll be jetting off to the sun (self-propelled if Hazel's horoscope is accurate).

Thurs morn ...

Post 7165

Ali Dubya

'Libra: One day your beauty, wit, charm and intelligence will reap the rewards you truly deserve. Sadly, today is not that day.'

Hazel, how did you know? Uncanny.

Morning no one (apart from Sarnia, Chelsea, Hazel and Magster).

Thurs morn ...

Post 7166

Pat Pending

You sexist pig

Thurs morn ...

Post 7167

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I saw this and thought Bushy might appreciate it (or not!)...

Saddam has released a video in which he says "To prove I'm still alive, Leeds United were rubbish last night".
But British Intelligence said it could have been recorded any time over the last year!

Boom, and indeed, boom!

Thurs morn ...

Post 7168

Ali Dubya


Don't know if you're interested or if you've seen it but I've found a superb session by Peter Gabriel and Elizabeth Fraser from 'Later...' on the web, playing a track from 'Ovo'. It's excellent; so good that I think our Liz is almost reduced to tears at the end.

I'll give you the hyderdyperlink thingy if you haven't seen it:

Friday arvo...

Post 7169

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Dodging a passing ball of tumble-weed I'll wish you all a good weekend. Would the last one out turn off the light, please !

Friday arvo...

Post 7170

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Nearly forgot, I've got a contact in the states for my new contract and her name is - Buffie ! Really !


Friday arvo...

Post 7171


I hope you're having a good weekend whilst I'm writing this, V Max.

Friday arvo...

Post 7172

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hello Becks, and welcome. I just popped on-line to take a look at some car-hire details and popped into h2g2 in passing. I see from your home page you're an MC-H and R5L lurker, you should just join in and have a laugh, esp on MC-H. Beware of Pat Pen and Bushwhack'd, they'll have your wallet away if you aren't careful. smiley - biggrin

Friday arvo...

Post 7173


hi pete you charmer smiley - cuddle

i havent forgotten our date - just hanging on till th weather is warm enough to lurk and gambol in the woods lol.

hope you are enjoying yurself - i saw a motorbike with a wheelchair inside it yesterday - blew me away. smiley - smiley

big smiley - love kris smiley - rose

Sunday arvo and IJ !

Post 7174

The Magster

Well whilst the boys were playing happy families this weekend, I managed to get a response out of IJ re the Rachel Corrie faux pas. You will find it all under a thread called "unanswered questions" which I think was put up just for Bushy smiley - smiley Should said explanation get pulled, here it is:

re: unanswered questions ian johnston - 4242nd post - 12 Apr 2003 17:10
ms magster ...due to your inablity to fiond the post to which i eferred, i copied and pasted it for you.
i invited you to read look for the work it out, and then apologise.

i think you will agree that the post ios not from me, but another poster.

i think you will agree that it was to that same poster that the message which you claim offended you was sent.

i think if you look closely you will see that the poster has used her own name in signing off at the end of it.

i think you will see that my reference to "rachel", in the light of a number of other postings to that contributor was entirely justified.

on at least one of these other postings, other humorous mentions were made regarding "rachel"

you should now understand that the "rachel" to whom i referred was NOT the rachel whom you took me to mean!

you may also understand that as i was not aware of how many others knew the real name of that poster, or if she wanted them to know, i was unwilling to go into any detail during the original witchunt!

you will recall that i told you there were matters about which you did not know which justified that posting, but in spite of that you chose to continue, did your colleagues

you may wish to make them aware that as "rachel" has been "outed", the matter has been explained

ps...i hope you are feeling better....but i doubt if this post will help! :&gtsmiley - winkeye [reply] [Alert A Moderator]

And there you have it! I did make a suitable response on Saturday but I have yet to doubt i will.

Thought you might all be interested.

Hope you all had lovely weekends. Question for Bushy: are a part time mod at weekends? Me and Loulou had a lovely little thread going all about you and it got pulled, no reason given. LLB reckons she has you sussed on this one...see AF...if it survives smiley - whistle

Monday, Monday

Post 7175


Morning all

Today I am mostly scanning holiday pics onto my computer and doing Robin Williams in One Hour Photo impressions.

....So I am making my apologies for h2g2 non-involvement right now and then leaving the tent.

I may be some time...

smiley - cheers

Monday moonin'

Post 7176


Moonin' All! Chipper?

Magster, what are you on about? Are you suggesting I am Mod? What shall I do for encore I wonder? Set fire to a hospital perhaps? No, I'm not a Mod nor do I have a position as part-time weekend Noddyrator although I have had recent correspondence from them actually explaining why they delete so much of my stuff, which was fairly reasonable of them for a change I thought!

louloubelle is bonkers! Don't listen to her ...

This weekend I was mostly back to being disappointed at Elland Road but I pity Spurtz fans, time wasting straight from second-half kick-off??? I'll take a jigsaw next time Spurtz are playing I think?

Aside from football a good weekend was had by all and I actually managed to submit a TMA (Tutor Marked Assignment) before a deadline... Shock, horror!!

Today's soup is vegetable and now the weather. Well, it's turned cooler with scattered high cloud and easterly breeze. Strong chance of rain later today and staying cool. 7 Celcius. Outlook is continuing unsettled weather with persistent showers.

Monday moonin'

Post 7177

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

I had a good weekend with mini-me, although he has a cold. Question: How do you get a sprog who's just entering the "terrible twos" to let you wipe his nose without provoking a tantrum? Anyone know? I mean, he doesn't throw a wobbler when I wipe his @rse...!

Cool, clear and dry in east Essex today.

Herb of the day is Parsley (it livens up mashed spuds a treat).

Monday moonin'

Post 7178


V Max, put large bag on said thingy's head and then you won't have to bother? Alternatively, have it adopted?

Do I win £5?

Monday moonin'

Post 7179

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Errr, no! You wait mate, one day you'll be the one trying to wipe a slick of snot off the face of a screaming, fighting sprog, in a packed Argos, on a Saturday afternoon. Only then will you truely know the meaning of hell!

Monday moonin'

Post 7180


Forget that for a game of soldiers V Max! Kiddie-winks ain't for me I'm afraid, I'm way too selfish for all that nonsense ... I have done my bit for matters, pro-creation, when I was a student! £8 a go too ... smiley - winkeye

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