This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7221

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Can a girlie ask advice during this blokey chat moment?

As a driver of a Audi A4 Avant - 5 years old (R reg), 60,000+ miles now on clock, have I missed my window of opportunity to trade in? In better days I used to trade in my car every other year on the advice of my pa - but I think it is wasteful (not to mention completely ridiculous!). I am thinking that I should now drive it into the ground and start afresh when it starts costing me too much in repairs or becomes unreliable.

What do you think?

smiley - fairy

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7222

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


IMHO a 5 year old Audi with just 60K (12K/Year) is probably worth checking for a trade-in, esp. if it has a FSH, but could also be worth holding onto as they are pretty bullet-proof.. If you must trade up, maybe look for something 1 year old-ish, which has done the bulk of it's depreciation, as a cost-effective replacement. Ex-fleet/Hire can be a good bet. If you don't care about image/driver fun then a high spec Vauxhall Vectra might be worth a look (horrid dealers, though!)

I'll get me camel-hair coat...

BTW - AUDI = Auto Union Deutsche Industries = A major supplier to the Wehrmacht, SS, Nazi party etc... Still want to buy one, Bushy? S'true....

I'll get me jackboots...

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7223

Pat Pending


Drive the b*stard thing into the ground I say.

Morning all. Must w**k: catch y'all later.

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7224


Mornin' All! (esp. any smiley - tit's that are looking in ...) Chipper?

Weather - warm
Vegetable - Leek
Woodland Creature - Squiggle

Busy at w**k!! Carry on ...

V Max,

AUDI? Sure ... Doesn't bother me too much! I think that most, if not all, of the German industry serviced the Nazi government didn't it? Isn't that what happens? Big corporations service whomever forms a government? I would not buy one if Audi were supporting Nazi governments now!

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7225

Ali Dubya

Morning all (especially not Pat Pen),

Kettley/chives/15 Celsius and gorgeous/Harvest Crunch.

Today's words of wisdom: "It started with a kiss/I never thought it would come to this.'

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7226

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

Weather - overcast & cool,
Vegetable - cabbage,
Woodland Creature - Badger.


True, just wondered if you knew that AUDI is the old Auto Union, probably most famous for their pre-war racing cars. But yes, Porsche made tanks, BMW made aero-engines, VW made trucks etc...

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7227

Pat Pending

Oh, the conversation suddenly springs into life when Bushy (who called me a smiley - tit yesterday) turns up, and then AW says morning to everyone except me, I see.

Right, that's it then: time for a little paddy fit: I shall be stamoping my feet, and retiring from the Message Boards and this thread for 10 minutes: don't try to stop me, my mind is made up. You're all b*stards, and I don't need the aggro.

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7228

Ali Dubya

V Max,

What did Skoda make?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7229

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Tanks and artillery pieces. Many of the tank chassis were appropriated by the Germans and converted to self-propelled guns.


Come back, we need you!

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7230

Pat Pending

OK, you're all forgiven.

This place needs livening up: any recomendations re decor Bushy (with your interest in shoes, you must also be in to makeovers and interior design, surely?)?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7231

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Something frilly, in pink? Lavendar lace doilies?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7232

Pat Pending

I suspect Bushy will advise something involving a rose stencil and dado rails.

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7233

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Do you think he has those antimaccasar thingies on the back of his armchairs, like my mum does?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7234

Pat Pending

Bound to, and lots of china figurines of ballerinas on his mantlepiece.

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7235


I quite like Art Decor stuff but would normally employ the services of an "Interior Designer" to do this type of w**k! Is that any use?

Still busy at w**k, can you believe it?

Yaris update(2) : It has no 'climate control'!!! I'm sweating me knob off here ...

johnston update!!

Post 7236


Little mr johnston gets a monumental kick in the pants over on "".

Is it me or this dude accusing me of what we've all spent the last year accusing him of? smiley - whistle

johnston update!!

Post 7237

Pat Pending

You've sussed it Bushy: that's what his reference to 'where's Tim Richens now' is about.

johnston update!!

Post 7238

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Where? I can't see anything on "AF..."

johnston update!!

Post 7239


My messages take ages to appear, come back in 15 V Max!

johnston update!!

Post 7240

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

30 minutes and still nowt - or has it been DING'd already?

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