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johnston update!!

Post 7261


see your posts been binned again Bushy Baby-tut,tut,

johnston update!!

Post 7262


Mornin' All (esp. Mrs Pen smiley - whistle) Chipper?

Weather: Warm
Vegetable: Artichoke
Chicken: Yes thanks!
Woodland Looter Gangs: Badgers/Transit Van/Hat combinations (again!)

Anyone need any help (you know? <nudge nudge&gtsmiley - winkeye with "anything"? (<wink wink&gtsmiley - winkeye ... Usual channels now open!

johnston update!!

Post 7263


Mornin' All

Bushy - got that reference about proof that homeopathy works from my files in my 'ouse 'up north last weekend - haven't been arsed typing it in yet (too many big words n'stuff) will post soon

also did anyone see this post from Saddo Doug Deep yesterday - think we know why he's in the BNP now:

re: After WW2 doug deep - 2421st post - 15 Apr 2003 12:29
George-you say that to someone whose been on a Council Housing list for years.Then they see an Asylum Seeker getting a house before them.Do you call that intergration!

johnston update!!

Post 7264


LO Brad! How are you mate?

I've e-mythered you ...

johnston update!!

Post 7265

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


So you've bothered to drop in! Got bored hanging round with your poncey new friends, eh? How's James "dry-roast PNAC" Moore, anyway?

johnston update!!

Post 7266

Pat Pending

'I've e-mythered you'

What sort of poncey talk is that? I'm getting a bit sick of all this faux-mateyness here and then back stabbing on the MB: why don't you go and boil yer ugly head?

johnston update!!

Post 7267

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


What the hell does "e-mythered" mean anyway? This sort of kiddie's talk gets on my smiley - titsmiley - tit frankly! He'll be doing that SMS "L O m8" cr@p next. Honestly, young people these days...

johnston update!!

Post 7268


VMAx what's wrong with a bit of PNAC - I'm the only one here bothering to post about it - some help your giving!

I thought we were backing each other up

all you lot do is ponce around on AF!

johnston update!!

Post 7269


Those two starry-eyed lovers spend all their time posting messages to various wimmin int he hope they may get a sniff!!

Justen to the pair sad twerps, "faux mateyness"??? What the flupp does that mean Pen you big ponce? I'm also sick of sycophantic V Max sliming his way around the h2g2 system then attacking Brad the first time he shows his face... GIMPS!!

johnston update!!

Post 7270

Ali Dubya

Sod off you bunch of w**kers.

smiley - biggrin

johnston update!!

Post 7271


...ponce around on "" and make complete idiots of themselves over on "MC-H" don't forget Brad! The MC-H'ers like having pets I see?

johnston update!!

Post 7272


Oh yeah that's all we afraid of seeing isn't it?

Alistair "tiny brain" W logging in to check his ego!!


johnston update!!

Post 7273

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Sycophant??? That's rich from a Brad Slovan (Zak Slovak) and Dr Strangegloves (Dr Strangehats) wannabe!!! Who's reflected glory are you planning to bask in next? You'll probably be posting as "Chelsea Boy" next!

And you can leave the ladies out of this, yer great big back-tickler...

johnston update!!

Post 7274


well I wasn't going to mention that but it is obvious Pat - and a bit sad

johnston update!!

Post 7275


...Oh of course I wouldn't want to interrupt any of your cultivating activities would I now V Minimum?

Shall I bask in your reflective glory V Minimum? But of course there isn't any is there ... There's more reflective glory coming off the Dark Side of the moon that your pathetic attempts to impress!

johnston update!!

Post 7276

Ali Dubya

I'd rather have a 'tiny brain' than a tiny tadger Wacko!


johnston update!!

Post 7277

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Take no notice. They're northerners, and therefore quite ignorant. Probably still keep coal in the bath, and only identify soap after half a dozen guesses...

johnston update!!

Post 7278


one thing I notice about going up north every so often, a least you no what's what, none of this shady drinking lady boy t*ating about

johnston update!!

Post 7279

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

//going up north every so often//

What, can't get a friend to feed your ferrets for you then? Or do you just miss the pigeon racing?

johnston update!!

Post 7280

Pat Pending

If the north is so bloody great, how come so many of you half-wits come winging it down here and then complaining when a pint of decent beer costs more than thrupence ha'penny? Want the good life without having to pay for it do you girls?

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