This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

johnston update!!

Post 7241

Ali Dubya

Hello all. Another (now) rare foray to the boards and I find this on TS:

're: breakfast news John Jones - 49th post - 15 Apr 2003 13:57
I beleive that if you look at the facts suurounding the Rachel Corrie incident, she deliberately put herself into a dangerouus position out of site of the bulldozer operator. She also ignored loud speaker warnings and even wore ear muffs.
She got what was coming to her. [reply] [Alert A Moderator]'

I think my theory holds water.

johnston update!!

Post 7242


No, it's there V Max!

In reply to "mr jobston" smiley - whistle under the "Just wondering" thread ...

Alistair are you suggesting this John character is ian johnston?

johnston update!!

Post 7243

Ali Dubya

smiley - whistle

johnston update!!

Post 7244

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Got it. He certainly claims to know a lot about carpark attendants, doesn't he...

johnston update!!

Post 7245


Shall I announce this fact? smiley - whistle

johnston update!!

Post 7246


V Max,

He's a nitwit isn't he? And his ugly emaciated mut sneaking along behind him isn't much better!

johnston update!!

Post 7247



smiley - whistle even ...

johnston update!!

Post 7248

Ali Dubya

Wassat, Bushy? The JJ/IJ connection or IJ's knowledge of carpark attendants?

johnston update!!

Post 7249


ij/JJ connection ...

johnston update!!

Post 7250

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


It would be only right and proper, after all...

johnston update!!

Post 7251

Ali Dubya

You wouldn't do that now, would you, Bushy?

There is substantial circumstantial evidence, although the Rachel Corrie post has been ding'd, more's the pity.

johnston update!!

Post 7252


It's Alistairs call but I can just see the steam coming out of johnston's ears if I posted this ...

TITLE: Duplicate johnston Shock!

Are John Jones and ian johnston the same poster?

Is the hand of ian johnston up the bottom of puppet character, John Jones, so to speak?

We have proof that it is, so 'fess up now Mr johnston and then get stuck into that large slice of "Humble Pie" after all of the now scurrilous posturing you have been doing about utilising multiple accounts!

Mr johnston, I expect a *full* Message Board apology for my attention from you, first thing in the morning when I get into work! Thank you.

smiley - whistle

johnston update!!

Post 7253

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

smiley - biggrin

johnston update!!

Post 7254

Ali Dubya

You troublemaker, you.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

johnston update!!

Post 7255

Pat Pending

smiley - biggrin [and while you're @it, check yer myther]

johnston update!!

Post 7256

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Was that "check your" comment just for Ali? (I have no mail from you).

johnston update!!

Post 7257

Ali Dubya

Myther? Where?

johnston update!!

Post 7258

Ali Dubya

Has it taken you 48 minutes to proof-read it?

johnston update!!

Post 7259


Well i see your off school Bushy Baby-H.ll and you found your way down stairs..Mummy will be Cross!

johnston update!!

Post 7260

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

Bright, warm and lovely today. And so's the weather!

major hayfever outbreak, though.

Briefly: Buttered toast, edam, Ulrika-ka-ka, The Offspring and "persnickerty".

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