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Scores on the doors so far, after lunchtime excursion?

Post 7201


Bushwhack'd + Yaris 0
T*sspot + 156 that normally gets a pasting from me along the by-pass 1

D'Oh!! I'll have to figure out another way to the boozer now I think?

Pat Pen...

Post 7202

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


An Audi TT? Are you, by any chance, a hairdresser?

smiley - smiley

Pat Pen...

Post 7203


Why do you want your lovely locks cropping you long-haired layabout?

Pat Pen...

Post 7204

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I see GoGB's "dope" thread has gone on "AF..." I was surprised it stayed so long.

Pat Pen...

Post 7205


Yeah me too... mind you, these days? So what if a geezer wants a few tips on growing his own dope!!

So what's wrong with a TT then V Max? My mates got one and it's like a rocket, corners like it's on rails (bit boring I know!) and never goes wrong ... Have you got some insider information?

Pat Pen...

Post 7206

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Very nice motor, truth be told. However, they had a serious safety recall a while back (I think they all now have a spoiler fitted as a result). But not quite the car I pictured you in - like I said it's got a bit of a hairdresser's car image. IMHO it's also a bit pricey.

Wouldn't you prefer a Honda Civic Type-R, Mitsubishi Evo VII or Subaru Impreza WRX STi ? All a bit more "manly" and absolutely insane!

Pat Pen...

Post 7207


I like the Subaru but it looks too much like a rally car (don't think MD would be too chuffed with that?), not keen on the Honda or the Mitsubishi (Bit small as well?!). Toyota has put me off Japanese cars although the new Honda Accord has the smoothest power delivery I've ever experienced in a car ... You can accelarate anywhere from 3K right through to 9/10K (massive power band) and it just keeps going ... Not insane enough though?

What about an A4 Quattro/Turbo Sport?

The TT is a bit "common" I admit and is getting to be the "BMW 318i" of today but it's very well engineered (I didn't know about the re-call I have to admit!), handles well, looks ok and goes like a rocket! I am biased as well because I have driven both mine and one of those on a track and there's no comparison! The TT thrashed mine, easy!

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7208

Pat Pending

My K reg Fiat Tipo TDSX needs new brake pads front and back, new shocks somewhere, and something with the electrics is Kerryed.

The problem is, I only use it during the summer: between Sept and Apr it does absolutely nothing except deteriorate.

Bloody expensive job owning cars.

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7209


Pat, get a company car, they're FREE!!

V Max, what do you think of RS6? smiley - whistle

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7210

Ali Dubya

I think it's pants, personally speaking for myself in my opinion.

What is it? A Skoda?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7211

Pat Pending

Isn't RS6 an Inland Revenue concession document?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7212

Ali Dubya

No, it's how David Essex's brother, Richard, signs his name.


Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7213


An RS6 is Audi's version of a "raging bull" ... On wheels!

It's £57,000 worth of pure power, 450 bhp twin-turbo, sodium cooled double overhead cam nutter bar steward! You have to be completely hatstand to drive one and also have more money than sense! It will thrash the aspinall's off almost anything else around ... Sounds right up my street so can anyone lend me the other £56,995 I need to buy one?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7214


An RS6 is Audi's version of a "raging bull" ... On wheels!

It's £57,000 worth of pure power, 450 bhp twin-turbo, sodium cooled double overhead cam nutter bar steward! You have to be completely hatstand to drive one and also have more money than sense! It will thrash the aspinall's off almost anything else around ... Sounds right up my street so can anyone lend me the other £56,990 I need to buy one?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7215

Pat Pending

Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.Blimey Bushy, it must be good for you to get overexcited enough to double post.

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7216


Pat Pen? smiley - tit?



Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7217

Pat Pending

smiley - tit, and proud of it.

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7218

Ali Dubya

Did you get my joke about David Essex's brother or was it too soffistickated for you?

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7219

Pat Pending

I got it AW, but I didn't know for whom to be more embarassed: you for making it or me for getting it!

Cars? Pah, b*llox to all of them

Post 7220

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Phew, flippin conference calls, taking up my time. And why can't the yanks work the same hours as us, it's just so inconvenient!

Later all!

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