This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

johnston update!!

Post 7301

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Brad only ever "posts and runs", I've noticed. He'll probably re-appear as someone else in a minute. Mind you, "Brad" and Bushwhack'd are a bit similar, aren't they? Both thick northerners, both sad communists, both unemployed, both highly self-opinionated... I think they're the same person. Some saddo, sat in a council flat in Bingley, typing with one hand and enjoying a hand shandy as he goes...

johnston update!!

Post 7302


Brad, have you noticed they are taking longer and longer to type any replies... Mind you it is quite difficult to type when your eyes are stung with tears isn't it? Poor lambies!!


johnston update!!

Post 7303

Pat Pending

Couldn't find his @rse cos there's too many shoes in the way. Why don't you just queen down to 'Harvey Nicks' BushMod and leave us alone? Haven't you got some posts to be pulling over on the MBs?

johnston update!!

Post 7304



says Ali - the poster from MC-H - the lace doily of the BBC message boards

johnston update!!

Post 7305


V Lax, has AW got "BIG EARS"?

When you walk, you sound like a childs bike!

johnston update!!

Post 7306

Pat Pending

Why don't you 2 p8ss off to the 'Sexual health' board? They're probably talking about naughty stuff there, and you'll get to use your jizz rags sooner.

johnston update!!

Post 7307


You're one to mention "pulling" Pen!!

You're a veritable champion at "pulling" aren't you? Why did you send a picture of your knob to Reader's Wives by the way you self-obsessed "ragular poster" ... If ian johnston works in the car park at Buyrite you must be his understudy!

johnston update!!

Post 7308


"jizz" ... coming from you, the man that has to logoff every 10 mins, for "clean-up Kleenex" breaks that's really funny!

johnston update!!

Post 7309


ha ha "big ears"

nice one Bushy

johnston update!!

Post 7310

Pat Pending

At least mine's big enough to show up in a photo: what did your (fictional, I'll bet) missus do? Just send a full length picture of you entitled 'My Knob'?

johnston update!!

Post 7311


...And your misses just photographed "her" own REAL knob I suppose Pen?

johnston update!!

Post 7312

Pat Pending

"ha ha "big ears"
nice one Bushy"

Is that the best you can do, stand around congratulating another numpty on his pointless existence? It'll be 'hear hear, good shot' in a minute. Ever had an original thought (or can't you afford one), or do you just ride around on other people's coattails?

johnston update!!

Post 7313

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


The tears in my eyes are due to reading your risible drivel, and that of your clone, Sad Slovan. You should try going out and meeting some women. Not northern ones, though (You can spot them at a distance - they're the ones with moustaches). The problem is, if you try to chat up a proper, southern bird:

1) She'll laugh at your clothes

2) She'll laugh at your gormless accent

3) When you can't afford to buy a drink, she'll laugh at your poverty.

Anyway, why would I be working on a science project - I let idiots like you toil away for the minimum wage to do that sort of stuff for me.

johnston update!!

Post 7314

Pat Pending

At least we're not wondering around going 'no, don't take a photo of me, it'll steal my soul'.

Seeing as you can't read or write, who's doing your typing? Or is it just the special voices in your pumpkin head?

johnston update!!

Post 7315


Pat Pending gets accused to never writing anything original and comes steaming back with ... an accusation of never being original!

You're too thick words!!

Thick Pat McClot strikes again ... Bravo!

johnston update!!

Post 7316

Pat Pending

What's the matter smiley - titwhack'd? Use up all the words you know have you? I've got plenty left: you can borrow some if you like. How about prat, git, grim, clueless, gimp to start with?

johnston update!!

Post 7317

Pat Pending

Sorry Knobstrok'd: I forgot 'Irony' hadn't reached the North yet (something to with it having 3 sylabbles I think). smiley - tit

johnston update!!

Post 7318

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


You don't need to lend him anything. He's a northerner after all. He'll just go out and steal some.

johnston update!!

Post 7319


isn't it time you 3 trotted off to some girly posters for an ego rub ?

with your little pink bag of effeminate coy innuendo

or perhaps you only have the courage virtually, I bet you'vee got more plum in your voice than Sainsburys

you wouldn't know what to do with a real one if you ever had the balls to meet one - you'd face them the wrong way round for a start

johnston update!!

Post 7320


I'd sooner laughed at me accent that the fuppin' bell on me hat V Minus!

Minimum wage? Well you're the expert there aren't you? Don't tell you are on another "conference" call now to the States!

Here is your typical w**king day:

4:00am Wake up set off for w**k!
4:15am Go back to house take off night gown and cap and get shower
4:16am Put on "Noddy Outfit" and tip-toe past sleeping Misses and 10 kids in same room but wake them up with constant ringing anyway.

4:20am Get in car and "toot" horn on way to w**k early to miss traffic.
4:25am Get stuck in traffic jam
7:05am Get to w**k and begin "conference" call to States.
9:30pm Leave office and get stuck in traffic jam.
1:12am Notice loads of rain-coated men, some with video cameras waving to your Misses and wonder who they are again outside your dustbin.
1:13am Go to bed
1:14am Get up, take off Noddy outfit and put on Night gown and cap, sleep ...

Admit it V Minus, that's the truth isn't it?

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