This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Weds morn ...

Post 7121


Morning All (esp. Pat Pen, things still "funny"?) (esp. Sarnia - there was a place called Sarnia,Canada on the Meridian News last night!) (esp. kris. Hello kris!) (and anybody else who knows me...)

Weather - It's snoooowing in Reading!! (Welcome to Spring, folks. Bring those tiny flowers back in)

Word of the day is...."wranglands" - 'Misgrown trees that will never prove timber' (Thomas Blount's Glossographia 1656)

Taste of the day is peppermint and marmite (together, obviously)

Song of the day is "Roll With It" by Oasis. The song is about a man in a restaurant who wants something breadlike to go with his soup - apparently.

smiley - cheers

Weds morn ...

Post 7122


Hi all,

I've heard of this Sarnia in Canada, Peter. Sarnia is the roman name for Guernsey and I expect the place in Canada was named after it.

Snow? No snow here but much cooler - I def. won't be going topless today.

Hazel, your horoscopes were short by eight! Where's the forecast for Sagittarius? Actually, I think I know it ...

SAGITTARIUS - Only 4 months to go until it's time to put the Christmas Sprouts on to boil.

Weds morn ...

Post 7123

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all,

I've checked mine too - VIRGO: Today something deeply unpleasant will drop through your letterbox.

I wonder what it could be? Maybe it's the A4 plastic-wrapped package marked "Inland Revenue - Open Immediately" laying on the door-mat...


Thurs morn ...

Post 7124


G'Night Pat Pen, that's me done for the Wednesday ... smiley - whistle

Mornin' All! (esp. Pat Pen!) Chipper?

Wotcha peter, ya roister doister! How's it going mate?

I had an e-myther form the Noddys yesterday explaining why they squashed my posts and my acocunts! Still not especially chipper about it but at least they took the trouble to reply this time. Which is nice? Sorry, I'm boring myself now ...

Today's vegetable is leek and today's woodland creatures are a gang of badgers last seen driving a transit van, painted in Aircraft Carrier grey, toward a hat conference and now the weather. Well it's sunny and mild up here in t'North so tough luck you 'Sahven' Shandy-drinkers 'cos you're all nithered! Sunny, mild turning colder and wetter.

As the long raincoat said to the jacket, I'll be mac!

Weds morn ...

Post 7125

Pat Pending

Morning all,

Hazel: can we make your pithy and amusing horoscopes a daily feature, like Bushy's (invariably wrong) weather forecasts? And can we have Aquarius please?

Thurs morn ...

Post 7126


Before I am deleted from h2g2 ... "IT WAS A TYPO!! HONEST"

Call PP, quick!

Weds morn ...

Post 7127



smiley - whistle

Ahem! I'm Arachnid wysiwyger, so can I have mine as well please?

Thurs morn ...

Post 7128

Pat Pending

Don't worry Bushy: I'm already looking up the 'innocent misuse' defence for 'acocunts'.

Thurs morn ...

Post 7129


I'm saying nowt 'til you get here ...

Thurs morn ...

Post 7130

Pat Pending

Keep completely schtumm. The last thing we want is you opening your mouth meaning to say: 'Sorry dear Miss Moderator, I'm terribly apologetic and won't do it again', and the words 'Feck off Numpty' coming out.

Thurs morn ...

Post 7131

Ali Dubya

'Wood calling message boarders! Wood calling message boarders!'

'Red Fox will be at the agreed RV at 13:30 hours."

Morning. Can't stay long. Can't say much. Cold; snow; -15 Celsius; brrrrr!; Philip Avery; Cos lettuce; Honey Nut Shredded Wheat.

I hope I make myself clear.

'Wood signing out.'

Thurs morn ...

Post 7132


"Dear Miss Moderator, fancy a s**g?"

"No? Well, any chance you could just lie down while I have one?"

smiley - doh

Thurs morn ...

Post 7133


Quick! Burn 'im ...

Thurs morn ...

Post 7134


"this man is a disgrace, has shown himself to be ignorant, rude, arogant, and just plain WRONG!" - no egg on face...there is now! ian johnston - 4146th post - 10 Apr 2003 09:08

Allow the delicious irony to gentle lap around your senses as ian johnston launches another risible tirade yet could so easily be mistaken for offering yet another verbal self-portrait ... What a smiley - tit!!

Thurs morn ...

Post 7135

Pat Pending

smiley - musicalnote"All gone quiet over here,
Yes it's all gone quiet over here,
Yes it's all gone quiet,
All gone quiet,
All gone quiet over here".smiley - musicalnote

Thurs morn ...

Post 7136

Ali Dubya

Ground Control to Major Tom...

Ground Control to Major Tom...

Pat, have you ever heard This Mortal Coil or is that not your cup of fish?

Thurs morn ...

Post 7137

Pat Pending

Have heard them, and think they probably are my kettle of tea: but for some reason, never really got into them: just happens sometimes.

smiley - musicalnote "Is there anybody out there?"smiley - musicalnote

Thurs morn ...

Post 7138

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Just taking a break from this contract malarky. Is everybody currently really busy, or is there a more sinister reason for the lack of postings everywhere?

Anyone like old U.S. rockers Cheap Trick? Never that big in the U.K. but massive sellers world-wide and still going...

Thurs morn ...

Post 7139

Ali Dubya

V Max - No, I'm not but I know their work. Are they still going?

Pat - Do you like the Cocteaus?

Thurs morn ...

Post 7140

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Still going with the original line-up, I saw them live last year. Most excellent, but then I would say that as I've got every album back to 1977(?).

OK, more up to date - Anyone like:

Bowling for Soup,
New Found Glory,
Green Day,
Queens of the Stone Age,
Linkin Park,
System of a Down?

(Notice any pattern emerging? smiley - smiley )

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