This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Tues morn ...

Post 7081

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


It's hard work getting a straight answer, even internally, sometimes! Strange corporate culture, very "American".

I am just kicking off a new project (hence also haven't been around much), in a slightly more senior position to my usual one (not hard!), but it's states-led so I don't know how much I'll be expected to do. Probably loads!

BTW - We're all terribly sorry about LINUX and OS/2 - it won't happen again, honest! smiley - whistle

Tues morn ...

Post 7082


Not sure if Linus Torvalds and the 000's of p*ssed-off Microsoft users/programmers that developed it on-line would appreciate IBM taking the credit for their O/S? Linux arrived because we all hated Microsoft, wanted to use PC's and grew up with UNIX! OS/2 is a joke along with AIX! AS/400 isn't bad but blimey it's slow ...

Take a de-merit and write "IBM is total shite and I will never use again nor even mention!" a googolplex of times please. Let me know when you've finished!

smiley - whistle

Tues morn ...

Post 7083

Pat Pending

Anyone else understand what the yellow rubbery f*ck is being discussed here?

Tues morn ...

Post 7084

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Should have said AIX, not LINUX - whoops! Midrange/Server O/S's and DB's are a loooong way from my areas of knowledge (obviously!).

Did you ever try OS/2 Warp? Awful! Barely compatible with itself!

Tues morn ...

Post 7085

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hello Pat,

It's just computery tosh, and Bushy setting me right after I made a smiley - tit of myself, again!

Tues morn ...

Post 7086


Nonsense V Max! You crafty ol' fox you! You're trying to catch me out with a few deliberate mistakes ...

O/S Warp??? ROFLMAO!!! Oh stop it, please ... ROFLMAO!!!

Sorry Pat! It's 'Techie Talk' this afty!

Tues morn ...

Post 7087

Ali Dubya

V Max,

Is it true that IBM had to pay royalties to Micropants for every copy of OS/2 Warp they sold?

How are those beasts the S/390s these days? They used to be the size of cathedrals.

Tues arvo ...

Post 7088

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


1) I believe that was so - I think MS got about £3.27 overall. Where you around when they gave a free copy of OS/2 Warp to any employee who wanted one? There may still be a warehouse full somewhere...

2) No idea, I've never seen one in the flesh.

Tues arvo ...

Post 7089

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

That's "Were", not "Where". Twice in one day! D'oh!

Tues arvo ...

Post 7090

Ali Dubya

I still have my copy from Christmas 1994 (?), V Max! Sadly, it remains unopened...

Tues arvo ...

Post 7091


5Live MODERATORS!!! Stupid f****** t****!!

Oh that's better ... Anyway, Orft 'ome innit?

See you (esp. Pat Pending)

Tues arvo ...

Post 7092

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


I seem to remember there were about 40 diskettes and I spent a happy couple of hours re-formatting them for more useful purposes! Happy Christmas indeed!

Tues arvo ...

Post 7093

Ali Dubya

I think I'll use my copy as a doorstop. Or maybe it would make a nice hat?

Tues arvo ...

Post 7094

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

It might make a nice bonfire...

Later, all.

Tues arvo ...

Post 7095


hey all yo sexy dudes out dere,

wiv all de chat and great big hair

oooops smiley - blush just started checking out radio one yo bro!

hey alidubs yer darlin - this bit is for you - mel is now safely esconced in his new abode with some lively lads round about to get up to mischief with. i am going up to stay in 10 days. i will be hiding my cleavage during my stay lol smiley - tongueout

smiley - love to everyone kris smiley - rose

Tues arvo ...

Post 7096

Ali Dubya

Hi Kris,

Sarnia and I were wondering how the loveable old geezer was. I heard he had landed himself a new pulling pad. Result! smiley - biggrin

Just go easy on him, Kris. Go easy on him. He's not as fit as he should be. All those fags, see.

Tues arvo ...

Post 7097


Hj Kris-Just drooped into see how your feelin'..Jeeez yeh lookin' swell just like always.Dont forget to give owld Mel,a big hug from dugs...see yeh later Kris-take care Babes @>]-- Xxxx

ps i'm just downloadin' some Pogues music bl..dy great.

Tues arvo ...

Post 7098


Good morning all (esp. kris)

Another sunny morning in paradisesmiley - rainbow

Round our way, today's groovy popstar is Justin Timberlake

The fruit of the day is the satsuma (of course)

And the sporting celebrity is Tiger Woods

Peace, love and happiness

smiley - cheers

Weds morn ...

Post 7099


Mornin' All! (esp. Pat Pen) Chipper?

Hello kris! Hope you are well smiley - smiley

Got more naffing year-end cobblers to go through today so won't be around too much!

Had a bit of fall out with the Noddyrators yesterday as well, they really do get right on my "pip-end" sometimes! Oh well, c'est la vie? Guess I can't complain too much after all the teasing of the regular "local yokels" that has gone recently? smiley - whistle

Today's cabbage will be pickled and now the weather. Continuing fine and sunny after cold start, light westerly breeze. 13 Celcius. Staying bright for the day but increasing chance of cloudy skies and scattered showers after tomorrow.

Later 'taters! smiley - run

Weds morn ...

Post 7100

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Mornin' all (esp. Krissmiley - love and Patsmiley - lovesmiley - love),

I've a choice today - read about 20 schedules to an international outsourcing contract or arse about on the boards - D'oh!

Todays dessert is warm pineapple and marmite surprise.

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